****** v0.1.1 ****** :Date: December 1, 2020 Changes since Manim Community release v0.1.0 Plugins ======= #. Provided a standardized method for plugin discoverability, creation, installation, and usage. See the :ref:`documentation `. Fixes ===== #. JsRender is optional to install. (via :pr:`697`). #. Allow importing modules from the same directory as the input file when using ``manim`` from the command line (via :pr:`724`). #. Remove some unnecessary or unpythonic methods from :class:`~.Scene` (``get_mobjects``, ``add_mobjects_among``, ``get_mobject_copies``), via :pr:`758`. #. Fix formatting of :class:`~.Code` (via :pr:`798`). Configuration ============= #. Removed the ``skip_animations`` config option and added the ``Renderer.skip_animations`` attribute instead (via :pr:`696`). #. The global ``config`` dict has been replaced by a global ``config`` instance of the new class :class:`~.ManimConfig`. This class has a dict-like API, so this should not break user code, only make it more robust. See the Configuration tutorial for details. #. Added the option to configure a directory for external assets (via :pr:`649`). Documentation ============= #. Add ``:issue:`` and ``:pr:`` directives for simplifying linking to issues and pull requests on GitHub (via :pr:`685`). #. Add a ``skip-manim`` tag for skipping the ``.. manim::`` directive when building the documentation locally (via :pr:`796`). Mobjects, Scenes, and Animations ================================ #. The ``alignment`` attribute to Tex and MathTex has been removed in favour of ``tex_environment``. #. :class:`~.Text` now uses Pango for rendering. ``PangoText`` has been removed. The old implementation is still available as a fallback as :class:`~.CairoText`. #. Variations of :class:`~.Dot` have been added as :class:`~.AnnotationDot` (a bigger dot with bolder stroke) and :class:`~.LabeledDot` (a dot containing a label). #. Scene.set_variables_as_attrs has been removed (via :pr:`692`). #. Ensure that the axes for graphs (:class:`GraphScene`) always intersect (:pr:`580`). #. Now Mobject.add_updater does not call the newly-added updater by default (use ``call_updater=True`` instead) (via :pr:`710`) #. VMobject now has methods to determine and change the direction of the points (via :pr:`647`). #. Added BraceBetweenPoints (via :pr:`693`). #. Added ArcPolygon and ArcPolygonFromArcs (via :pr:`707`). #. Added Cutout (via :pr:`760`). #. Added Mobject raise not implemented errors for dunder methods and implementations for VGroup dunder methods (via :pr:`790`). #. Added :class:`~.ManimBanner` for a animated version of our logo and banner (via :pr:`729`) #. The background color of a scene can now be changed reliably by setting, e.g., ``self.camera.background_color = RED`` (via :pr:`716`).