******* v0.14.0 ******* :Date: January 07, 2022 Contributors ============ A total of 29 people contributed to this release. People with a '+' by their names authored a patch for the first time. * Benjamin Hackl * BorisTheBrave + * Darylgolden * GameDungeon * Gergely Bencsik + * Jan-Hendrik Müller * Jihoon + * Kian Kasad + * Kiran-Raj-Dev + * Laith Bahodi * Leo Xu + * Marcin Serwin * Matt Gleich + * Naveen M K * Steven nguyen + * Vectozavr + * Viicos * citrusmunch * netwizard22 + The patches included in this release have been reviewed by the following contributors. * Benjamin Hackl * BorisTheBrave * Christopher Besch * Darylgolden * GameDungeon * Gergely Bencsik * Hugues Devimeux * Jan-Hendrik Müller * Kiran-Raj-Dev * Laith Bahodi * Leo Xu * Lucas Ricci * Marcin Serwin * Naveen M K * Raghav Goel * Ryan McCauley * Viicos * icedcoffeeee Pull requests merged ==================== A total of 29 pull requests were merged for this release. Deprecated classes and functions -------------------------------- * :pr:`2390`: Removed deprecations up to `v0.13.0` - Removed ``get_graph``, ``get_implicit_curve``, ``get_derivative_graph``, ``get_line_graph`` and ``get_parametric_curve`` in favour of their ``plot`` variants - Removed ``FullScreenFadeRectangle`` and ``PictureInPictureFrame`` - Removed ``path_arc`` parameter from :class:`~.SpinInFromNothing` - Removed ``set_submobjects`` method from ``opengl_mobject.py`` New features ------------ * :pr:`2341`: Update :class:`~.Text` to use new ``ManimPango`` color setting * :class:`~.Text` class now uses color setting introduced in ``ManimPango 0.4.0`` for color and gradient. * :pr:`2397`: Added ``label_constructor`` parameter for :class:`~.NumberLine` Allows changing the class that will be used to construct :class:`~.Axes` and :class:`~.NumberLine` labels by default. Makes it possible to easily use :class:`~.Text` for labels if needed. Enhancements ------------ * :pr:`2383`: Made :meth:`.Surface.set_fill_by_value` support gradients along different axes * :pr:`2388`: Added ``about_point`` keyword argument to :class:`~.ApplyMatrix` * :pr:`2395`: Add documentation for paths functions * :pr:`2372`: Improved :class:`~.DashedVMobject` :class:`~.DashedVMobject` used to create stretched and uneven dashes on most plotted curves. Now the dash lengths are equalized. An option is reserved to use the old method. New keyword argument: ``dash_offset``. This parameter shifts the starting point. Fixed bugs ---------- * :pr:`2409`: Fixed performance degradation by trimming empty curves from paths when calling :meth:`.VMobject.align_points` * :pr:`2392`: Fixed ``ZeroDivisionError`` in :mod:`~.mobject.three_dimensions` * :pr:`2362`: Fixed phi updater in :meth:`.ThreeDScene.begin_3dillusion_camera_rotation` Documentation-related changes ----------------------------- * :pr:`2415`: Removed instructions on using and installing Docker in README * :pr:`2414`: Made improvements to the :doc:`/guides/configuration` tutorial * :pr:`2423`: Changed recommendation to ``mactex-no-gui`` from ``mactex`` for macOS install * :pr:`2407`: Clarified docstrings of :meth:`.Mobject.animate`, :meth:`.Mobject.set` and :class:`~.Variable` * :pr:`2352`: Added Crowdin badge * :pr:`2371`: Added ``dvips`` to list of required LaTeX packages on Linux * :pr:`2403`: Improved docstring of :class:`~.ApplyMethod` and removed propagated ``__init__`` docstring * :pr:`2391`: Fixed typo in parameter name in documentation of :class:`~.NumberLine` * :pr:`2368`: Added note in Internationalization Code quality improvements and similar refactors ----------------------------------------------- * :pr:`2408`: Removed various return annotations that were stifling type inference * :pr:`2424`: Removed ``strings.py`` * :pr:`1972`: Added support for MyPy * :pr:`2410`: Fixed Flake8 * :pr:`2401`: Fixed type annotations in :mod:`.mobject.three_dimensions` * :pr:`2405`: Removed some unused OpenGL files * :pr:`2399`: Fixed type annotations in :mod:`~.mobject.table` * :pr:`2385`: Made comments in quickstart tutorial more precise * :pr:`2377`: Fixed type hint for an argument of :class:`~.MoveAlongPath` New releases ------------ * :pr:`2411`: Prepare new release, ``v0.14.0``