****** v0.3.0 ****** :Date: February 1, 2021 The changes since Manim Community release v0.2.0 are listed below. New Features ============ - :pr:`945`: :meth:`~.Graph.change_layout` method for :class:`~.Graph` mobject - :pr:`943`: IPython %%manim magic - :pr:`970`: Added ``--version`` command line flag - :pr:`948`: Allow passing a code string to :class:`~.Code` - :pr:`917`: Allow overriding new-style method animations - :pr:`756`: Allow setting frame_height and frame_width via config file - :pr:`939`: Added custom font files support - :pr:`892`: Added ManimCommunity colors - :pr:`922`: Tree layout for Graph mobject - :pr:`935`: Added code of conduct - :pr:`916`: Multi-column layout for partite graphs - :pr:`742`: Units: Pixels, Munits, Percent in :mod:`~.utils.unit` - :pr:`893`: Convenience method :meth:`~.Graph.from_networkx` for creating a graph from a networkx graph Bugfixes and Enhancements ========================= - :pr:`988`: Fix Windows CI pipeline by adding missing LaTeX package - :pr:`961`: Added typings and docs for vectorized mobjects and bezier related functions - :pr:`977`: JupyterLab docker image and documentation for manim and IPython - :pr:`985`: Fix variable name for webgl renderer - :pr:`954`: Fix edges lagging behind vertices in animations of graphs - :pr:`980`: Allow usage of custom Pygments styles in Code - :pr:`952`: Allow passing tween information to the WebGL frontend - :pr:`978`: Fix ``possible_paths`` not printing in ``code_mobject`` - :pr:`976`: Update ``ManimPango`` - :pr:`967`: Automatically import plugins - :pr:`971`: Make ManimCommunity look consistent - :pr:`957`: Raise ``NotImplementedError`` when trying to chain overridden method animations - :pr:`947`: Several fixes and improvements for :class:`~.PointCloundDot` - :pr:`923`: Documentation: move installation instructions for developers to page for developers - :pr:`964`: Added unit test for :class:`~.NumberLine`'s unit vector - :pr:`960`: Magnitude of :class:`~.NumberLine`'s unit vector should be ``unit_size``, not 1 - :pr:`958`: Fix code formatting in ``utils/debug.py`` - :pr:`953`: Update license year - :pr:`944`: Interpolate stroke opacity in :class:`~.FadeIn` and update ``stroke_opacity`` and ``fill_opacity`` in :meth:`~.VMobject.set_stroke` and :meth:`~.VMobject.set_fill` - :pr:`865`: Rename ``get_submobject_index_labels`` to ``index_labels`` - :pr:`941`: Added keyword arguments ``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max`` to :class:`~.ThreeDAxes` - :pr:`886`: Let the render progress bar show details about the rendered animation again - :pr:`936`: Fix :class:`~.BulletedList` TeX environment problem and add a typing to ``get_module`` - :pr:`938`: Remove dependency on progressbar - :pr:`937`: Change 'brew cask install' to 'brew install --cask' for CI pipeline - :pr:`933`: Make matrix work with lists again - :pr:`932`: Correctly parse ``log_dir`` option - :pr:`920`: Raise error if markup in :class:`~.MarkupText` is invalid - :pr:`929`: Raise an error if a :class:`~.Matrix` object is created with < 2-dimensional input - :pr:`907`: Make Scene.add_sound work again (when running with ``--disable_caching``) - :pr:`906`: Allow new-style method animation to be used in animation groups - :pr:`908`: Removed deprecated command line arguments from documentation - :pr:`903`: Tiny grammar improvements - :pr:`904`: Added blank line between imports and class example - :pr:`898`: CI: fix publish workflow