****** v0.4.0 ****** :Date: March 3, 2021 The changes since Manim Community release v0.3.0 are listed below. Breaking Changes ================ - :pr:`915`: Manim's SVG engine has been reworked and is able to handle a wider variations of SVG files. In particular: fill and stroke properties are now retained from the original files. Breaking change: ``VMobjectFromSVGPathstring`` is deprecated and has been renamed to ``SVGPathMobject``. New Features ============ - :pr:`1026`: Add 3D Mobjects: :class:`~.Cone`, :class:`~.Cylinder`, :class:`~.Line3D`, :class:`~.Arrow3D` and :class:`~.Torus` - :pr:`1047`: Add documentation and examples for :class:`~.Matrix` - :pr:`1044`: ``register_font`` is available for macOS - :pr:`995`: Add generic :func:`~.Mobject.set` method and compatibility layer between properties and ``get_*``/``set_*`` methods Bugfixes and Enhancements ========================= - :pr:`981`: Fixed hot reload functionality for the WebGL renderer on Windows - :pr:`1053`: Repair links to source code in stable version of documentation - :pr:`1067`: Add ManimPango to ReadTheDocs requirements - :pr:`1058`: Replace ```` syntax by Pango's ```` for coloring parts of :class:`~.MarkupText` and allow using colors for underline, overline and strikethrough in MarkupText - :pr:`1063`: Fix documentation related to ``.animate`` - :pr:`1065`: Remove duplicate word 'vector' - :pr:`1060`: Update Linux installation instructions to mention the installation of Pango - :pr:`1050`: Ensure that the user-supplied stroke color and width gets applied to :class:`~.Cross` - :pr:`1059`: More descriptive error when accessing an unhandled mobject attribute - :pr:`1048`: Use absolute path in ``make_and_open_docs.py`` - :pr:`1000`: Remove ``MovingCameraScene.setup`` and ``MovingCameraScene.camera_frame`` - :pr:`1051`: Corrections for setting stroke related attributes on :class:`~.VMobject` - :pr:`1043`: Make :class:`~.CubicBezier` explicitly accept four points - :pr:`1046`: Use any version of ``importlib-metadata`` - :pr:`1030`: Parse ``.log`` file and try to print LaTeX errors if compilation fails - :pr:`1015`: Documentation: Add more explicit instructions related to ``tlmgr`` - :pr:`1028`: Documentation: Update installation guide on mac with Apple Silicon - :pr:`1032`: Remove ``Square.side_length`` property - :pr:`1031`: Fix link to wikipedia vector graphics page - :pr:`1021`: Documentation: Added example to :class:`~.CubicBezier` - :pr:`1017`: Added ``progress_bar`` to ``digest_args`` to fix the ``--progress_bar`` CLI flag - :pr:`1018`: Remove redundancy in :class:`~.FunctionGraph` arguments - :pr:`1024`: Migrate ``width`` / ``height`` / ``depth`` to properties - :pr:`1022`: Fix ``-p`` flag when passing ``-s`` - :pr:`1008`: CI pipeline: fix release asset upload - :pr:`983`: Make sure last frame for animations with updaters is correct - :pr:`984`: Add manim version to CLI output, append version name for generated ``.gif`` and ``.png`` files, add version to metadata of rendered videos, change dark blue terminal text to default green - :pr:`993`: Fix setting Mobject color to a gradient by passing a list of colors in :meth:`~.VMobject.set_color` - :pr:`1003`: Fix animation :class:`~.GrowArrow` - :pr:`1010`: Disable STDIN interaction for ffmpeg concat. - :pr:`969`: Fix the ``--tex_template`` CLI flag - :pr:`989`: Fix the ``manim cfg export`` subcommand - :pr:`1005`: Fix the feature where ``-`` is used as the filename - :pr:`998`: Allow using hexadecimal color codes with 3 characters - :pr:`996`: Changed the message of ``manim --version`` to not include "Edition"