================== Adding Admonitions ================== Adding Blocks for Tip, Note, Important etc. (Admonitions) --------------------------------------------------------- The following directives are called Admonitions. You can use them to point out additional or important information. Here are some examples: See also ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. seealso:: Some ideas at :mod:`~.tex_mobject`, :class:`~.Mobject`, :meth:`~.Mobject.add_updater`, :attr:`~.Mobject.depth`, :func:`~.make_config_parser` .. seealso:: Some ideas at :mod:`~.tex_mobject`, :class:`~.Mobject`, :meth:`~.Mobject.add_updater`, :attr:`~.Mobject.depth`, :func:`~.make_config_parser` .. index:: reST directives; note Note ~~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. note:: A note .. note:: A note Tip ~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. tip:: A tip .. tip:: A tip You may also use the admonition **hint**, but this is very similar and **tip** is more commonly used in the documentation. Important ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. important:: Some important information which should be considered. .. important:: Some important information which should be considered. Warning ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. warning:: Some text pointing out something that people should be warned about. .. warning:: Some text pointing out something that people should be warned about. You may also use the admonitions **caution** or even **danger** if the severity of the warning must be stressed. Attention ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: rest .. attention:: A attention .. attention:: A attention You can find further information about Admonitions here: https://pradyunsg.me/furo/reference/admonitions/