
Qualified name: manim.mobject.graphing.coordinate\_systems.Axes

class Axes(x_range=None, y_range=None, x_length=12, y_length=6, axis_config=None, x_axis_config=None, y_axis_config=None, tips=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: VGroup, CoordinateSystem

Creates a set of axes.

  • x_range (Sequence[float] | None) – The (x_min, x_max, x_step) values of the x-axis.

  • y_range (Sequence[float] | None) – The (y_min, y_max, y_step) values of the y-axis.

  • x_length (float | None) – The length of the x-axis.

  • y_length (float | None) – The length of the y-axis.

  • axis_config (dict | None) – Arguments to be passed to NumberLine that influences both axes.

  • x_axis_config (dict | None) – Arguments to be passed to NumberLine that influence the x-axis.

  • y_axis_config (dict | None) – Arguments to be passed to NumberLine that influence the y-axis.

  • tips (bool) – Whether or not to include the tips on both axes.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed to CoordinateSystem and VGroup.


Example: LogScalingExample

from manim import *

class LogScalingExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(
            x_range=[0, 10, 1],
            y_range=[-2, 6, 1],
            axis_config={"include_numbers": True},
            y_axis_config={"scaling": LogBase(custom_labels=True)},

        # x_min must be > 0 because log is undefined at 0.
        graph = ax.plot(lambda x: x ** 2, x_range=[0.001, 10], use_smoothing=False)
        self.add(ax, graph)
class LogScalingExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(
            x_range=[0, 10, 1],
            y_range=[-2, 6, 1],
            axis_config={"include_numbers": True},
            y_axis_config={"scaling": LogBase(custom_labels=True)},

        # x_min must be > 0 because log is undefined at 0.
        graph = ax.plot(lambda x: x ** 2, x_range=[0.001, 10], use_smoothing=False)
        self.add(ax, graph)

Styling arguments can be passed to the underlying NumberLine mobjects that represent the axes:

Example: AxesWithDifferentTips

from manim import *

class AxesWithDifferentTips(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(axis_config={'tip_shape': StealthTip})
class AxesWithDifferentTips(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(axis_config={'tip_shape': StealthTip})



Accepts coordinates from the axes and returns a point with respect to the scene.


Gets the axes.


Defines labels for the x-axis and y-axis of the graph.


Draws a line graph.


Accepts a point from the scene and returns its coordinates with respect to the axes.



Used to animate the application of any method of self.




The depth of the mobject.


If there are multiple colors (for gradient) this returns the first one


The height of the mobject.





The width of the mobject.

_create_axis(range_terms, axis_config, length)[source]#

Creates an axis and dynamically adjusts its position depending on where 0 is located on the line.

  • range_terms (Sequence[float]) – The range of the the axis : (x_min, x_max, x_step).

  • axis_config (dict[str, Any]) – Additional parameters that are passed to NumberLine.

  • length (float) – The length of the axis.


Returns a number line based on range_terms.

Return type:


static _origin_shift(axis_range)[source]#

Determines how to shift graph mobjects to compensate when 0 is not on the axis.


axis_range (Sequence[float]) – The range of the axis : (x_min, x_max, x_step).

Return type:


_original__init__(x_range=None, y_range=None, x_length=12, y_length=6, axis_config=None, x_axis_config=None, y_axis_config=None, tips=True, **kwargs)#

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

  • x_range (Optional[Sequence[float]]) –

  • y_range (Optional[Sequence[float]]) –

  • x_length (float | None) –

  • y_length (float | None) –

  • axis_config (dict | None) –

  • x_axis_config (dict | None) –

  • y_axis_config (dict | None) –

  • tips (bool) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type:


static _update_default_configs(default_configs, passed_configs)[source]#

Takes in two tuples of dicts and return modifies the first such that values from passed_configs overwrite values in default_configs. If a key does not exist in default_configs, it is added to the dict.

This method is useful for having defaults in a class and being able to overwrite them with user-defined input.

  • default_configs (tuple[dict[Any, Any]]) – The dict that will be updated.

  • passed_configs (tuple[dict[Any, Any]]) – The dict that will be used to update.

Return type:



To create a tuple with one dictionary, add a comma after the element:


Accepts coordinates from the axes and returns a point with respect to the scene.


coords (Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]], ndarray]) –

The coordinates. Each coord is passed as a separate argument: ax.coords_to_point(1, 2, 3).

Also accepts a list of coordinates

ax.coords_to_point( [x_0, x_1, ...], [y_0, y_1, ...], ... )

ax.coords_to_point( [[x_0, y_0, z_0], [x_1, y_1, z_1]] )


A point with respect to the scene’s coordinate system. The shape of the array will be similar to the shape of the input.

Return type:



>>> from manim import Axes
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ax = Axes()
>>> np.around(ax.coords_to_point(1, 0, 0), 2)
array([0.86, 0.  , 0.  ])
>>> np.around(ax.coords_to_point([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]]), 2)
array([[0.  , 0.75, 0.  ],
       [0.86, 0.75, 0.  ],
       [0.86, 0.  , 0.  ]])
>>> np.around(
...     ax.coords_to_point([0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]), 2
... )  # Transposed version of the above
array([[0.  , 0.86, 0.86],
       [0.75, 0.75, 0.  ],
       [0.  , 0.  , 0.  ]])

Example: CoordsToPointExample

from manim import *

class CoordsToPointExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes().add_coordinates()

        # a dot with respect to the axes
        dot_axes = Dot(ax.coords_to_point(2, 2), color=GREEN)
        lines = ax.get_lines_to_point(ax.c2p(2,2))

        # a dot with respect to the scene
        # the default plane corresponds to the coordinates of the scene.
        plane = NumberPlane()
        dot_scene = Dot((2,2,0), color=RED)

        self.add(plane, dot_scene, ax, dot_axes, lines)
class CoordsToPointExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes().add_coordinates()

        # a dot with respect to the axes
        dot_axes = Dot(ax.coords_to_point(2, 2), color=GREEN)
        lines = ax.get_lines_to_point(ax.c2p(2,2))

        # a dot with respect to the scene
        # the default plane corresponds to the coordinates of the scene.
        plane = NumberPlane()
        dot_scene = Dot((2,2,0), color=RED)

        self.add(plane, dot_scene, ax, dot_axes, lines)


Gets the axes.


A pair of axes.

Return type:


get_axis_labels(x_label='x', y_label='y')[source]#

Defines labels for the x-axis and y-axis of the graph.

For increased control over the position of the labels, use get_x_axis_label() and get_y_axis_label().

  • x_label (float | str | Mobject) – The label for the x_axis. Defaults to MathTex for str and float inputs.

  • y_label (float | str | Mobject) – The label for the y_axis. Defaults to MathTex for str and float inputs.


A VGroup of the labels for the x_axis and y_axis.

Return type:



Example: GetAxisLabelsExample

from manim import *

class GetAxisLabelsExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes()
        labels = ax.get_axis_labels(
            Tex("x-axis").scale(0.7), Text("y-axis").scale(0.45)
        self.add(ax, labels)
class GetAxisLabelsExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes()
        labels = ax.get_axis_labels(
            Tex("x-axis").scale(0.7), Text("y-axis").scale(0.45)
        self.add(ax, labels)

plot_line_graph(x_values, y_values, z_values=None, line_color=ManimColor('#FFFF00'), add_vertex_dots=True, vertex_dot_radius=0.08, vertex_dot_style=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Draws a line graph.

The graph connects the vertices formed from zipping x_values, y_values and z_values. Also adds Dots at the vertices if add_vertex_dots is set to True.

  • x_values (Iterable[float]) – Iterable of values along the x-axis.

  • y_values (Iterable[float]) – Iterable of values along the y-axis.

  • z_values (Optional[Iterable[float]]) – Iterable of values (zeros if z_values is None) along the z-axis.

  • line_color (Union[ManimColor, int, str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[int, int, int, int], Tuple[float, float, float, float], ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]) – Color for the line graph.

  • add_vertex_dots (bool) – Whether or not to add Dot at each vertex.

  • vertex_dot_radius (float) – Radius for the Dot at each vertex.

  • vertex_dot_style (dict[str, Any] | None) – Style arguments to be passed into Dot at each vertex.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional arguments to be passed into VMobject.


A VDict containing both the line and dots (if specified). The line can be accessed with: line_graph["line_graph"]. The dots can be accessed with: line_graph["vertex_dots"].

Return type:



Example: LineGraphExample

from manim import *

class LineGraphExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        plane = NumberPlane(
            x_range = (0, 7),
            y_range = (0, 5),
            x_length = 7,
            axis_config={"include_numbers": True},
        line_graph = plane.plot_line_graph(
            x_values = [0, 1.5, 2, 2.8, 4, 6.25],
            y_values = [1, 3, 2.25, 4, 2.5, 1.75],
            vertex_dot_style=dict(stroke_width=3,  fill_color=PURPLE),
            stroke_width = 4,
        self.add(plane, line_graph)
class LineGraphExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        plane = NumberPlane(
            x_range = (0, 7),
            y_range = (0, 5),
            x_length = 7,
            axis_config={"include_numbers": True},
        line_graph = plane.plot_line_graph(
            x_values = [0, 1.5, 2, 2.8, 4, 6.25],
            y_values = [1, 3, 2.25, 4, 2.5, 1.75],
            vertex_dot_style=dict(stroke_width=3,  fill_color=PURPLE),
            stroke_width = 4,
        self.add(plane, line_graph)


Accepts a point from the scene and returns its coordinates with respect to the axes.


point (Sequence[float]) – The point, i.e. RIGHT or [0, 1, 0]. Also accepts a list of points as [RIGHT, [0, 1, 0]].


The coordinates on the axes, i.e. [4.0, 7.0]. Or a list of coordinates if point is a list of points.

Return type:



>>> from manim import Axes, RIGHT
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ax = Axes(x_range=[0, 10, 2])
>>> np.around(ax.point_to_coords(RIGHT), 2)
array([5.83, 0.  ])
>>> np.around(ax.point_to_coords([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]), 2)
array([[5.  , 0.  ],
       [5.83, 0.  ]])

Example: PointToCoordsExample

from manim import *

class PointToCoordsExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(x_range=[0, 10, 2]).add_coordinates()
        circ = Circle(radius=0.5).shift(UR * 2)

        # get the coordinates of the circle with respect to the axes
        coords = np.around(ax.point_to_coords(circ.get_right()), decimals=2)

        label = (
            Matrix([[coords[0]], [coords[1]]]).scale(0.75).next_to(circ, RIGHT)

        self.add(ax, circ, label, Dot(circ.get_right()))
class PointToCoordsExample(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        ax = Axes(x_range=[0, 10, 2]).add_coordinates()
        circ = Circle(radius=0.5).shift(UR * 2)

        # get the coordinates of the circle with respect to the axes
        coords = np.around(ax.point_to_coords(circ.get_right()), decimals=2)

        label = (
            Matrix([[coords[0]], [coords[1]]]).scale(0.75).next_to(circ, RIGHT)

        self.add(ax, circ, label, Dot(circ.get_right()))