Source code for manim._config.logger_utils

"""Utilities to create and set the logger.

Manim's logger can be accessed as ``manim.logger``, or as
``logging.getLogger("manim")``, once the library has been imported.  Manim also
exports a second object, ``console``, which should be used to print on screen
messages that need not be logged.

Both ``logger`` and ``console`` use the ``rich`` library to produce rich text

from __future__ import annotations

import configparser
import copy
import json
import logging
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from rich import color, errors
from rich import print as printf
from rich.console import Console
from rich.logging import RichHandler
from rich.theme import Theme

    from pathlib import Path

HIGHLIGHTED_KEYWORDS = [  # these keywords are highlighted specially

[logging.level.error]Your colour configuration couldn't be parsed.
Loading the default color configuration.[/logging.level.error]

[docs]def make_logger( parser: configparser.ConfigParser, verbosity: str, ) -> tuple[logging.Logger, Console]: """Make the manim logger and console. Parameters ---------- parser A parser containing any .cfg files in use. verbosity The verbosity level of the logger. Returns ------- :class:`logging.Logger`, :class:`rich.Console`, :class:`rich.Console` The manim logger and consoles. The first console outputs to stdout, the second to stderr. All use the theme returned by :func:`parse_theme`. See Also -------- :func:`~._config.utils.make_config_parser`, :func:`parse_theme` Notes ----- The ``parser`` is assumed to contain only the options related to configuring the logger at the top level. """ # Throughout the codebase, use console.print() instead of print() theme = parse_theme(parser) console = Console(theme=theme) # With rich 9.5.0+ we could pass stderr=True instead error_console = Console(theme=theme, file=sys.stderr) # set the rich handler RichHandler.KEYWORDS = HIGHLIGHTED_KEYWORDS rich_handler = RichHandler( console=console, show_time=parser.getboolean("log_timestamps"), ) # finally, the logger logger = logging.getLogger("manim") logger.addHandler(rich_handler) logger.setLevel(verbosity) return logger, console, error_console
[docs]def parse_theme(parser: configparser.ConfigParser) -> Theme: """Configure the rich style of logger and console output. Parameters ---------- parser A parser containing any .cfg files in use. Returns ------- :class:`rich.Theme` The rich theme to be used by the manim logger. See Also -------- :func:`make_logger`. """ theme = {key.replace("_", "."): parser[key] for key in parser} theme["log.width"] = None if theme["log.width"] == "-1" else int(theme["log.width"]) theme["log.height"] = ( None if theme["log.height"] == "-1" else int(theme["log.height"]) ) theme["log.timestamps"] = False try: custom_theme = Theme( { k: v for k, v in theme.items() if k not in ["log.width", "log.height", "log.timestamps"] }, ) except (color.ColorParseError, errors.StyleSyntaxError): printf(WRONG_COLOR_CONFIG_MSG) custom_theme = None return custom_theme
[docs]def set_file_logger(scene_name: str, module_name: str, log_dir: Path) -> None: """Add a file handler to manim logger. The path to the file is built using ``config.log_dir``. Parameters ---------- scene_name The name of the scene, used in the name of the log file. module_name The name of the module, used in the name of the log file. log_dir Path to the folder where log files are stored. """ # Note: The log file name will be # <name_of_animation_file>_<name_of_scene>.log, gotten from config. So it # can differ from the real name of the scene. <name_of_scene> would only # appear if scene name was provided when manim was called. log_file_name = f"{module_name}_{scene_name}.log" log_file_path = log_dir / log_file_name file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path, mode="w") file_handler.setFormatter(JSONFormatter()) logger = logging.getLogger("manim") logger.addHandler(file_handler)"Log file will be saved in %(logpath)s", {"logpath": log_file_path})
[docs]class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter): """A formatter that outputs logs in a custom JSON format. This class is used internally for testing purposes. """
[docs] def format(self, record: dict) -> str: """Format the record in a custom JSON format.""" record_c = copy.deepcopy(record) if record_c.args: for arg in record_c.args: record_c.args[arg] = "<>" return json.dumps( { "levelname": record_c.levelname, "module": record_c.module, "message": super().format(record_c), }, )