Source code for manim.animation.indication

"""Animations drawing attention to particular mobjects.


.. manim:: Indications

    class Indications(Scene):
        def construct(self):
            indications = [ApplyWave,Circumscribe,Flash,FocusOn,Indicate,ShowPassingFlash,Wiggle]
            names = [Tex(i.__name__).scale(3) for i in indications]

            for i in range(len(names)):
                if indications[i] is Flash:
                elif indications[i] is ShowPassingFlash:
                    FadeOut(names[i], shift=UP*1.5),
                    FadeIn(names[(i+1)%len(names)], shift=UP*1.5),


__all__ = [

from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np

from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import Circle, Dot
from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line
from manim.mobject.geometry.polygram import Rectangle
from manim.mobject.geometry.shape_matchers import SurroundingRectangle
from manim.scene.scene import Scene

from .. import config
from ..animation.animation import Animation
from ..animation.composition import AnimationGroup, Succession
from ..animation.creation import Create, ShowPartial, Uncreate
from ..animation.fading import FadeIn, FadeOut
from ..animation.movement import Homotopy
from ..animation.transform import Transform
from ..constants import *
from ..mobject.mobject import Mobject
from ..mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from ..utils.bezier import interpolate, inverse_interpolate
from ..utils.color import GREY, YELLOW, ParsableManimColor
from ..utils.deprecation import deprecated
from ..utils.rate_functions import smooth, there_and_back, wiggle
from ..utils.space_ops import normalize

[docs]class FocusOn(Transform): """Shrink a spotlight to a position. Parameters ---------- focus_point The point at which to shrink the spotlight. If it is a :class:`.~Mobject` its center will be used. opacity The opacity of the spotlight. color The color of the spotlight. run_time The duration of the animation. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the :class:`~.Succession` constructor Examples -------- .. manim:: UsingFocusOn class UsingFocusOn(Scene): def construct(self): dot = Dot(color=YELLOW).shift(DOWN) self.add(Tex("Focusing on the dot below:"), dot) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, focus_point: Union[np.ndarray, Mobject], opacity: float = 0.2, color: str = GREY, run_time: float = 2, **kwargs ) -> None: self.focus_point = focus_point self.color = color self.opacity = opacity remover = True starting_dot = Dot( radius=config["frame_x_radius"] + config["frame_y_radius"], stroke_width=0, fill_color=self.color, fill_opacity=0, ) super().__init__(starting_dot, run_time=run_time, remover=remover, **kwargs) def create_target(self) -> Dot: little_dot = Dot(radius=0) little_dot.set_fill(self.color, opacity=self.opacity) little_dot.add_updater(lambda d: d.move_to(self.focus_point)) return little_dot
[docs]class Indicate(Transform): """Indicate a Mobject by temporarily resizing and recoloring it. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to indicate. scale_factor The factor by which the mobject will be temporally scaled color The color the mobject temporally takes. rate_func The function definig the animation progress at every point in time. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the :class:`~.Succession` constructor Examples -------- .. manim:: UsingIndicate class UsingIndicate(Scene): def construct(self): tex = Tex("Indicate").scale(3) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, mobject: "Mobject", scale_factor: float = 1.2, color: str = YELLOW, rate_func: Callable[[float, Optional[float]], np.ndarray] = there_and_back, **kwargs ) -> None: self.color = color self.scale_factor = scale_factor super().__init__(mobject, rate_func=rate_func, **kwargs) def create_target(self) -> "Mobject": target = self.mobject.copy() target.scale(self.scale_factor) target.set_color(self.color) return target
[docs]class Flash(AnimationGroup): """Send out lines in all directions. Parameters ---------- point The center of the flash lines. If it is a :class:`.~Mobject` its center will be used. line_length The length of the flash lines. num_lines The number of flash lines. flash_radius The distance from `point` at which the flash lines start. line_stroke_width The stroke width of the flash lines. color The color of the flash lines. time_width The time width used for the flash lines. See :class:`.~ShowPassingFlash` for more details. run_time The duration of the animation. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the :class:`~.Succession` constructor Examples -------- .. manim:: UsingFlash class UsingFlash(Scene): def construct(self): dot = Dot(color=YELLOW).shift(DOWN) self.add(Tex("Flash the dot below:"), dot) self.wait() .. manim:: FlashOnCircle class FlashOnCircle(Scene): def construct(self): radius = 2 circle = Circle(radius) self.add(circle) circle, line_length=1, num_lines=30, color=RED, flash_radius=radius+SMALL_BUFF, time_width=0.3, run_time=2, rate_func = rush_from )) """ def __init__( self, point: Union[np.ndarray, Mobject], line_length: float = 0.2, num_lines: int = 12, flash_radius: float = 0.1, line_stroke_width: int = 3, color: str = YELLOW, time_width: float = 1, run_time: float = 1.0, **kwargs ) -> None: if isinstance(point, Mobject): self.point = point.get_center() else: self.point = point self.color = color self.line_length = line_length self.num_lines = num_lines self.flash_radius = flash_radius self.line_stroke_width = line_stroke_width self.run_time = run_time self.time_width = time_width self.animation_config = kwargs self.lines = self.create_lines() animations = self.create_line_anims() super().__init__(*animations, group=self.lines) def create_lines(self) -> VGroup: lines = VGroup() for angle in np.arange(0, TAU, TAU / self.num_lines): line = Line(self.point, self.point + self.line_length * RIGHT) line.shift((self.flash_radius) * RIGHT) line.rotate(angle, about_point=self.point) lines.add(line) lines.set_color(self.color) lines.set_stroke(width=self.line_stroke_width) return lines def create_line_anims(self) -> Iterable["ShowPassingFlash"]: return [ ShowPassingFlash( line, time_width=self.time_width, run_time=self.run_time, **self.animation_config, ) for line in self.lines ]
[docs]class ShowPassingFlash(ShowPartial): """Show only a sliver of the VMobject each frame. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject whose stroke is animated. time_width The length of the sliver relative to the length of the stroke. Examples -------- .. manim:: TimeWidthValues class TimeWidthValues(Scene): def construct(self): p = RegularPolygon(5, color=DARK_GRAY, stroke_width=6).scale(3) lbl = VMobject() self.add(p, lbl) p = p.copy().set_color(BLUE) for time_width in [0.2, 0.5, 1, 2]: lbl.become(Tex(r"\\texttt{time\\_width={{%.1f}}}"%time_width)) p.copy().set_color(BLUE), run_time=2, time_width=time_width )) See Also -------- :class:`~.Create` """ def __init__(self, mobject: "VMobject", time_width: float = 0.1, **kwargs) -> None: self.time_width = time_width super().__init__(mobject, remover=True, introducer=True, **kwargs) def _get_bounds(self, alpha: float) -> Tuple[float]: tw = self.time_width upper = interpolate(0, 1 + tw, alpha) lower = upper - tw upper = min(upper, 1) lower = max(lower, 0) return (lower, upper)
[docs] def clean_up_from_scene(self, scene: Scene) -> None: super().clean_up_from_scene(scene) for submob, start in self.get_all_families_zipped(): submob.pointwise_become_partial(start, 0, 1)
[docs]class ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth(AnimationGroup): def __init__(self, vmobject, n_segments=10, time_width=0.1, remover=True, **kwargs): self.n_segments = n_segments self.time_width = time_width self.remover = remover max_stroke_width = vmobject.get_stroke_width() max_time_width = kwargs.pop("time_width", self.time_width) super().__init__( *( ShowPassingFlash( vmobject.copy().set_stroke(width=stroke_width), time_width=time_width, **kwargs, ) for stroke_width, time_width in zip( np.linspace(0, max_stroke_width, self.n_segments), np.linspace(max_time_width, 0, self.n_segments), ) ), )
[docs]@deprecated( since="v0.15.0", until="v0.16.0", message="Use Create then FadeOut to achieve this effect.", ) class ShowCreationThenFadeOut(Succession): def __init__(self, mobject: "Mobject", remover: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(Create(mobject), FadeOut(mobject), remover=remover, **kwargs)
[docs]class ApplyWave(Homotopy): """Send a wave through the Mobject distorting it temporarily. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to be distorted. direction The direction in which the wave nudges points of the shape amplitude The distance points of the shape get shifted wave_func The function defining the shape of one wave flank. time_width The length of the wave relative to the width of the mobject. ripples The number of ripples of the wave run_time The duration of the animation. Examples -------- .. manim:: ApplyingWaves class ApplyingWaves(Scene): def construct(self): tex = Tex("WaveWaveWaveWaveWave").scale(2) tex, direction=RIGHT, time_width=0.5, amplitude=0.3 )) tex, rate_func=linear, ripples=4 )) """ def __init__( self, mobject: "Mobject", direction: np.ndarray = UP, amplitude: float = 0.2, wave_func: Callable[[float], float] = smooth, time_width: float = 1, ripples: int = 1, run_time: float = 2, **kwargs ) -> None: x_min = mobject.get_left()[0] x_max = mobject.get_right()[0] vect = amplitude * normalize(direction) def wave(t): # Creates a wave with n ripples from a simple rate_func # This wave is build up as follows: # The time is split into 2*ripples phases. In every phase the amplitude # either rises to one or goes down to zero. Consecutive ripples will have # their amplitudes in oppising directions (first ripple from 0 to 1 to 0, # second from 0 to -1 to 0 and so on). This is how two ripples would be # divided into phases: # ####|#### | | # ## | ## | | # ## | ## | | # #### | ####|#### | #### # | | ## | ## # | | ## | ## # | | ####|#### # However, this looks weird in the middle between two ripples. Therefore the # middle phases do actually use only one appropriately scaled version of the # rate like this: # 1 / 4 Time | 2 / 4 Time | 1 / 4 Time # ####|###### | # ## | ### | # ## | ## | # #### | # | #### # | ## | ## # | ### | ## # | ######|#### # Mirrored looks better in the way the wave is used. t = 1 - t # Clamp input if t >= 1 or t <= 0: return 0 phases = ripples * 2 phase = int(t * phases) if phase == 0: # First rising ripple return wave_func(t * phases) elif phase == phases - 1: # last ripple. Rising or falling depending on the number of ripples # The (ripples % 2)-term is used to make this destinction. t -= phase / phases # Time relative to the phase return (1 - wave_func(t * phases)) * (2 * (ripples % 2) - 1) else: # Longer phases: phase = int((phase - 1) / 2) t -= (2 * phase + 1) / phases # Similar to last ripple: return (1 - 2 * wave_func(t * ripples)) * (1 - 2 * ((phase) % 2)) def homotopy( x: float, y: float, z: float, t: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: upper = interpolate(0, 1 + time_width, t) lower = upper - time_width relative_x = inverse_interpolate(x_min, x_max, x) wave_phase = inverse_interpolate(lower, upper, relative_x) nudge = wave(wave_phase) * vect return np.array([x, y, z]) + nudge super().__init__(homotopy, mobject, run_time=run_time, **kwargs)
[docs]class Wiggle(Animation): """Wiggle a Mobject. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to wiggle. scale_value The factor by which the mobject will be temporarily scaled. rotation_angle The wiggle angle. n_wiggles The number of wiggles. scale_about_point The point about which the mobject gets scaled. rotate_about_point The point around which the mobject gets rotated. run_time The duration of the animation Examples -------- .. manim:: ApplyingWaves class ApplyingWaves(Scene): def construct(self): tex = Tex("Wiggle").scale(3) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, mobject: "Mobject", scale_value: float = 1.1, rotation_angle: float = 0.01 * TAU, n_wiggles: int = 6, scale_about_point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, rotate_about_point: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, run_time: float = 2, **kwargs ) -> None: self.scale_value = scale_value self.rotation_angle = rotation_angle self.n_wiggles = n_wiggles self.scale_about_point = scale_about_point self.rotate_about_point = rotate_about_point super().__init__(mobject, run_time=run_time, **kwargs) def get_scale_about_point(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.scale_about_point is None: return self.mobject.get_center() return self.scale_about_point def get_rotate_about_point(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.rotate_about_point is None: return self.mobject.get_center() return self.rotate_about_point def interpolate_submobject( self, submobject: "Mobject", starting_submobject: "Mobject", alpha: float, ) -> None: submobject.points[:, :] = starting_submobject.points submobject.scale( interpolate(1, self.scale_value, there_and_back(alpha)), about_point=self.get_scale_about_point(), ) submobject.rotate( wiggle(alpha, self.n_wiggles) * self.rotation_angle, about_point=self.get_rotate_about_point(), )
[docs]class Circumscribe(Succession): """Draw a temporary line surrounding the mobject. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to be circumscribed. shape The shape with which to surrond the given mobject. Should be either :class:`~.Rectangle` or :class:`~.Circle` fade_in Whether to make the surrounding shape to fade in. It will be drawn otherwise. fade_out Whether to make the surrounding shape to fade out. It will be undrawn otherwise. time_width The time_width of the drawing and undrawing. Gets ignored if either `fade_in` or `fade_out` is `True`. buff The distance between the surrounding shape and the given mobject. color The color of the surrounding shape. run_time The duration of the entire animation. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to the :class:`~.Succession` constructor Examples -------- .. manim:: UsingCircumscribe class UsingCircumscribe(Scene): def construct(self): lbl = Tex(r"Circum-\\\\scribe").scale(2) self.add(lbl), Circle)), fade_out=True)), time_width=2)), Circle, True)) """ def __init__( self, mobject: Mobject, shape: Type = Rectangle, fade_in=False, fade_out=False, time_width=0.3, buff: float = SMALL_BUFF, color: ParsableManimColor = YELLOW, run_time=1, stroke_width=DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH, **kwargs ): if shape is Rectangle: frame = SurroundingRectangle( mobject, color, buff, stroke_width=stroke_width, ) elif shape is Circle: frame = Circle(color=color, stroke_width=stroke_width).surround( mobject, buffer_factor=1, ) radius = frame.width / 2 frame.scale((radius + buff) / radius) else: raise ValueError("shape should be either Rectangle or Circle.") if fade_in and fade_out: super().__init__( FadeIn(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), FadeOut(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), **kwargs, ) elif fade_in: frame.reverse_direction() super().__init__( FadeIn(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), Uncreate(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), **kwargs, ) elif fade_out: super().__init__( Create(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), FadeOut(frame, run_time=run_time / 2), **kwargs, ) else: super().__init__( ShowPassingFlash(frame, time_width, run_time=run_time), **kwargs )