Source code for manim.mobject.geometry.boolean_ops

"""Boolean operations for two-dimensional mobjects."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from pathops import Path as SkiaPath
from pathops import PathVerb, difference, intersection, union, xor

from manim import config
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject
from manim.typing import Point2D_Array

from ...constants import RendererType

__all__ = ["Union", "Intersection", "Difference", "Exclusion"]

class _BooleanOps(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL):
    """This class contains some helper functions which
    helps to convert to and from skia objects and manim
    objects (:class:`~.VMobject`).

    def _convert_2d_to_3d_array(
        points: Point2D_Array,
        z_dim: float = 0.0,
    ) -> list[np.ndarray]:
        """Converts an iterable with coordinates in 2d to 3d by adding
        :attr:`z_dim` as the z coordinate.

            An iterable which has the coordinates.
            The default value of z coordinate.

            A list of array converted to 3d.

        >>> a = _BooleanOps()
        >>> p = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
        >>> a._convert_2d_to_3d_array(p)
        [array([1., 2., 0.]), array([3., 4., 0.])]
        points = list(points)
        for i, point in enumerate(points):
            if len(point) == 2:
                points[i] = np.array(list(point) + [z_dim])
        return points

    def _convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> SkiaPath:
        """Converts a :class:`~.VMobject` to SkiaPath. This method only works for
        cairo renderer because it treats the points as Cubic beizer curves.

            The :class:`~.VMobject` to convert from.

            The converted path.
        path = SkiaPath()

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(vmobject.points)):
            points = np.zeros((1, 3))  # point invalid?
            points = vmobject.points

        if len(points) == 0:  # what? No points so return empty path
            return path

        # In OpenGL it's quadratic beizer curves while on Cairo it's cubic...
        if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL:
            subpaths = vmobject.get_subpaths_from_points(points)
            for subpath in subpaths:
                quads = vmobject.get_bezier_tuples_from_points(subpath)
                start = subpath[0]
                for p0, p1, p2 in quads:
                    path.quadTo(*p1[:2], *p2[:2])
                if vmobject.consider_points_equals(subpath[0], subpath[-1]):
        elif config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO:
            subpaths = vmobject.gen_subpaths_from_points_2d(points)
            for subpath in subpaths:
                quads = vmobject.gen_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points(subpath)
                start = subpath[0]
                for p0, p1, p2, p3 in quads:
                    path.cubicTo(*p1[:2], *p2[:2], *p3[:2])

                if vmobject.consider_points_equals_2d(subpath[0], subpath[-1]):

        return path

    def _convert_skia_path_to_vmobject(self, path: SkiaPath) -> VMobject:
        """Converts SkiaPath back to VMobject.
            The SkiaPath to convert.

            The converted VMobject.
        vmobject = self
        current_path_start = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        for path_verb, points in path:
            if path_verb == PathVerb.MOVE:
                parts = self._convert_2d_to_3d_array(points)
                for part in parts:
                    current_path_start = part
                    # vmobject.move_to(*part)
            elif path_verb == PathVerb.CUBIC:
                n1, n2, n3 = self._convert_2d_to_3d_array(points)
                vmobject.add_cubic_bezier_curve_to(n1, n2, n3)
            elif path_verb == PathVerb.LINE:
                parts = self._convert_2d_to_3d_array(points)
            elif path_verb == PathVerb.CLOSE:
            elif path_verb == PathVerb.QUAD:
                n1, n2 = self._convert_2d_to_3d_array(points)
                vmobject.add_quadratic_bezier_curve_to(n1, n2)
                raise Exception("Unsupported: %s" % path_verb)
        return vmobject

[docs]class Union(_BooleanOps): """Union of two or more :class:`~.VMobject` s. This returns the common region of the :class:`~VMobject` s. Parameters ---------- vmobjects The :class:`~.VMobject` s to find the union of. Raises ------ ValueError If less than 2 :class:`~.VMobject` s are passed. Example ------- .. manim:: UnionExample :save_last_frame: class UnionExample(Scene): def construct(self): sq = Square(color=RED, fill_opacity=1) sq.move_to([-2, 0, 0]) cr = Circle(color=BLUE, fill_opacity=1) cr.move_to([-1.3, 0.7, 0]) un = Union(sq, cr, color=GREEN, fill_opacity=1) un.move_to([1.5, 0.3, 0]) self.add(sq, cr, un) """ def __init__(self, *vmobjects: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: if len(vmobjects) < 2: raise ValueError("At least 2 mobjects needed for Union.") super().__init__(**kwargs) paths = [] for vmobject in vmobjects: paths.append(self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(vmobject)) outpen = SkiaPath() union(paths, outpen.getPen()) self._convert_skia_path_to_vmobject(outpen)
[docs]class Difference(_BooleanOps): """Subtracts one :class:`~.VMobject` from another one. Parameters ---------- subject The 1st :class:`~.VMobject`. clip The 2nd :class:`~.VMobject` Example ------- .. manim:: DifferenceExample :save_last_frame: class DifferenceExample(Scene): def construct(self): sq = Square(color=RED, fill_opacity=1) sq.move_to([-2, 0, 0]) cr = Circle(color=BLUE, fill_opacity=1) cr.move_to([-1.3, 0.7, 0]) un = Difference(sq, cr, color=GREEN, fill_opacity=1) un.move_to([1.5, 0, 0]) self.add(sq, cr, un) """ def __init__(self, subject: VMobject, clip: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) outpen = SkiaPath() difference( [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(subject)], [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(clip)], outpen.getPen(), ) self._convert_skia_path_to_vmobject(outpen)
[docs]class Intersection(_BooleanOps): """Find the intersection of two :class:`~.VMobject` s. This keeps the parts covered by both :class:`~.VMobject` s. Parameters ---------- vmobjects The :class:`~.VMobject` to find the intersection. Raises ------ ValueError If less the 2 :class:`~.VMobject` are passed. Example ------- .. manim:: IntersectionExample :save_last_frame: class IntersectionExample(Scene): def construct(self): sq = Square(color=RED, fill_opacity=1) sq.move_to([-2, 0, 0]) cr = Circle(color=BLUE, fill_opacity=1) cr.move_to([-1.3, 0.7, 0]) un = Intersection(sq, cr, color=GREEN, fill_opacity=1) un.move_to([1.5, 0, 0]) self.add(sq, cr, un) """ def __init__(self, *vmobjects: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: if len(vmobjects) < 2: raise ValueError("At least 2 mobjects needed for Intersection.") super().__init__(**kwargs) outpen = SkiaPath() intersection( [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(vmobjects[0])], [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(vmobjects[1])], outpen.getPen(), ) new_outpen = outpen for _i in range(2, len(vmobjects)): new_outpen = SkiaPath() intersection( [outpen], [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(vmobjects[_i])], new_outpen.getPen(), ) outpen = new_outpen self._convert_skia_path_to_vmobject(outpen)
[docs]class Exclusion(_BooleanOps): """Find the XOR between two :class:`~.VMobject`. This creates a new :class:`~.VMobject` consisting of the region covered by exactly one of them. Parameters ---------- subject The 1st :class:`~.VMobject`. clip The 2nd :class:`~.VMobject` Example ------- .. manim:: IntersectionExample :save_last_frame: class IntersectionExample(Scene): def construct(self): sq = Square(color=RED, fill_opacity=1) sq.move_to([-2, 0, 0]) cr = Circle(color=BLUE, fill_opacity=1) cr.move_to([-1.3, 0.7, 0]) un = Exclusion(sq, cr, color=GREEN, fill_opacity=1) un.move_to([1.5, 0.4, 0]) self.add(sq, cr, un) """ def __init__(self, subject: VMobject, clip: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) outpen = SkiaPath() xor( [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(subject)], [self._convert_vmobject_to_skia_path(clip)], outpen.getPen(), ) self._convert_skia_path_to_vmobject(outpen)