Source code for manim.mobject.text.code_mobject

"""Mobject representing highlighted source code listings."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import html
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer_for_filename
from pygments.styles import get_all_styles

from manim import logger
from manim.constants import *
from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import Dot
from manim.mobject.geometry.polygram import RoundedRectangle
from manim.mobject.geometry.shape_matchers import SurroundingRectangle
from manim.mobject.text.text_mobject import Paragraph
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup
from manim.utils.color import WHITE

[docs]class Code(VGroup): """A highlighted source code listing. An object ``listing`` of :class:`.Code` is a :class:`.VGroup` consisting of three objects: - The background, ``listing.background_mobject``. This is either a :class:`.Rectangle` (if the listing has been initialized with ``background="rectangle"``, the default option) or a :class:`.VGroup` resembling a window (if ``background="window"`` has been passed). - The line numbers, ``listing.line_numbers`` (a :class:`.Paragraph` object). - The highlighted code itself, ``listing.code`` (a :class:`.Paragraph` object). .. WARNING:: Using a :class:`.Transform` on text with leading whitespace (and in this particular case: code) can look `weird <>`_. Consider using :meth:`remove_invisible_chars` to resolve this issue. Examples -------- Normal usage:: listing = Code( "helloworldcpp.cpp", tab_width=4, background_stroke_width=1, background_stroke_color=WHITE, insert_line_no=True, style=Code.styles_list[15], background="window", language="cpp", ) We can also render code passed as a string (but note that the language has to be specified in this case): .. manim:: CodeFromString :save_last_frame: class CodeFromString(Scene): def construct(self): code = '''from manim import Scene, Square class FadeInSquare(Scene): def construct(self): s = Square() self.wait() ''' rendered_code = Code(code=code, tab_width=4, background="window", language="Python", font="Monospace") self.add(rendered_code) Parameters ---------- file_name Name of the code file to display. code If ``file_name`` is not specified, a code string can be passed directly. tab_width Number of space characters corresponding to a tab character. Defaults to 3. line_spacing Amount of space between lines in relation to font size. Defaults to 0.3, which means 30% of font size. font_size A number which scales displayed code. Defaults to 24. font The name of the text font to be used. Defaults to ``"Monospace"``. This is either a system font or one loaded with `text.register_font()`. Note that font family names may be different across operating systems. stroke_width Stroke width for text. 0 is recommended, and the default. margin Inner margin of text from the background. Defaults to 0.3. indentation_chars "Indentation chars" refers to the spaces/tabs at the beginning of a given code line. Defaults to ``" "`` (spaces). background Defines the background's type. Currently supports only ``"rectangle"`` (default) and ``"window"``. background_stroke_width Defines the stroke width of the background. Defaults to 1. background_stroke_color Defines the stroke color for the background. Defaults to ``WHITE``. corner_radius Defines the corner radius for the background. Defaults to 0.2. insert_line_no Defines whether line numbers should be inserted in displayed code. Defaults to ``True``. line_no_from Defines the first line's number in the line count. Defaults to 1. line_no_buff Defines the spacing between line numbers and displayed code. Defaults to 0.4. style Defines the style type of displayed code. You can see possible names of styles in with :attr:`styles_list`. Defaults to ``"vim"``. language Specifies the programming language the given code was written in. If ``None`` (the default), the language will be automatically detected. For the list of possible options, visit and look for 'aliases or short names'. generate_html_file Defines whether to generate highlighted html code to the folder `assets/codes/generated_html_files`. Defaults to `False`. warn_missing_font If True (default), Manim will issue a warning if the font does not exist in the (case-sensitive) list of fonts returned from `manimpango.list_fonts()`. Attributes ---------- background_mobject : :class:`~.VGroup` The background of the code listing. line_numbers : :class:`~.Paragraph` The line numbers for the code listing. Empty, if ``insert_line_no=False`` has been specified. code : :class:`~.Paragraph` The highlighted code. """ # tuples in the form (name, aliases, filetypes, mimetypes) # 'language' is aliases or short names # For more information about pygments.lexers visit # from pygments.lexers import get_all_lexers # all_lexers = get_all_lexers() styles_list = list(get_all_styles()) # For more information about pygments.styles visit def __init__( self, file_name: str | os.PathLike | None = None, code: str | None = None, tab_width: int = 3, line_spacing: float = 0.3, font_size: float = 24, font: str = "Monospace", # This should be in the font list on all platforms. stroke_width: float = 0, margin: float = 0.3, indentation_chars: str = " ", background: str = "rectangle", # or window background_stroke_width: float = 1, background_stroke_color: str = WHITE, corner_radius: float = 0.2, insert_line_no: bool = True, line_no_from: int = 1, line_no_buff: float = 0.4, style: str = "vim", language: str | None = None, generate_html_file: bool = False, warn_missing_font: bool = True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, ) self.background_stroke_color = background_stroke_color self.background_stroke_width = background_stroke_width self.tab_width = tab_width self.line_spacing = line_spacing self.warn_missing_font = warn_missing_font self.font = font self.font_size = font_size self.margin = margin self.indentation_chars = indentation_chars self.background = background self.corner_radius = corner_radius self.insert_line_no = insert_line_no self.line_no_from = line_no_from self.line_no_buff = line_no_buff = style self.language = language self.generate_html_file = generate_html_file self.file_path = None self.file_name = file_name if self.file_name: self._ensure_valid_file() self.code_string = self.file_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8") elif code: self.code_string = code else: raise ValueError( "Neither a code file nor a code string have been specified.", ) if isinstance(, str): = self._gen_html_string() strati = self.html_string.find("background:") self.background_color = self.html_string[strati + 12 : strati + 19] self._gen_code_json() self.code = self._gen_colored_lines() if self.insert_line_no: self.line_numbers = self._gen_line_numbers() self.line_numbers.next_to(self.code, direction=LEFT, buff=self.line_no_buff) if self.background == "rectangle": if self.insert_line_no: foreground = VGroup(self.code, self.line_numbers) else: foreground = self.code rect = SurroundingRectangle( foreground, buff=self.margin, color=self.background_color, fill_color=self.background_color, stroke_width=self.background_stroke_width, stroke_color=self.background_stroke_color, fill_opacity=1, ) rect.round_corners(self.corner_radius) self.background_mobject = rect else: if self.insert_line_no: foreground = VGroup(self.code, self.line_numbers) else: foreground = self.code height = foreground.height + 0.1 * 3 + 2 * self.margin width = foreground.width + 0.1 * 3 + 2 * self.margin rect = RoundedRectangle( corner_radius=self.corner_radius, height=height, width=width, stroke_width=self.background_stroke_width, stroke_color=self.background_stroke_color, color=self.background_color, fill_opacity=1, ) red_button = Dot(radius=0.1, stroke_width=0, color="#ff5f56") red_button.shift(LEFT * 0.1 * 3) yellow_button = Dot(radius=0.1, stroke_width=0, color="#ffbd2e") green_button = Dot(radius=0.1, stroke_width=0, color="#27c93f") green_button.shift(RIGHT * 0.1 * 3) buttons = VGroup(red_button, yellow_button, green_button) buttons.shift( UP * (height / 2 - 0.1 * 2 - 0.05) + LEFT * (width / 2 - 0.1 * 5 - self.corner_radius / 2 - 0.05), ) self.background_mobject = VGroup(rect, buttons) x = (height - foreground.height) / 2 - 0.1 * 3 self.background_mobject.shift(foreground.get_center()) self.background_mobject.shift(UP * x) if self.insert_line_no: super().__init__( self.background_mobject, self.line_numbers, self.code, **kwargs ) else: super().__init__( self.background_mobject, Dot(fill_opacity=0, stroke_opacity=0), self.code, **kwargs, ) self.move_to(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
[docs] def _ensure_valid_file(self): """Function to validate file.""" if self.file_name is None: raise Exception("Must specify file for Code") possible_paths = [ Path() / "assets" / "codes" / self.file_name, Path(self.file_name).expanduser(), ] for path in possible_paths: if path.exists(): self.file_path = path return error = ( f"From: {Path.cwd()}, could not find {self.file_name} at either " + f"of these locations: {list(map(str, possible_paths))}" ) raise OSError(error)
[docs] def _gen_line_numbers(self): """Function to generate line_numbers. Returns ------- :class:`~.Paragraph` The generated line_numbers according to parameters. """ line_numbers_array = [] for line_no in range(0, self.code_json.__len__()): number = str(self.line_no_from + line_no) line_numbers_array.append(number) line_numbers = Paragraph( *list(line_numbers_array), line_spacing=self.line_spacing, alignment="right", font_size=self.font_size, font=self.font, disable_ligatures=True, stroke_width=self.stroke_width, warn_missing_font=self.warn_missing_font, ) for i in line_numbers: i.set_color(self.default_color) return line_numbers
[docs] def _gen_colored_lines(self): """Function to generate code. Returns ------- :class:`~.Paragraph` The generated code according to parameters. """ lines_text = [] for line_no in range(0, self.code_json.__len__()): line_str = "" for word_index in range(self.code_json[line_no].__len__()): line_str = line_str + self.code_json[line_no][word_index][0] lines_text.append(self.tab_spaces[line_no] * "\t" + line_str) code = Paragraph( *list(lines_text), line_spacing=self.line_spacing, tab_width=self.tab_width, font_size=self.font_size, font=self.font, disable_ligatures=True, stroke_width=self.stroke_width, warn_missing_font=self.warn_missing_font, ) for line_no in range(code.__len__()): line = code.chars[line_no] line_char_index = self.tab_spaces[line_no] for word_index in range(self.code_json[line_no].__len__()): line[ line_char_index : line_char_index + self.code_json[line_no][word_index][0].__len__() ].set_color(self.code_json[line_no][word_index][1]) line_char_index += self.code_json[line_no][word_index][0].__len__() return code
[docs] def _gen_html_string(self): """Function to generate html string with code highlighted and stores in variable html_string.""" self.html_string = _hilite_me( self.code_string, self.language,, self.insert_line_no, "border:solid gray;border-width:.1em .1em .1em .8em;padding:.2em .6em;", self.file_path, self.line_no_from, ) if self.generate_html_file: output_folder = Path() / "assets" / "codes" / "generated_html_files" output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (output_folder / f"{self.file_name}.html").write_text(self.html_string)
[docs] def _gen_code_json(self): """Function to background_color, generate code_json and tab_spaces from html_string. background_color is just background color of displayed code. code_json is 2d array with rows as line numbers and columns as a array with length 2 having text and text's color value. tab_spaces is 2d array with rows as line numbers and columns as corresponding number of indentation_chars in front of that line in code. """ if ( self.background_color == "#111111" or self.background_color == "#272822" or self.background_color == "#202020" or self.background_color == "#000000" ): self.default_color = "#ffffff" else: self.default_color = "#000000" # print(self.default_color,self.background_color) for i in range(3, -1, -1): self.html_string = self.html_string.replace("</" + " " * i, "</") # handle pygments bug # self.html_string = self.html_string.replace("<span></span>", "") for i in range(10, -1, -1): self.html_string = self.html_string.replace( "</span>" + " " * i, " " * i + "</span>", ) self.html_string = self.html_string.replace("background-color:", "background:") if self.insert_line_no: start_point = self.html_string.find("</td><td><pre") start_point = start_point + 9 else: start_point = self.html_string.find("<pre") self.html_string = self.html_string[start_point:] # print(self.html_string) lines = self.html_string.split("\n") lines = lines[0 : lines.__len__() - 2] start_point = lines[0].find(">") lines[0] = lines[0][start_point + 1 :] # print(lines) self.code_json = [] self.tab_spaces = [] code_json_line_index = -1 for line_index in range(0, lines.__len__()): # print(lines[line_index]) self.code_json.append([]) code_json_line_index = code_json_line_index + 1 if lines[line_index].startswith(self.indentation_chars): start_point = lines[line_index].find("<") starting_string = lines[line_index][:start_point] indentation_chars_count = lines[line_index][:start_point].count( self.indentation_chars, ) if ( starting_string.__len__() != indentation_chars_count * self.indentation_chars.__len__() ): lines[line_index] = ( "\t" * indentation_chars_count + starting_string[ starting_string.rfind(self.indentation_chars) + self.indentation_chars.__len__() : ] + lines[line_index][start_point:] ) else: lines[line_index] = ( "\t" * indentation_chars_count + lines[line_index][start_point:] ) indentation_chars_count = 0 if lines[line_index]: while lines[line_index][indentation_chars_count] == "\t": indentation_chars_count = indentation_chars_count + 1 self.tab_spaces.append(indentation_chars_count) # print(lines[line_index]) lines[line_index] = self._correct_non_span(lines[line_index]) # print(lines[line_index]) words = lines[line_index].split("<span") for word_index in range(1, words.__len__()): color_index = words[word_index].find("color:") if color_index == -1: color = self.default_color else: starti = words[word_index][color_index:].find("#") color = words[word_index][ color_index + starti : color_index + starti + 7 ] start_point = words[word_index].find(">") end_point = words[word_index].find("</span>") text = words[word_index][start_point + 1 : end_point] text = html.unescape(text) if text != "": # print(text, "'" + color + "'") self.code_json[code_json_line_index].append([text, color])
# print(self.code_json)
[docs] def _correct_non_span(self, line_str: str): """Function put text color to those strings that don't have one according to background_color of displayed code. Parameters --------- line_str Takes a html element's string to put color to it according to background_color of displayed code. Returns ------- :class:`str` The generated html element's string with having color attributes. """ words = line_str.split("</span>") line_str = "" for i in range(0, words.__len__()): if i != words.__len__() - 1: j = words[i].find("<span") else: j = words[i].__len__() temp = "" starti = -1 for k in range(0, j): if words[i][k] == "\t" and starti == -1: continue else: if starti == -1: starti = k temp = temp + words[i][k] if temp != "": if i != words.__len__() - 1: temp = ( '<span style="color:' + self.default_color + '">' + words[i][starti:j] + "</span>" ) else: temp = ( '<span style="color:' + self.default_color + '">' + words[i][starti:j] ) temp = temp + words[i][j:] words[i] = temp if words[i] != "": line_str = line_str + words[i] + "</span>" return line_str
def _hilite_me( code: str, language: str, style: str, insert_line_no: bool, divstyles: str, file_path: Path, line_no_from: int, ): """Function to highlight code from string to html. Parameters --------- code Code string. language The name of the programming language the given code was written in. style Code style name. insert_line_no Defines whether line numbers should be inserted in the html file. divstyles Some html css styles. file_path Path of code file. line_no_from Defines the first line's number in the line count. """ style = style or "colorful" defstyles = "overflow:auto;width:auto;" formatter = HtmlFormatter( style=style, linenos=False, noclasses=True, cssclass="", cssstyles=defstyles + divstyles, prestyles="margin: 0", ) if language is None and file_path: lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(file_path, code) html = highlight(code, lexer, formatter) elif language is None: raise ValueError( "The code language has to be specified when rendering a code string", ) else: html = highlight(code, get_lexer_by_name(language, **{}), formatter) if insert_line_no: html = _insert_line_numbers_in_html(html, line_no_from) html = "<!-- HTML generated by Code() -->" + html return html def _insert_line_numbers_in_html(html: str, line_no_from: int): """Function that inserts line numbers in the highlighted HTML code. Parameters --------- html html string of highlighted code. line_no_from Defines the first line's number in the line count. Returns ------- :class:`str` The generated html string with having line numbers. """ match ="(<pre[^>]*>)(.*)(</pre>)", html, re.DOTALL) if not match: return html pre_open = pre = pre_close = html = html.replace(pre_close, "</pre></td></tr></table>") numbers = range(line_no_from, line_no_from + pre.count("\n") + 1) format_lines = "%" + str(len(str(numbers[-1]))) + "i" lines = "\n".join(format_lines % i for i in numbers) html = html.replace( pre_open, "<table><tr><td>" + pre_open + lines + "</pre></td><td>" + pre_open, ) return html