Source code for manim.mobject.three_d.three_dimensions

"""Three-dimensional mobjects."""

from __future__ import annotations

from manim.typing import Point3D, Vector3
from manim.utils.color import BLUE, BLUE_D, BLUE_E, LIGHT_GREY, WHITE, interpolate_color

__all__ = [

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Sequence

import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Self

from manim import config, logger
from manim.constants import *
from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import Circle
from manim.mobject.geometry.polygram import Square
from manim.mobject.mobject import *
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_mobject import OpenGLMobject
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from manim.utils.color import (
from manim.utils.iterables import tuplify
from manim.utils.space_ops import normalize, perpendicular_bisector, z_to_vector

[docs]class ThreeDVMobject(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): def __init__(self, shade_in_3d: bool = True, **kwargs): super().__init__(shade_in_3d=shade_in_3d, **kwargs)
[docs]class Surface(VGroup, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """Creates a Parametric Surface using a checkerboard pattern. Parameters ---------- func The function defining the :class:`Surface`. u_range The range of the ``u`` variable: ``(u_min, u_max)``. v_range The range of the ``v`` variable: ``(v_min, v_max)``. resolution The number of samples taken of the :class:`Surface`. A tuple can be used to define different resolutions for ``u`` and ``v`` respectively. fill_color The color of the :class:`Surface`. Ignored if ``checkerboard_colors`` is set. fill_opacity The opacity of the :class:`Surface`, from 0 being fully transparent to 1 being fully opaque. Defaults to 1. checkerboard_colors ng individual faces alternating colors. Overrides ``fill_color``. stroke_color Color of the stroke surrounding each face of :class:`Surface`. stroke_width Width of the stroke surrounding each face of :class:`Surface`. Defaults to 0.5. should_make_jagged Changes the anchor mode of the Bézier curves from smooth to jagged. Defaults to ``False``. Examples -------- .. manim:: ParaSurface :save_last_frame: class ParaSurface(ThreeDScene): def func(self, u, v): return np.array([np.cos(u) * np.cos(v), np.cos(u) * np.sin(v), u]) def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes(x_range=[-4,4], x_length=8) surface = Surface( lambda u, v: axes.c2p(*self.func(u, v)), u_range=[-PI, PI], v_range=[0, TAU], resolution=8, ) self.set_camera_orientation(theta=70 * DEGREES, phi=75 * DEGREES) self.add(axes, surface) """ def __init__( self, func: Callable[[float, float], np.ndarray], u_range: Sequence[float] = [0, 1], v_range: Sequence[float] = [0, 1], resolution: Sequence[int] = 32, surface_piece_config: dict = {}, fill_color: ParsableManimColor = BLUE_D, fill_opacity: float = 1.0, checkerboard_colors: Sequence[ParsableManimColor] | bool = [BLUE_D, BLUE_E], stroke_color: ParsableManimColor = LIGHT_GREY, stroke_width: float = 0.5, should_make_jagged: bool = False, pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor: float = 0.00001, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.u_range = u_range self.v_range = v_range super().__init__(**kwargs) self.resolution = resolution self.surface_piece_config = surface_piece_config self.fill_color: ManimColor = ManimColor(fill_color) self.fill_opacity = fill_opacity if checkerboard_colors: self.checkerboard_colors: list[ManimColor] = [ ManimColor(x) for x in checkerboard_colors ] else: self.checkerboard_colors = checkerboard_colors self.stroke_color: ManimColor = ManimColor(stroke_color) self.stroke_width = stroke_width self.should_make_jagged = should_make_jagged self.pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor = ( pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor ) self._func = func self._setup_in_uv_space() self.apply_function(lambda p: func(p[0], p[1])) if self.should_make_jagged: self.make_jagged() def func(self, u: float, v: float) -> np.ndarray: return self._func(u, v) def _get_u_values_and_v_values(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: res = tuplify(self.resolution) if len(res) == 1: u_res = v_res = res[0] else: u_res, v_res = res u_values = np.linspace(*self.u_range, u_res + 1) v_values = np.linspace(*self.v_range, v_res + 1) return u_values, v_values def _setup_in_uv_space(self) -> None: u_values, v_values = self._get_u_values_and_v_values() faces = VGroup() for i in range(len(u_values) - 1): for j in range(len(v_values) - 1): u1, u2 = u_values[i : i + 2] v1, v2 = v_values[j : j + 2] face = ThreeDVMobject() face.set_points_as_corners( [ [u1, v1, 0], [u2, v1, 0], [u2, v2, 0], [u1, v2, 0], [u1, v1, 0], ], ) faces.add(face) face.u_index = i face.v_index = j face.u1 = u1 face.u2 = u2 face.v1 = v1 face.v2 = v2 faces.set_fill(color=self.fill_color, opacity=self.fill_opacity) faces.set_stroke( color=self.stroke_color, width=self.stroke_width, opacity=self.stroke_opacity, ) self.add(*faces) if self.checkerboard_colors: self.set_fill_by_checkerboard(*self.checkerboard_colors)
[docs] def set_fill_by_checkerboard( self, *colors: Iterable[ParsableManimColor], opacity: float | None = None ) -> Self: """Sets the fill_color of each face of :class:`Surface` in an alternating pattern. Parameters ---------- colors List of colors for alternating pattern. opacity The fill_opacity of :class:`Surface`, from 0 being fully transparent to 1 being fully opaque. Returns ------- :class:`~.Surface` The parametric surface with an alternating pattern. """ n_colors = len(colors) for face in self: c_index = (face.u_index + face.v_index) % n_colors face.set_fill(colors[c_index], opacity=opacity) return self
[docs] def set_fill_by_value( self, axes: Mobject, colorscale: list[ParsableManimColor] | ParsableManimColor | None = None, axis: int = 2, **kwargs, ) -> Self: """Sets the color of each mobject of a parametric surface to a color relative to its axis-value. Parameters ---------- axes The axes for the parametric surface, which will be used to map axis-values to colors. colorscale A list of colors, ordered from lower axis-values to higher axis-values. If a list of tuples is passed containing colors paired with numbers, then those numbers will be used as the pivots. axis The chosen axis to use for the color mapping. (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z) Returns ------- :class:`~.Surface` The parametric surface with a gradient applied by value. For chaining. Examples -------- .. manim:: FillByValueExample :save_last_frame: class FillByValueExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): resolution_fa = 8 self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=-160 * DEGREES) axes = ThreeDAxes(x_range=(0, 5, 1), y_range=(0, 5, 1), z_range=(-1, 1, 0.5)) def param_surface(u, v): x = u y = v z = np.sin(x) * np.cos(y) return z surface_plane = Surface( lambda u, v: axes.c2p(u, v, param_surface(u, v)), resolution=(resolution_fa, resolution_fa), v_range=[0, 5], u_range=[0, 5], ) surface_plane.set_style(fill_opacity=1) surface_plane.set_fill_by_value(axes=axes, colorscale=[(RED, -0.5), (YELLOW, 0), (GREEN, 0.5)], axis=2) self.add(axes, surface_plane) """ if "colors" in kwargs and colorscale is None: colorscale = kwargs.pop("colors") if kwargs: raise ValueError( "Unsupported keyword argument(s): " f"{', '.join(str(key) for key in kwargs)}" ) if colorscale is None: logger.warning( "The value passed to the colorscale keyword argument was None, " "the surface fill color has not been changed" ) return self ranges = [axes.x_range, axes.y_range, axes.z_range] if type(colorscale[0]) is tuple: new_colors, pivots = [ [i for i, j in colorscale], [j for i, j in colorscale], ] else: new_colors = colorscale pivot_min = ranges[axis][0] pivot_max = ranges[axis][1] pivot_frequency = (pivot_max - pivot_min) / (len(new_colors) - 1) pivots = np.arange( start=pivot_min, stop=pivot_max + pivot_frequency, step=pivot_frequency, ) for mob in self.family_members_with_points(): axis_value = axes.point_to_coords(mob.get_midpoint())[axis] if axis_value <= pivots[0]: mob.set_color(new_colors[0]) elif axis_value >= pivots[-1]: mob.set_color(new_colors[-1]) else: for i, pivot in enumerate(pivots): if pivot > axis_value: color_index = (axis_value - pivots[i - 1]) / ( pivots[i] - pivots[i - 1] ) color_index = min(color_index, 1) mob_color = interpolate_color( new_colors[i - 1], new_colors[i], color_index, ) if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: mob.set_color(mob_color, recurse=False) elif config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: mob.set_color(mob_color, family=False) break return self
# Specific shapes
[docs]class Sphere(Surface): """A three-dimensional sphere. Parameters ---------- center Center of the :class:`Sphere`. radius The radius of the :class:`Sphere`. resolution The number of samples taken of the :class:`Sphere`. A tuple can be used to define different resolutions for ``u`` and ``v`` respectively. u_range The range of the ``u`` variable: ``(u_min, u_max)``. v_range The range of the ``v`` variable: ``(v_min, v_max)``. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExampleSphere :save_last_frame: class ExampleSphere(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(phi=PI / 6, theta=PI / 6) sphere1 = Sphere( center=(3, 0, 0), radius=1, resolution=(20, 20), u_range=[0.001, PI - 0.001], v_range=[0, TAU] ) sphere1.set_color(RED) self.add(sphere1) sphere2 = Sphere(center=(-1, -3, 0), radius=2, resolution=(18, 18)) sphere2.set_color(GREEN) self.add(sphere2) sphere3 = Sphere(center=(-1, 2, 0), radius=2, resolution=(16, 16)) sphere3.set_color(BLUE) self.add(sphere3) """ def __init__( self, center: Point3D = ORIGIN, radius: float = 1, resolution: Sequence[int] | None = None, u_range: Sequence[float] = (0, TAU), v_range: Sequence[float] = (0, PI), **kwargs, ) -> None: if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: res_value = (101, 51) elif config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: res_value = (24, 12) else: raise Exception("Unknown renderer") resolution = resolution if resolution is not None else res_value self.radius = radius super().__init__( self.func, resolution=resolution, u_range=u_range, v_range=v_range, **kwargs, ) self.shift(center)
[docs] def func(self, u: float, v: float) -> np.ndarray: """The z values defining the :class:`Sphere` being plotted. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` The z values defining the :class:`Sphere`. """ return self.radius * np.array( [np.cos(u) * np.sin(v), np.sin(u) * np.sin(v), -np.cos(v)], )
[docs]class Dot3D(Sphere): """A spherical dot. Parameters ---------- point The location of the dot. radius The radius of the dot. color The color of the :class:`Dot3D`. resolution The number of samples taken of the :class:`Dot3D`. A tuple can be used to define different resolutions for ``u`` and ``v`` respectively. Examples -------- .. manim:: Dot3DExample :save_last_frame: class Dot3DExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75*DEGREES, theta=-45*DEGREES) axes = ThreeDAxes() dot_1 = Dot3D(point=axes.coords_to_point(0, 0, 1), color=RED) dot_2 = Dot3D(point=axes.coords_to_point(2, 0, 0), radius=0.1, color=BLUE) dot_3 = Dot3D(point=[0, 0, 0], radius=0.1, color=ORANGE) self.add(axes, dot_1, dot_2,dot_3) """ def __init__( self, point: list | np.ndarray = ORIGIN, radius: float = DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS, color: ParsableManimColor = WHITE, resolution: tuple[int, int] = (8, 8), **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(center=point, radius=radius, resolution=resolution, **kwargs) self.set_color(color)
[docs]class Cube(VGroup): """A three-dimensional cube. Parameters ---------- side_length Length of each side of the :class:`Cube`. fill_opacity The opacity of the :class:`Cube`, from 0 being fully transparent to 1 being fully opaque. Defaults to 0.75. fill_color The color of the :class:`Cube`. stroke_width The width of the stroke surrounding each face of the :class:`Cube`. Examples -------- .. manim:: CubeExample :save_last_frame: class CubeExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75*DEGREES, theta=-45*DEGREES) axes = ThreeDAxes() cube = Cube(side_length=3, fill_opacity=0.7, fill_color=BLUE) self.add(cube) """ def __init__( self, side_length: float = 2, fill_opacity: float = 0.75, fill_color: ParsableManimColor = BLUE, stroke_width: float = 0, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.side_length = side_length super().__init__( fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, )
[docs] def generate_points(self) -> None: """Creates the sides of the :class:`Cube`.""" for vect in IN, OUT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN: face = Square( side_length=self.side_length, shade_in_3d=True, ) face.flip() face.shift(self.side_length * OUT / 2.0) face.apply_matrix(z_to_vector(vect)) self.add(face)
init_points = generate_points
[docs]class Prism(Cube): """A right rectangular prism (or rectangular cuboid). Defined by the length of each side in ``[x, y, z]`` format. Parameters ---------- dimensions Dimensions of the :class:`Prism` in ``[x, y, z]`` format. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExamplePrism :save_last_frame: class ExamplePrism(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(phi=60 * DEGREES, theta=150 * DEGREES) prismSmall = Prism(dimensions=[1, 2, 3]).rotate(PI / 2) prismLarge = Prism(dimensions=[1.5, 3, 4.5]).move_to([2, 0, 0]) self.add(prismSmall, prismLarge) """ def __init__( self, dimensions: tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray = [3, 2, 1], **kwargs ) -> None: self.dimensions = dimensions super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def generate_points(self) -> None: """Creates the sides of the :class:`Prism`.""" super().generate_points() for dim, value in enumerate(self.dimensions): self.rescale_to_fit(value, dim, stretch=True)
[docs]class Cone(Surface): """A circular cone. Can be defined using 2 parameters: its height, and its base radius. The polar angle, theta, can be calculated using arctan(base_radius / height) The spherical radius, r, is calculated using the pythagorean theorem. Parameters ---------- base_radius The base radius from which the cone tapers. height The height measured from the plane formed by the base_radius to the apex of the cone. direction The direction of the apex. show_base Whether to show the base plane or not. v_range The azimuthal angle to start and end at. u_min The radius at the apex. checkerboard_colors Show checkerboard grid texture on the cone. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExampleCone :save_last_frame: class ExampleCone(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() cone = Cone(direction=X_AXIS+Y_AXIS+2*Z_AXIS, resolution=8) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=5*PI/11, theta=PI/9) self.add(axes, cone) """ def __init__( self, base_radius: float = 1, height: float = 1, direction: np.ndarray = Z_AXIS, show_base: bool = False, v_range: Sequence[float] = [0, TAU], u_min: float = 0, checkerboard_colors: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.direction = direction self.theta = PI - np.arctan(base_radius / height) super().__init__( self.func, v_range=v_range, u_range=[u_min, np.sqrt(base_radius**2 + height**2)], checkerboard_colors=checkerboard_colors, **kwargs, ) # used for rotations self._current_theta = 0 self._current_phi = 0 if show_base: self.base_circle = Circle( radius=base_radius, color=self.fill_color, fill_opacity=self.fill_opacity, stroke_width=0, ) self.base_circle.shift(height * IN) self.add(self.base_circle) self._rotate_to_direction()
[docs] def func(self, u: float, v: float) -> np.ndarray: """Converts from spherical coordinates to cartesian. Parameters ---------- u The radius. v The azimuthal angle. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` Points defining the :class:`Cone`. """ r = u phi = v return np.array( [ r * np.sin(self.theta) * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(self.theta) * np.sin(phi), r * np.cos(self.theta), ], )
def _rotate_to_direction(self) -> None: x, y, z = self.direction r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) if r > 0: theta = np.arccos(z / r) else: theta = 0 if x == 0: if y == 0: # along the z axis phi = 0 else: phi = np.arctan(np.inf) if y < 0: phi += PI else: phi = np.arctan(y / x) if x < 0: phi += PI # Undo old rotation (in reverse order) self.rotate(-self._current_phi, Z_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) self.rotate(-self._current_theta, Y_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) # Do new rotation self.rotate(theta, Y_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) self.rotate(phi, Z_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) # Store values self._current_theta = theta self._current_phi = phi
[docs] def set_direction(self, direction: np.ndarray) -> None: """Changes the direction of the apex of the :class:`Cone`. Parameters ---------- direction The direction of the apex. """ self.direction = direction self._rotate_to_direction()
[docs] def get_direction(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the current direction of the apex of the :class:`Cone`. Returns ------- direction : :class:`numpy.array` The direction of the apex. """ return self.direction
[docs]class Cylinder(Surface): """A cylinder, defined by its height, radius and direction, Parameters ---------- radius The radius of the cylinder. height The height of the cylinder. direction The direction of the central axis of the cylinder. v_range The height along the height axis (given by direction) to start and end on. show_ends Whether to show the end caps or not. resolution The number of samples taken of the :class:`Cylinder`. A tuple can be used to define different resolutions for ``u`` and ``v`` respectively. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExampleCylinder :save_last_frame: class ExampleCylinder(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() cylinder = Cylinder(radius=2, height=3) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=30 * DEGREES) self.add(axes, cylinder) """ def __init__( self, radius: float = 1, height: float = 2, direction: np.ndarray = Z_AXIS, v_range: Sequence[float] = [0, TAU], show_ends: bool = True, resolution: Sequence[int] = (24, 24), **kwargs, ) -> None: self._height = height self.radius = radius super().__init__( self.func, resolution=resolution, u_range=[-self._height / 2, self._height / 2], v_range=v_range, **kwargs, ) if show_ends: self.add_bases() self._current_phi = 0 self._current_theta = 0 self.set_direction(direction)
[docs] def func(self, u: float, v: float) -> np.ndarray: """Converts from cylindrical coordinates to cartesian. Parameters ---------- u The height. v The azimuthal angle. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Points defining the :class:`Cylinder`. """ height = u phi = v r = self.radius return np.array([r * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(phi), height])
[docs] def add_bases(self) -> None: """Adds the end caps of the cylinder.""" if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: color = self.color opacity = self.opacity elif config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: color = self.fill_color opacity = self.fill_opacity self.base_top = Circle( radius=self.radius, color=color, fill_opacity=opacity, shade_in_3d=True, stroke_width=0, ) self.base_top.shift(self.u_range[1] * IN) self.base_bottom = Circle( radius=self.radius, color=color, fill_opacity=opacity, shade_in_3d=True, stroke_width=0, ) self.base_bottom.shift(self.u_range[0] * IN) self.add(self.base_top, self.base_bottom)
def _rotate_to_direction(self) -> None: x, y, z = self.direction r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) if r > 0: theta = np.arccos(z / r) else: theta = 0 if x == 0: if y == 0: # along the z axis phi = 0 else: # along the x axis phi = np.arctan(np.inf) if y < 0: phi += PI else: phi = np.arctan(y / x) if x < 0: phi += PI # undo old rotation (in reverse direction) self.rotate(-self._current_phi, Z_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) self.rotate(-self._current_theta, Y_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) # do new rotation self.rotate(theta, Y_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) self.rotate(phi, Z_AXIS, about_point=ORIGIN) # store new values self._current_theta = theta self._current_phi = phi
[docs] def set_direction(self, direction: np.ndarray) -> None: """Sets the direction of the central axis of the :class:`Cylinder`. Parameters ---------- direction : :class:`numpy.array` The direction of the central axis of the :class:`Cylinder`. """ # if get_norm(direction) is get_norm(self.direction): # pass self.direction = direction self._rotate_to_direction()
[docs] def get_direction(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the direction of the central axis of the :class:`Cylinder`. Returns ------- direction : :class:`numpy.array` The direction of the central axis of the :class:`Cylinder`. """ return self.direction
[docs]class Line3D(Cylinder): """A cylindrical line, for use in ThreeDScene. Parameters ---------- start The start point of the line. end The end point of the line. thickness The thickness of the line. color The color of the line. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExampleLine3D :save_last_frame: class ExampleLine3D(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() line = Line3D(start=np.array([0, 0, 0]), end=np.array([2, 2, 2])) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=30 * DEGREES) self.add(axes, line) """ def __init__( self, start: np.ndarray = LEFT, end: np.ndarray = RIGHT, thickness: float = 0.02, color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, **kwargs, ): self.thickness = thickness self.set_start_and_end_attrs(start, end, **kwargs) if color is not None: self.set_color(color)
[docs] def set_start_and_end_attrs( self, start: np.ndarray, end: np.ndarray, **kwargs ) -> None: """Sets the start and end points of the line. If either ``start`` or ``end`` are :class:`Mobjects <.Mobject>`, this gives their centers. Parameters ---------- start Starting point or :class:`Mobject`. end Ending point or :class:`Mobject`. """ rough_start = self.pointify(start) rough_end = self.pointify(end) self.vect = rough_end - rough_start self.length = np.linalg.norm(self.vect) self.direction = normalize(self.vect) # Now that we know the direction between them, # we can the appropriate boundary point from # start and end, if they're mobjects self.start = self.pointify(start, self.direction) self.end = self.pointify(end, -self.direction) super().__init__( height=np.linalg.norm(self.vect), radius=self.thickness, direction=self.direction, **kwargs, ) self.shift((self.start + self.end) / 2)
[docs] def pointify( self, mob_or_point: Mobject | Point3D, direction: Vector3 = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Gets a point representing the center of the :class:`Mobjects <.Mobject>`. Parameters ---------- mob_or_point :class:`Mobjects <.Mobject>` or point whose center should be returned. direction If an edge of a :class:`Mobjects <.Mobject>` should be returned, the direction of the edge. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` Center of the :class:`Mobjects <.Mobject>` or point, or edge if direction is given. """ if isinstance(mob_or_point, (Mobject, OpenGLMobject)): mob = mob_or_point if direction is None: return mob.get_center() else: return mob.get_boundary_point(direction) return np.array(mob_or_point)
[docs] def get_start(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the starting point of the :class:`Line3D`. Returns ------- start : :class:`numpy.array` Starting point of the :class:`Line3D`. """ return self.start
[docs] def get_end(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the ending point of the :class:`Line3D`. Returns ------- end : :class:`numpy.array` Ending point of the :class:`Line3D`. """ return self.end
[docs] @classmethod def parallel_to( cls, line: Line3D, point: Vector3 = ORIGIN, length: float = 5, **kwargs, ) -> Line3D: """Returns a line parallel to another line going through a given point. Parameters ---------- line The line to be parallel to. point The point to pass through. length Length of the parallel line. kwargs Additional parameters to be passed to the class. Returns ------- :class:`Line3D` Line parallel to ``line``. Examples -------- .. manim:: ParallelLineExample :save_last_frame: class ParallelLineExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(PI / 3, -PI / 4) ax = ThreeDAxes((-5, 5), (-5, 5), (-5, 5), 10, 10, 10) line1 = Line3D(RIGHT * 2, UP + OUT, color=RED) line2 = Line3D.parallel_to(line1, color=YELLOW) self.add(ax, line1, line2) """ point = np.array(point) vect = normalize(line.vect) return cls( point + vect * length / 2, point - vect * length / 2, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def perpendicular_to( cls, line: Line3D, point: Vector3 = ORIGIN, length: float = 5, **kwargs, ) -> Line3D: """Returns a line perpendicular to another line going through a given point. Parameters ---------- line The line to be perpendicular to. point The point to pass through. length Length of the perpendicular line. kwargs Additional parameters to be passed to the class. Returns ------- :class:`Line3D` Line perpendicular to ``line``. Examples -------- .. manim:: PerpLineExample :save_last_frame: class PerpLineExample(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): self.set_camera_orientation(PI / 3, -PI / 4) ax = ThreeDAxes((-5, 5), (-5, 5), (-5, 5), 10, 10, 10) line1 = Line3D(RIGHT * 2, UP + OUT, color=RED) line2 = Line3D.perpendicular_to(line1, color=BLUE) self.add(ax, line1, line2) """ point = np.array(point) norm = np.cross(line.vect, point - line.start) if all(np.linalg.norm(norm) == np.zeros(3)): raise ValueError("Could not find the perpendicular.") start, end = perpendicular_bisector([line.start, line.end], norm) vect = normalize(end - start) return cls( point + vect * length / 2, point - vect * length / 2, **kwargs, )
[docs]class Arrow3D(Line3D): """An arrow made out of a cylindrical line and a conical tip. Parameters ---------- start The start position of the arrow. end The end position of the arrow. thickness The thickness of the arrow. height The height of the conical tip. base_radius The base radius of the conical tip. color The color of the arrow. Examples -------- .. manim:: ExampleArrow3D :save_last_frame: class ExampleArrow3D(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() arrow = Arrow3D( start=np.array([0, 0, 0]), end=np.array([2, 2, 2]), resolution=8 ) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=30 * DEGREES) self.add(axes, arrow) """ def __init__( self, start: np.ndarray = LEFT, end: np.ndarray = RIGHT, thickness: float = 0.02, height: float = 0.3, base_radius: float = 0.08, color: ParsableManimColor = WHITE, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__( start=start, end=end, thickness=thickness, color=color, **kwargs ) self.length = np.linalg.norm(self.vect) self.set_start_and_end_attrs( self.start, self.end - height * self.direction, **kwargs, ) self.cone = Cone( direction=self.direction, base_radius=base_radius, height=height, **kwargs ) self.cone.shift(end) self.add(self.cone) self.set_color(color)
[docs]class Torus(Surface): """A torus. Parameters ---------- major_radius Distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus. minor_radius Radius of the tube. u_range The range of the ``u`` variable: ``(u_min, u_max)``. v_range The range of the ``v`` variable: ``(v_min, v_max)``. resolution The number of samples taken of the :class:`Torus`. A tuple can be used to define different resolutions for ``u`` and ``v`` respectively. Examples -------- .. manim :: ExampleTorus :save_last_frame: class ExampleTorus(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() torus = Torus() self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=30 * DEGREES) self.add(axes, torus) """ def __init__( self, major_radius: float = 3, minor_radius: float = 1, u_range: Sequence[float] = (0, TAU), v_range: Sequence[float] = (0, TAU), resolution: tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: res_value = (101, 101) elif config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: res_value = (24, 24) resolution = resolution if resolution is not None else res_value self.R = major_radius self.r = minor_radius super().__init__( self.func, u_range=u_range, v_range=v_range, resolution=resolution, **kwargs, )
[docs] def func(self, u: float, v: float) -> np.ndarray: """The z values defining the :class:`Torus` being plotted. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The z values defining the :class:`Torus`. """ P = np.array([np.cos(u), np.sin(u), 0]) return (self.R - self.r * np.cos(v)) * P - self.r * np.sin(v) * OUT