Source code for manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject

"""Mobjects that use vector graphics."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import itertools as it
import sys
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from PIL.Image import Image
from typing_extensions import Self

from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_vectorized_mobject import OpenGLVMobject
from manim.mobject.three_d.three_d_utils import (

from ... import config
from ...constants import *
from ...mobject.mobject import Mobject
from ...utils.bezier import (
from ...utils.color import BLACK, WHITE, ManimColor, ParsableManimColor
from ...utils.iterables import make_even, resize_array, stretch_array_to_length, tuplify
from ...utils.space_ops import rotate_vector, shoelace_direction

    from manim.typing import (

# - Change cubic curve groups to have 4 points instead of 3
# - Change sub_path idea accordingly
# - No more mark_paths_closed, instead have the camera test
#   if last point in close to first point
# - Think about length of self.points.  Always 0 or 1 mod 4?
#   That's kind of weird.

[docs]class VMobject(Mobject): """A vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- background_stroke_color The purpose of background stroke is to have something that won't overlap fill, e.g. For text against some textured background. sheen_factor When a color c is set, there will be a second color computed based on interpolating c to WHITE by with sheen_factor, and the display will gradient to this secondary color in the direction of sheen_direction. close_new_points Indicates that it will not be displayed, but that it should count in parent mobject's path tolerance_for_point_equality This is within a pixel joint_type The line joint type used to connect the curve segments of this vectorized mobject. See :class:`.LineJointType` for options. """ sheen_factor = 0.0 def __init__( self, fill_color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, fill_opacity: float = 0.0, stroke_color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, stroke_opacity: float = 1.0, stroke_width: float = DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH, background_stroke_color: ParsableManimColor | None = BLACK, background_stroke_opacity: float = 1.0, background_stroke_width: float = 0, sheen_factor: float = 0.0, joint_type: LineJointType | None = None, sheen_direction: Vector3 = UL, close_new_points: bool = False, pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor: float = 0.01, make_smooth_after_applying_functions: bool = False, background_image: Image | str | None = None, shade_in_3d: bool = False, # TODO, do we care about accounting for varying zoom levels? tolerance_for_point_equality: float = 1e-6, n_points_per_cubic_curve: int = 4, **kwargs, ): self.fill_opacity = fill_opacity self.stroke_opacity = stroke_opacity self.stroke_width = stroke_width if background_stroke_color is not None: self.background_stroke_color: ManimColor = ManimColor( background_stroke_color ) self.background_stroke_opacity: float = background_stroke_opacity self.background_stroke_width: float = background_stroke_width self.sheen_factor: float = sheen_factor self.joint_type: LineJointType = ( LineJointType.AUTO if joint_type is None else joint_type ) self.sheen_direction: Vector3 = sheen_direction self.close_new_points: bool = close_new_points self.pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor: float = ( pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor ) self.make_smooth_after_applying_functions: bool = ( make_smooth_after_applying_functions ) self.background_image: Image | str | None = background_image self.shade_in_3d: bool = shade_in_3d self.tolerance_for_point_equality: float = tolerance_for_point_equality self.n_points_per_cubic_curve: int = n_points_per_cubic_curve super().__init__(**kwargs) self.submobjects: list[VMobject] # TODO: Find where color overwrites are happening and remove the color doubling # if "color" in kwargs: # fill_color = kwargs["color"] # stroke_color = kwargs["color"] if fill_color is not None: self.fill_color = ManimColor.parse(fill_color) if stroke_color is not None: self.stroke_color = ManimColor.parse(stroke_color) # OpenGL compatibility @property def n_points_per_curve(self) -> int: return self.n_points_per_cubic_curve def get_group_class(self) -> type[VGroup]: return VGroup
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mobject_type_class() -> type[VMobject]: return VMobject
# Colors
[docs] def init_colors(self, propagate_colors: bool = True) -> Self: self.set_fill( color=self.fill_color, opacity=self.fill_opacity, family=propagate_colors, ) self.set_stroke( color=self.stroke_color, width=self.stroke_width, opacity=self.stroke_opacity, family=propagate_colors, ) self.set_background_stroke( color=self.background_stroke_color, width=self.background_stroke_width, opacity=self.background_stroke_opacity, family=propagate_colors, ) self.set_sheen( factor=self.sheen_factor, direction=self.sheen_direction, family=propagate_colors, ) if not propagate_colors: for submobject in self.submobjects: submobject.init_colors(propagate_colors=False) return self
[docs] def generate_rgbas_array( self, color: ManimColor | list[ManimColor], opacity: float | Iterable[float] ) -> RGBA_Array_Float: """ First arg can be either a color, or a tuple/list of colors. Likewise, opacity can either be a float, or a tuple of floats. If self.sheen_factor is not zero, and only one color was passed in, a second slightly light color will automatically be added for the gradient """ colors: list[ManimColor] = [ ManimColor(c) if (c is not None) else BLACK for c in tuplify(color) ] opacities: list[float] = [ o if (o is not None) else 0.0 for o in tuplify(opacity) ] rgbas: npt.NDArray[RGBA_Array_Float] = np.array( [c.to_rgba_with_alpha(o) for c, o in zip(*make_even(colors, opacities))], ) sheen_factor = self.get_sheen_factor() if sheen_factor != 0 and len(rgbas) == 1: light_rgbas = np.array(rgbas) light_rgbas[:, :3] += sheen_factor np.clip(light_rgbas, 0, 1, out=light_rgbas) rgbas = np.append(rgbas, light_rgbas, axis=0) return rgbas
def update_rgbas_array( self, array_name: str, color: ManimColor | None = None, opacity: float | None = None, ) -> Self: rgbas = self.generate_rgbas_array(color, opacity) if not hasattr(self, array_name): setattr(self, array_name, rgbas) return self # Match up current rgbas array with the newly calculated # one. 99% of the time they'll be the same. curr_rgbas = getattr(self, array_name) if len(curr_rgbas) < len(rgbas): curr_rgbas = stretch_array_to_length(curr_rgbas, len(rgbas)) setattr(self, array_name, curr_rgbas) elif len(rgbas) < len(curr_rgbas): rgbas = stretch_array_to_length(rgbas, len(curr_rgbas)) # Only update rgb if color was not None, and only # update alpha channel if opacity was passed in if color is not None: curr_rgbas[:, :3] = rgbas[:, :3] if opacity is not None: curr_rgbas[:, 3] = rgbas[:, 3] return self
[docs] def set_fill( self, color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, opacity: float | None = None, family: bool = True, ) -> Self: """Set the fill color and fill opacity of a :class:`VMobject`. Parameters ---------- color Fill color of the :class:`VMobject`. opacity Fill opacity of the :class:`VMobject`. family If ``True``, the fill color of all submobjects is also set. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` Examples -------- .. manim:: SetFill :save_last_frame: class SetFill(Scene): def construct(self): square = Square().scale(2).set_fill(WHITE,1) circle1 = Circle().set_fill(GREEN,0.8) circle2 = Circle().set_fill(YELLOW) # No fill_opacity circle3 = Circle().set_fill(color = '#FF2135', opacity = 0.2) group = Group(circle1,circle2,circle3).arrange() self.add(square) self.add(group) See Also -------- :meth:`~.VMobject.set_style` """ if family: for submobject in self.submobjects: submobject.set_fill(color, opacity, family) self.update_rgbas_array("fill_rgbas", color, opacity) self.fill_rgbas: RGBA_Array_Float if opacity is not None: self.fill_opacity = opacity return self
def set_stroke( self, color: ParsableManimColor = None, width: float | None = None, opacity: float | None = None, background=False, family: bool = True, ) -> Self: if family: for submobject in self.submobjects: submobject.set_stroke(color, width, opacity, background, family) if background: array_name = "background_stroke_rgbas" width_name = "background_stroke_width" opacity_name = "background_stroke_opacity" else: array_name = "stroke_rgbas" width_name = "stroke_width" opacity_name = "stroke_opacity" self.update_rgbas_array(array_name, color, opacity) if width is not None: setattr(self, width_name, width) if opacity is not None: setattr(self, opacity_name, opacity) if color is not None and background: if isinstance(color, (list, tuple)): self.background_stroke_color = color else: self.background_stroke_color = ManimColor(color) return self def set_background_stroke(self, **kwargs) -> Self: kwargs["background"] = True self.set_stroke(**kwargs) return self def set_style( self, fill_color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, fill_opacity: float | None = None, stroke_color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, stroke_width: float | None = None, stroke_opacity: float | None = None, background_stroke_color: ParsableManimColor | None = None, background_stroke_width: float | None = None, background_stroke_opacity: float | None = None, sheen_factor: float | None = None, sheen_direction: Vector3 | None = None, background_image: Image | str | None = None, family: bool = True, ) -> Self: self.set_fill(color=fill_color, opacity=fill_opacity, family=family) self.set_stroke( color=stroke_color, width=stroke_width, opacity=stroke_opacity, family=family, ) self.set_background_stroke( color=background_stroke_color, width=background_stroke_width, opacity=background_stroke_opacity, family=family, ) if sheen_factor: self.set_sheen( factor=sheen_factor, direction=sheen_direction, family=family, ) if background_image: self.color_using_background_image(background_image) return self def get_style(self, simple: bool = False) -> dict: ret = { "stroke_opacity": self.get_stroke_opacity(), "stroke_width": self.get_stroke_width(), } # TODO: FIX COLORS HERE if simple: ret["fill_color"] = self.get_fill_color() ret["fill_opacity"] = self.get_fill_opacity() ret["stroke_color"] = self.get_stroke_color() else: ret["fill_color"] = self.get_fill_colors() ret["fill_opacity"] = self.get_fill_opacities() ret["stroke_color"] = self.get_stroke_colors() ret["background_stroke_color"] = self.get_stroke_colors(background=True) ret["background_stroke_width"] = self.get_stroke_width(background=True) ret["background_stroke_opacity"] = self.get_stroke_opacity(background=True) ret["sheen_factor"] = self.get_sheen_factor() ret["sheen_direction"] = self.get_sheen_direction() ret["background_image"] = self.get_background_image() return ret def match_style(self, vmobject: VMobject, family: bool = True) -> Self: self.set_style(**vmobject.get_style(), family=False) if family: # Does its best to match up submobject lists, and # match styles accordingly submobs1, submobs2 = self.submobjects, vmobject.submobjects if len(submobs1) == 0: return self elif len(submobs2) == 0: submobs2 = [vmobject] for sm1, sm2 in zip(*make_even(submobs1, submobs2)): sm1.match_style(sm2) return self
[docs] def set_color(self, color: ParsableManimColor, family: bool = True) -> Self: self.set_fill(color, family=family) self.set_stroke(color, family=family) return self
def set_opacity(self, opacity: float, family: bool = True) -> Self: self.set_fill(opacity=opacity, family=family) self.set_stroke(opacity=opacity, family=family) self.set_stroke(opacity=opacity, family=family, background=True) return self def fade(self, darkness: float = 0.5, family: bool = True) -> Self: factor = 1.0 - darkness self.set_fill(opacity=factor * self.get_fill_opacity(), family=False) self.set_stroke(opacity=factor * self.get_stroke_opacity(), family=False) self.set_background_stroke( opacity=factor * self.get_stroke_opacity(background=True), family=False, ) super().fade(darkness, family) return self def get_fill_rgbas(self) -> RGBA_Array_Float | Zeros: try: return self.fill_rgbas except AttributeError: return np.zeros((1, 4))
[docs] def get_fill_color(self) -> ManimColor: """ If there are multiple colors (for gradient) this returns the first one """ return self.get_fill_colors()[0]
fill_color = property(get_fill_color, set_fill)
[docs] def get_fill_opacity(self) -> ManimFloat: """ If there are multiple opacities, this returns the first """ return self.get_fill_opacities()[0]
# TODO: Does this just do a copy? # TODO: I have the feeling that this function should not return None, does that have any usage ? def get_fill_colors(self) -> list[ManimColor | None]: return [ ManimColor(rgba[:3]) if rgba.any() else None for rgba in self.get_fill_rgbas() ] def get_fill_opacities(self) -> npt.NDArray[ManimFloat]: return self.get_fill_rgbas()[:, 3] def get_stroke_rgbas(self, background: bool = False) -> RGBA_Array_float | Zeros: try: if background: self.background_stroke_rgbas: RGBA_Array_Float rgbas = self.background_stroke_rgbas else: self.stroke_rgbas: RGBA_Array_Float rgbas = self.stroke_rgbas return rgbas except AttributeError: return np.zeros((1, 4)) def get_stroke_color(self, background: bool = False) -> ManimColor | None: return self.get_stroke_colors(background)[0] stroke_color = property(get_stroke_color, set_stroke) def get_stroke_width(self, background: bool = False) -> float: if background: self.background_stroke_width: float width = self.background_stroke_width else: width = self.stroke_width if isinstance(width, str): width = int(width) return max(0.0, width) def get_stroke_opacity(self, background: bool = False) -> ManimFloat: return self.get_stroke_opacities(background)[0] def get_stroke_colors(self, background: bool = False) -> list[ManimColor | None]: return [ ManimColor(rgba[:3]) if rgba.any() else None for rgba in self.get_stroke_rgbas(background) ] def get_stroke_opacities(self, background: bool = False) -> npt.NDArray[ManimFloat]: return self.get_stroke_rgbas(background)[:, 3]
[docs] def get_color(self) -> ManimColor: if np.all(self.get_fill_opacities() == 0): return self.get_stroke_color() return self.get_fill_color()
color = property(get_color, set_color)
[docs] def set_sheen_direction(self, direction: Vector3, family: bool = True) -> Self: """Sets the direction of the applied sheen. Parameters ---------- direction Direction from where the gradient is applied. Examples -------- Normal usage:: Circle().set_sheen_direction(UP) See Also -------- :meth:`~.VMobject.set_sheen` :meth:`~.VMobject.rotate_sheen_direction` """ direction = np.array(direction) if family: for submob in self.get_family(): submob.sheen_direction = direction else: self.sheen_direction: Vector3 = direction return self
[docs] def rotate_sheen_direction( self, angle: float, axis: Vector3 = OUT, family: bool = True ) -> Self: """Rotates the direction of the applied sheen. Parameters ---------- angle Angle by which the direction of sheen is rotated. axis Axis of rotation. Examples -------- Normal usage:: Circle().set_sheen_direction(UP).rotate_sheen_direction(PI) See Also -------- :meth:`~.VMobject.set_sheen_direction` """ if family: for submob in self.get_family(): submob.sheen_direction = rotate_vector( submob.sheen_direction, angle, axis, ) else: self.sheen_direction = rotate_vector(self.sheen_direction, angle, axis) return self
[docs] def set_sheen( self, factor: float, direction: Vector3 | None = None, family: bool = True ) -> Self: """Applies a color gradient from a direction. Parameters ---------- factor The extent of lustre/gradient to apply. If negative, the gradient starts from black, if positive the gradient starts from white and changes to the current color. direction Direction from where the gradient is applied. Examples -------- .. manim:: SetSheen :save_last_frame: class SetSheen(Scene): def construct(self): circle = Circle(fill_opacity=1).set_sheen(-0.3, DR) self.add(circle) """ if family: for submob in self.submobjects: submob.set_sheen(factor, direction, family) self.sheen_factor: float = factor if direction is not None: # family set to false because recursion will # already be handled above self.set_sheen_direction(direction, family=False) # Reset color to put sheen_factor into effect if factor != 0: self.set_stroke(self.get_stroke_color(), family=family) self.set_fill(self.get_fill_color(), family=family) return self
def get_sheen_direction(self) -> Vector3: return np.array(self.sheen_direction) def get_sheen_factor(self) -> float: return self.sheen_factor def get_gradient_start_and_end_points(self) -> tuple[Point3D, Point3D]: if self.shade_in_3d: return get_3d_vmob_gradient_start_and_end_points(self) else: direction = self.get_sheen_direction() c = self.get_center() bases = np.array( [self.get_edge_center(vect) - c for vect in [RIGHT, UP, OUT]], ).transpose() offset =, direction) return (c - offset, c + offset) def color_using_background_image(self, background_image: Image | str) -> Self: self.background_image: Image | str = background_image self.set_color(WHITE) for submob in self.submobjects: submob.color_using_background_image(background_image) return self def get_background_image(self) -> Image | str: return self.background_image def match_background_image(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: self.color_using_background_image(vmobject.get_background_image()) return self def set_shade_in_3d( self, value: bool = True, z_index_as_group: bool = False ) -> Self: for submob in self.get_family(): submob.shade_in_3d = value if z_index_as_group: submob.z_index_group = self return self def set_points(self, points: Point3D_Array) -> Self: self.points: Point3D_Array = np.array(points) return self
[docs] def resize_points( self, new_length: int, resize_func: Callable[[Point3D, int], Point3D] = resize_array, ) -> Self: """Resize the array of anchor points and handles to have the specified size. Parameters ---------- new_length The new (total) number of points. resize_func A function mapping a Numpy array (the points) and an integer (the target size) to a Numpy array. The default implementation is based on Numpy's ``resize`` function. """ if new_length != len(self.points): self.points = resize_func(self.points, new_length) return self
[docs] def set_anchors_and_handles( self, anchors1: CubicBezierPoints, handles1: CubicBezierPoints, handles2: CubicBezierPoints, anchors2: CubicBezierPoints, ) -> Self: """Given two sets of anchors and handles, process them to set them as anchors and handles of the VMobject. anchors1[i], handles1[i], handles2[i] and anchors2[i] define the i-th bezier curve of the vmobject. There are four hardcoded parameters and this is a problem as it makes the number of points per cubic curve unchangeable from 4 (two anchors and two handles). Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ assert len(anchors1) == len(handles1) == len(handles2) == len(anchors2) nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve # 4 total_len = nppcc * len(anchors1) self.points = np.zeros((total_len, self.dim)) # the following will, from the four sets, dispatch them in points such that # self.points = [ # anchors1[0], handles1[0], handles2[0], anchors1[0], anchors1[1], # handles1[1], ... # ] arrays = [anchors1, handles1, handles2, anchors2] for index, array in enumerate(arrays): self.points[index::nppcc] = array return self
def clear_points(self) -> None: self.points = np.zeros((0, self.dim)) def append_points(self, new_points: Point3D_Array) -> Self: # TODO, check that number new points is a multiple of 4? # or else that if len(self.points) % 4 == 1, then # len(new_points) % 4 == 3? self.points = np.append(self.points, new_points, axis=0) return self def start_new_path(self, point: Point3D) -> Self: if len(self.points) % 4 != 0: # close the open path by appending the last # start anchor sufficiently often last_anchor = self.get_start_anchors()[-1] for _ in range(4 - (len(self.points) % 4)): self.append_points([last_anchor]) self.append_points([point]) return self def add_cubic_bezier_curve( self, anchor1: CubicBezierPoints, handle1: CubicBezierPoints, handle2: CubicBezierPoints, anchor2: CubicBezierPoints, ) -> None: # TODO, check the len(self.points) % 4 == 0? self.append_points([anchor1, handle1, handle2, anchor2]) # what type is curves? def add_cubic_bezier_curves(self, curves) -> None: self.append_points(curves.flatten())
[docs] def add_cubic_bezier_curve_to( self, handle1: CubicBezierPoints, handle2: CubicBezierPoints, anchor: CubicBezierPoints, ) -> Self: """Add cubic bezier curve to the path. NOTE : the first anchor is not a parameter as by default the end of the last sub-path! Parameters ---------- handle1 first handle handle2 second handle anchor anchor Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ self.throw_error_if_no_points() new_points = [handle1, handle2, anchor] if self.has_new_path_started(): self.append_points(new_points) else: self.append_points([self.get_last_point()] + new_points) return self
[docs] def add_quadratic_bezier_curve_to( self, handle: QuadraticBezierPoints, anchor: QuadraticBezierPoints, ) -> Self: """Add Quadratic bezier curve to the path. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ # How does one approximate a quadratic with a cubic? # refer to the Wikipedia page on Bezier curves #, accessed Jan 20, 2021 # 1. Copy the end points, and then # 2. Place the 2 middle control points 2/3 along the line segments # from the end points to the quadratic curve's middle control point. # I think that's beautiful. self.add_cubic_bezier_curve_to( 2 / 3 * handle + 1 / 3 * self.get_last_point(), 2 / 3 * handle + 1 / 3 * anchor, anchor, ) return self
[docs] def add_line_to(self, point: Point3D) -> Self: """Add a straight line from the last point of VMobject to the given point. Parameters ---------- point end of the straight line. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve self.add_cubic_bezier_curve_to( *( interpolate(self.get_last_point(), point, a) for a in np.linspace(0, 1, nppcc)[1:] ) ) return self
[docs] def add_smooth_curve_to(self, *points: Point3D) -> Self: """Creates a smooth curve from given points and add it to the VMobject. If two points are passed in, the first is interpreted as a handle, the second as an anchor. Parameters ---------- points Points (anchor and handle, or just anchor) to add a smooth curve from Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` Raises ------ ValueError If 0 or more than 2 points are given. """ # TODO remove the value error and just add two parameters with one optional if len(points) == 1: handle2 = None new_anchor = points[0] elif len(points) == 2: handle2, new_anchor = points else: name = sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name raise ValueError(f"Only call {name} with 1 or 2 points") if self.has_new_path_started(): self.add_line_to(new_anchor) else: self.throw_error_if_no_points() last_h2, last_a2 = self.points[-2:] last_tangent = last_a2 - last_h2 handle1 = last_a2 + last_tangent if handle2 is None: to_anchor_vect = new_anchor - last_a2 new_tangent = rotate_vector(last_tangent, PI, axis=to_anchor_vect) handle2 = new_anchor - new_tangent self.append_points([last_a2, handle1, handle2, new_anchor]) return self
def has_new_path_started(self) -> bool: nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve # 4 # A new path starting is defined by a control point which is not part of a bezier subcurve. return len(self.points) % nppcc == 1 def get_last_point(self) -> Point3D: return self.points[-1] def is_closed(self) -> bool: # TODO use consider_points_equals_2d ? return self.consider_points_equals(self.points[0], self.points[-1]) def close_path(self) -> None: if not self.is_closed(): self.add_line_to(self.get_subpaths()[-1][0]) def add_points_as_corners(self, points: Iterable[Point3D]) -> Iterable[Point3D]: for point in points: self.add_line_to(point) return points
[docs] def set_points_as_corners(self, points: Point3D_Array) -> Self: """Given an array of points, set them as corner of the vmobject. To achieve that, this algorithm sets handles aligned with the anchors such that the resultant bezier curve will be the segment between the two anchors. Parameters ---------- points Array of points that will be set as corners. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve points = np.array(points) # This will set the handles aligned with the anchors. # Id est, a bezier curve will be the segment from the two anchors such that the handles belongs to this segment. self.set_anchors_and_handles( *(interpolate(points[:-1], points[1:], a) for a in np.linspace(0, 1, nppcc)) ) return self
def set_points_smoothly(self, points: Point3D_Array) -> Self: self.set_points_as_corners(points) self.make_smooth() return self
[docs] def change_anchor_mode(self, mode: Literal["jagged", "smooth"]) -> Self: """Changes the anchor mode of the bezier curves. This will modify the handles. There can be only two modes, "jagged", and "smooth". Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ assert mode in ["jagged", "smooth"], 'mode must be either "jagged" or "smooth"' nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve for submob in self.family_members_with_points(): subpaths = submob.get_subpaths() submob.clear_points() # A subpath can be composed of several bezier curves. for subpath in subpaths: # This will retrieve the anchors of the subpath, by selecting every n element in the array subpath # The append is needed as the last element is not reached when slicing with numpy. anchors = np.append(subpath[::nppcc], subpath[-1:], 0) if mode == "smooth": h1, h2 = get_smooth_handle_points(anchors) else: # mode == "jagged" # The following will make the handles aligned with the anchors, thus making the bezier curve a segment a1 = anchors[:-1] a2 = anchors[1:] h1 = interpolate(a1, a2, 1.0 / 3) h2 = interpolate(a1, a2, 2.0 / 3) new_subpath = np.array(subpath) new_subpath[1::nppcc] = h1 new_subpath[2::nppcc] = h2 submob.append_points(new_subpath) return self
def make_smooth(self) -> Self: return self.change_anchor_mode("smooth") def make_jagged(self) -> Self: return self.change_anchor_mode("jagged") def add_subpath(self, points: Point3D_Array) -> Self: assert len(points) % 4 == 0 self.points: Point3D_Array = np.append(self.points, points, axis=0) return self def append_vectorized_mobject(self, vectorized_mobject: VMobject) -> None: new_points = list(vectorized_mobject.points) if self.has_new_path_started(): # Remove last point, which is starting # a new path self.points = self.points[:-1] self.append_points(new_points) def apply_function(self, function: MappingFunction) -> Self: factor = self.pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor self.scale_handle_to_anchor_distances(factor) super().apply_function(function) self.scale_handle_to_anchor_distances(1.0 / factor) if self.make_smooth_after_applying_functions: self.make_smooth() return self
[docs] def rotate( self, angle: float, axis: Vector3 = OUT, about_point: Point3D | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Self: self.rotate_sheen_direction(angle, axis) super().rotate(angle, axis, about_point, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def scale_handle_to_anchor_distances(self, factor: float) -> Self: """If the distance between a given handle point H and its associated anchor point A is d, then it changes H to be a distances factor*d away from A, but so that the line from A to H doesn't change. This is mostly useful in the context of applying a (differentiable) function, to preserve tangency properties. One would pull all the handles closer to their anchors, apply the function then push them out again. Parameters ---------- factor The factor used for scaling. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ for submob in self.family_members_with_points(): if len(submob.points) < self.n_points_per_cubic_curve: # The case that a bezier quad is not complete (there is no bezier curve as there is not enough control points.) continue a1, h1, h2, a2 = submob.get_anchors_and_handles() a1_to_h1 = h1 - a1 a2_to_h2 = h2 - a2 new_h1 = a1 + factor * a1_to_h1 new_h2 = a2 + factor * a2_to_h2 submob.set_anchors_and_handles(a1, new_h1, new_h2, a2) return self
# def consider_points_equals(self, p0: Point3D, p1: Point3D) -> bool: return np.allclose(p0, p1, atol=self.tolerance_for_point_equality)
[docs] def consider_points_equals_2d(self, p0: Point2D, p1: Point2D) -> bool: """Determine if two points are close enough to be considered equal. This uses the algorithm from np.isclose(), but expanded here for the 2D point case. NumPy is overkill for such a small question. Parameters ---------- p0 first point p1 second point Returns ------- bool whether two points considered close. """ rtol = 1.0e-5 # default from np.isclose() atol = self.tolerance_for_point_equality if abs(p0[0] - p1[0]) > atol + rtol * abs(p1[0]): return False if abs(p0[1] - p1[1]) > atol + rtol * abs(p1[1]): return False return True
# Information about line def get_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points( self, points: Point3D_Array ) -> npt.NDArray[Point3D_Array]: return np.array(self.gen_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points(points))
[docs] def gen_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points( self, points: Point3D_Array ) -> tuple[Point3D_Array]: """Returns the bezier tuples from an array of points. self.points is a list of the anchors and handles of the bezier curves of the mobject (ie [anchor1, handle1, handle2, anchor2, anchor3 ..]) This algorithm basically retrieve them by taking an element every n, where n is the number of control points of the bezier curve. Parameters ---------- points Points from which control points will be extracted. Returns ------- tuple Bezier control points. """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve remainder = len(points) % nppcc points = points[: len(points) - remainder] # Basically take every nppcc element. return tuple(points[i : i + nppcc] for i in range(0, len(points), nppcc))
def get_cubic_bezier_tuples(self) -> npt.NDArray[Point3D_Array]: return self.get_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points(self.points)
[docs] def _gen_subpaths_from_points( self, points: Point3D_Array, filter_func: Callable[[int], bool], ) -> Generator[Point3D_Array]: """Given an array of points defining the bezier curves of the vmobject, return subpaths formed by these points. Here, Two bezier curves form a path if at least two of their anchors are evaluated True by the relation defined by filter_func. The algorithm every bezier tuple (anchors and handles) in ``self.points`` (by regrouping each n elements, where n is the number of points per cubic curve)), and evaluate the relation between two anchors with filter_func. NOTE : The filter_func takes an int n as parameter, and will evaluate the relation between points[n] and points[n - 1]. This should probably be changed so the function takes two points as parameters. Parameters ---------- points points defining the bezier curve. filter_func Filter-func defining the relation. Returns ------- Generator[Point3D_Array] subpaths formed by the points. """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve filtered = filter(filter_func, range(nppcc, len(points), nppcc)) split_indices = [0] + list(filtered) + [len(points)] return ( points[i1:i2] for i1, i2 in zip(split_indices, split_indices[1:]) if (i2 - i1) >= nppcc )
def get_subpaths_from_points(self, points: Point3D_Array) -> list[Point3D_Array]: return list( self._gen_subpaths_from_points( points, lambda n: not self.consider_points_equals(points[n - 1], points[n]), ), ) def gen_subpaths_from_points_2d( self, points: Point3D_Array ) -> Generator[Point3D_Array]: return self._gen_subpaths_from_points( points, lambda n: not self.consider_points_equals_2d(points[n - 1], points[n]), )
[docs] def get_subpaths(self) -> list[Point3D_Array]: """Returns subpaths formed by the curves of the VMobject. Subpaths are ranges of curves with each pair of consecutive curves having their end/start points coincident. Returns ------- list[Point3D_Array] subpaths. """ return self.get_subpaths_from_points(self.points)
[docs] def get_nth_curve_points(self, n: int) -> Point3D_Array: """Returns the points defining the nth curve of the vmobject. Parameters ---------- n index of the desired bezier curve. Returns ------- Point3D_Array points defining the nth bezier curve (anchors, handles) """ assert n < self.get_num_curves() nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve return self.points[nppcc * n : nppcc * (n + 1)]
[docs] def get_nth_curve_function(self, n: int) -> Callable[[float], Point3D]: """Returns the expression of the nth curve. Parameters ---------- n index of the desired curve. Returns ------- Callable[float, Point3D] expression of the nth bezier curve. """ return bezier(self.get_nth_curve_points(n))
[docs] def get_nth_curve_length_pieces( self, n: int, sample_points: int | None = None, ) -> npt.NDArray[ManimFloat]: """Returns the array of short line lengths used for length approximation. Parameters ---------- n The index of the desired curve. sample_points The number of points to sample to find the length. Returns ------- The short length-pieces of the nth curve. """ if sample_points is None: sample_points = 10 curve = self.get_nth_curve_function(n) points = np.array([curve(a) for a in np.linspace(0, 1, sample_points)]) diffs = points[1:] - points[:-1] norms = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1) return norms
[docs] def get_nth_curve_length( self, n: int, sample_points: int | None = None, ) -> float: """Returns the (approximate) length of the nth curve. Parameters ---------- n The index of the desired curve. sample_points The number of points to sample to find the length. Returns ------- length : :class:`float` The length of the nth curve. """ _, length = self.get_nth_curve_function_with_length(n, sample_points) return length
[docs] def get_nth_curve_function_with_length( self, n: int, sample_points: int | None = None, ) -> tuple[Callable[[float], Point3D], float]: """Returns the expression of the nth curve along with its (approximate) length. Parameters ---------- n The index of the desired curve. sample_points The number of points to sample to find the length. Returns ------- curve : Callable[[float], Point3D] The function for the nth curve. length : :class:`float` The length of the nth curve. """ curve = self.get_nth_curve_function(n) norms = self.get_nth_curve_length_pieces(n, sample_points=sample_points) length = np.sum(norms) return curve, length
[docs] def get_num_curves(self) -> int: """Returns the number of curves of the vmobject. Returns ------- int number of curves of the vmobject. """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve return len(self.points) // nppcc
[docs] def get_curve_functions( self, ) -> Generator[Callable[[float], Point3D]]: """Gets the functions for the curves of the mobject. Returns ------- Generator[Callable[[float], Point3D]] The functions for the curves. """ num_curves = self.get_num_curves() for n in range(num_curves): yield self.get_nth_curve_function(n)
[docs] def get_curve_functions_with_lengths( self, **kwargs ) -> Generator[tuple[Callable[[float], Point3D], float]]: """Gets the functions and lengths of the curves for the mobject. Parameters ---------- **kwargs The keyword arguments passed to :meth:`get_nth_curve_function_with_length` Returns ------- Generator[tuple[Callable[[float], Point3D], float]] The functions and lengths of the curves. """ num_curves = self.get_num_curves() for n in range(num_curves): yield self.get_nth_curve_function_with_length(n, **kwargs)
[docs] def point_from_proportion(self, alpha: float) -> Point3D: """Gets the point at a proportion along the path of the :class:`VMobject`. Parameters ---------- alpha The proportion along the the path of the :class:`VMobject`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The point on the :class:`VMobject`. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If ``alpha`` is not between 0 and 1. :exc:`Exception` If the :class:`VMobject` has no points. """ if alpha < 0 or alpha > 1: raise ValueError(f"Alpha {alpha} not between 0 and 1.") self.throw_error_if_no_points() if alpha == 1: return self.points[-1] curves_and_lengths = tuple(self.get_curve_functions_with_lengths()) target_length = alpha * sum(length for _, length in curves_and_lengths) current_length = 0 for curve, length in curves_and_lengths: if current_length + length >= target_length: if length != 0: residue = (target_length - current_length) / length else: residue = 0 return curve(residue) current_length += length
[docs] def proportion_from_point( self, point: Iterable[float | int], ) -> float: """Returns the proportion along the path of the :class:`VMobject` a particular given point is at. Parameters ---------- point The Cartesian coordinates of the point which may or may not lie on the :class:`VMobject` Returns ------- float The proportion along the path of the :class:`VMobject`. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If ``point`` does not lie on the curve. :exc:`Exception` If the :class:`VMobject` has no points. """ self.throw_error_if_no_points() # Iterate over each bezier curve that the ``VMobject`` is composed of, checking # if the point lies on that curve. If it does not lie on that curve, add # the whole length of the curve to ``target_length`` and move onto the next # curve. If the point does lie on the curve, add how far along the curve # the point is to ``target_length``. # Then, divide ``target_length`` by the total arc length of the shape to get # the proportion along the ``VMobject`` the point is at. num_curves = self.get_num_curves() total_length = self.get_arc_length() target_length = 0 for n in range(num_curves): control_points = self.get_nth_curve_points(n) length = self.get_nth_curve_length(n) proportions_along_bezier = proportions_along_bezier_curve_for_point( point, control_points, ) if len(proportions_along_bezier) > 0: proportion_along_nth_curve = max(proportions_along_bezier) target_length += length * proportion_along_nth_curve break target_length += length else: raise ValueError(f"Point {point} does not lie on this curve.") alpha = target_length / total_length return alpha
[docs] def get_anchors_and_handles(self) -> list[Point3D_Array]: """Returns anchors1, handles1, handles2, anchors2, where (anchors1[i], handles1[i], handles2[i], anchors2[i]) will be four points defining a cubic bezier curve for any i in range(0, len(anchors1)) Returns ------- `list[Point3D_Array]` Iterable of the anchors and handles. """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve return [self.points[i::nppcc] for i in range(nppcc)]
[docs] def get_start_anchors(self) -> Point3D_Array: """Returns the start anchors of the bezier curves. Returns ------- Point3D_Array Starting anchors """ return self.points[:: self.n_points_per_cubic_curve]
[docs] def get_end_anchors(self) -> Point3D_Array: """Return the end anchors of the bezier curves. Returns ------- Point3D_Array Starting anchors """ nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve return self.points[nppcc - 1 :: nppcc]
[docs] def get_anchors(self) -> Point3D_Array: """Returns the anchors of the curves forming the VMobject. Returns ------- Point3D_Array The anchors. """ if self.points.shape[0] == 1: return self.points return np.array( tuple(it.chain(*zip(self.get_start_anchors(), self.get_end_anchors()))), )
def get_points_defining_boundary(self) -> Point3D_Array: # Probably returns all anchors, but this is weird regarding the name of the method. return np.array( tuple(it.chain(*(sm.get_anchors() for sm in self.get_family()))) )
[docs] def get_arc_length(self, sample_points_per_curve: int | None = None) -> float: """Return the approximated length of the whole curve. Parameters ---------- sample_points_per_curve Number of sample points per curve used to approximate the length. More points result in a better approximation. Returns ------- float The length of the :class:`VMobject`. """ return sum( length for _, length in self.get_curve_functions_with_lengths( sample_points=sample_points_per_curve, ) )
# Alignment
[docs] def align_points(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: """Adds points to self and vmobject so that they both have the same number of subpaths, with corresponding subpaths each containing the same number of points. Points are added either by subdividing curves evenly along the subpath, or by creating new subpaths consisting of a single point repeated. Parameters ---------- vmobject The object to align points with. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ self.align_rgbas(vmobject) # TODO: This shortcut can be a bit over eager. What if they have the same length, but different subpath lengths? if self.get_num_points() == vmobject.get_num_points(): return for mob in self, vmobject: # If there are no points, add one to # wherever the "center" is if mob.has_no_points(): mob.start_new_path(mob.get_center()) # If there's only one point, turn it into # a null curve if mob.has_new_path_started(): mob.add_line_to(mob.get_last_point()) # Figure out what the subpaths are subpaths1 = self.get_subpaths() subpaths2 = vmobject.get_subpaths() n_subpaths = max(len(subpaths1), len(subpaths2)) # Start building new ones new_path1 = np.zeros((0, self.dim)) new_path2 = np.zeros((0, self.dim)) nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve def get_nth_subpath(path_list, n): if n >= len(path_list): # Create a null path at the very end return [path_list[-1][-1]] * nppcc path = path_list[n] # Check for useless points at the end of the path and remove them # while len(path) > nppcc: # If the last nppc points are all equal to the preceding point if self.consider_points_equals(path[-nppcc:], path[-nppcc - 1]): path = path[:-nppcc] else: break return path for n in range(n_subpaths): # For each pair of subpaths, add points until they are the same length sp1 = get_nth_subpath(subpaths1, n) sp2 = get_nth_subpath(subpaths2, n) diff1 = max(0, (len(sp2) - len(sp1)) // nppcc) diff2 = max(0, (len(sp1) - len(sp2)) // nppcc) sp1 = self.insert_n_curves_to_point_list(diff1, sp1) sp2 = self.insert_n_curves_to_point_list(diff2, sp2) new_path1 = np.append(new_path1, sp1, axis=0) new_path2 = np.append(new_path2, sp2, axis=0) self.set_points(new_path1) vmobject.set_points(new_path2) return self
[docs] def insert_n_curves(self, n: int) -> Self: """Inserts n curves to the bezier curves of the vmobject. Parameters ---------- n Number of curves to insert. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ new_path_point = None if self.has_new_path_started(): new_path_point = self.get_last_point() new_points = self.insert_n_curves_to_point_list(n, self.points) self.set_points(new_points) if new_path_point is not None: self.append_points([new_path_point]) return self
[docs] def insert_n_curves_to_point_list( self, n: int, points: Point3D_Array ) -> npt.NDArray[BezierPoints]: """Given an array of k points defining a bezier curves (anchors and handles), returns points defining exactly k + n bezier curves. Parameters ---------- n Number of desired curves. points Starting points. Returns ------- Points generated. """ if len(points) == 1: nppcc = self.n_points_per_cubic_curve return np.repeat(points, nppcc * n, 0) bezier_quads = self.get_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points(points) curr_num = len(bezier_quads) target_num = curr_num + n # This is an array with values ranging from 0 # up to curr_num, with repeats such that # it's total length is target_num. For example, # with curr_num = 10, target_num = 15, this would # be [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9] repeat_indices = (np.arange(target_num, dtype="i") * curr_num) // target_num # If the nth term of this list is k, it means # that the nth curve of our path should be split # into k pieces. # In the above example our array had the following elements # [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9] # We have two 0s, one 1, two 2s and so on. # The split factors array would hence be: # [2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1] split_factors = np.zeros(curr_num, dtype="i") for val in repeat_indices: split_factors[val] += 1 new_points = np.zeros((0, self.dim)) for quad, sf in zip(bezier_quads, split_factors): # What was once a single cubic curve defined # by "quad" will now be broken into sf # smaller cubic curves alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, sf + 1) for a1, a2 in zip(alphas, alphas[1:]): new_points = np.append( new_points, partial_bezier_points(quad, a1, a2), axis=0, ) return new_points
def align_rgbas(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: attrs = ["fill_rgbas", "stroke_rgbas", "background_stroke_rgbas"] for attr in attrs: a1 = getattr(self, attr) a2 = getattr(vmobject, attr) if len(a1) > len(a2): new_a2 = stretch_array_to_length(a2, len(a1)) setattr(vmobject, attr, new_a2) elif len(a2) > len(a1): new_a1 = stretch_array_to_length(a1, len(a2)) setattr(self, attr, new_a1) return self
[docs] def get_point_mobject(self, center: Point3D | None = None) -> VectorizedPoint: if center is None: center = self.get_center() point = VectorizedPoint(center) point.match_style(self) return point
def interpolate_color( self, mobject1: VMobject, mobject2: VMobject, alpha: float ) -> None: attrs = [ "fill_rgbas", "stroke_rgbas", "background_stroke_rgbas", "stroke_width", "background_stroke_width", "sheen_direction", "sheen_factor", ] for attr in attrs: setattr( self, attr, interpolate(getattr(mobject1, attr), getattr(mobject2, attr), alpha), ) if alpha == 1.0: setattr(self, attr, getattr(mobject2, attr))
[docs] def pointwise_become_partial( self, vmobject: VMobject, a: float, b: float, ) -> Self: """Given two bounds a and b, transforms the points of the self vmobject into the points of the vmobject passed as parameter with respect to the bounds. Points here stand for control points of the bezier curves (anchors and handles) Parameters ---------- vmobject The vmobject that will serve as a model. a upper-bound. b lower-bound Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` ``self`` """ assert isinstance(vmobject, VMobject) # Partial curve includes three portions: # - A middle section, which matches the curve exactly # - A start, which is some ending portion of an inner cubic # - An end, which is the starting portion of a later inner cubic if a <= 0 and b >= 1: self.set_points(vmobject.points) return self bezier_quads = vmobject.get_cubic_bezier_tuples() num_cubics = len(bezier_quads) # The following two lines will compute which bezier curves of the given mobject need to be processed. # The residue basically indicates de proportion of the selected bezier curve that have to be selected. # Ex : if lower_index is 3, and lower_residue is 0.4, then the algorithm will append to the points 0.4 of the third bezier curve lower_index, lower_residue = integer_interpolate(0, num_cubics, a) upper_index, upper_residue = integer_interpolate(0, num_cubics, b) self.clear_points() if num_cubics == 0: return self if lower_index == upper_index: self.append_points( partial_bezier_points( bezier_quads[lower_index], lower_residue, upper_residue, ), ) else: self.append_points( partial_bezier_points(bezier_quads[lower_index], lower_residue, 1), ) for quad in bezier_quads[lower_index + 1 : upper_index]: self.append_points(quad) self.append_points( partial_bezier_points(bezier_quads[upper_index], 0, upper_residue), ) return self
[docs] def get_subcurve(self, a: float, b: float) -> Self: """Returns the subcurve of the VMobject between the interval [a, b]. The curve is a VMobject itself. Parameters ---------- a The lower bound. b The upper bound. Returns ------- VMobject The subcurve between of [a, b] """ if self.is_closed() and a > b: vmob = self.copy() vmob.pointwise_become_partial(self, a, 1) vmob2 = self.copy() vmob2.pointwise_become_partial(self, 0, b) vmob.append_vectorized_mobject(vmob2) else: vmob = self.copy() vmob.pointwise_become_partial(self, a, b) return vmob
[docs] def get_direction(self) -> Literal["CW", "CCW"]: """Uses :func:`~.space_ops.shoelace_direction` to calculate the direction. The direction of points determines in which direction the object is drawn, clockwise or counterclockwise. Examples -------- The default direction of a :class:`~.Circle` is counterclockwise:: >>> from manim import Circle >>> Circle().get_direction() 'CCW' Returns ------- :class:`str` Either ``"CW"`` or ``"CCW"``. """ return shoelace_direction(self.get_start_anchors())
[docs] def reverse_direction(self) -> Self: """Reverts the point direction by inverting the point order. Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` Returns self. Examples -------- .. manim:: ChangeOfDirection class ChangeOfDirection(Scene): def construct(self): ccw = RegularPolygon(5) ccw.shift(LEFT) cw = RegularPolygon(5) cw.shift(RIGHT).reverse_direction(), Create(cw), run_time=4) """ self.points = self.points[::-1] return self
[docs] def force_direction(self, target_direction: Literal["CW", "CCW"]) -> Self: """Makes sure that points are either directed clockwise or counterclockwise. Parameters ---------- target_direction Either ``"CW"`` or ``"CCW"``. """ if target_direction not in ("CW", "CCW"): raise ValueError('Invalid input for force_direction. Use "CW" or "CCW"') if self.get_direction() != target_direction: # Since we already assured the input is CW or CCW, # and the directions don't match, we just reverse self.reverse_direction() return self
[docs]class VGroup(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A group of vectorized mobjects. This can be used to group multiple :class:`~.VMobject` instances together in order to scale, move, ... them together. Notes ----- When adding the same mobject more than once, repetitions are ignored. Use :meth:`.Mobject.copy` to create a separate copy which can then be added to the group. Examples -------- To add :class:`~.VMobject`s to a :class:`~.VGroup`, you can either use the :meth:`~.VGroup.add` method, or use the `+` and `+=` operators. Similarly, you can subtract elements of a VGroup via :meth:`~.VGroup.remove` method, or `-` and `-=` operators: >>> from manim import Triangle, Square, VGroup >>> vg = VGroup() >>> triangle, square = Triangle(), Square() >>> vg.add(triangle) VGroup(Triangle) >>> vg + square # a new VGroup is constructed VGroup(Triangle, Square) >>> vg # not modified VGroup(Triangle) >>> vg += square; vg # modifies vg VGroup(Triangle, Square) >>> vg.remove(triangle) VGroup(Square) >>> vg - square; # a new VGroup is constructed VGroup() >>> vg # not modified VGroup(Square) >>> vg -= square; vg # modifies vg VGroup() .. manim:: ArcShapeIris :save_last_frame: class ArcShapeIris(Scene): def construct(self): colors = [DARK_BROWN, BLUE_E, BLUE_D, BLUE_A, TEAL_B, GREEN_B, YELLOW_E] radius = [1 + rad * 0.1 for rad in range(len(colors))] circles_group = VGroup() # zip(radius, color) makes the iterator [(radius[i], color[i]) for i in range(radius)] circles_group.add(*[Circle(radius=rad, stroke_width=10, color=col) for rad, col in zip(radius, colors)]) self.add(circles_group) """ def __init__(self, *vmobjects, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.add(*vmobjects) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({", ".join(str(mob) for mob in self.submobjects)})' def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} of {len(self.submobjects)} " f"submobject{'s' if len(self.submobjects) > 0 else ''}" )
[docs] def add(self, *vmobjects: VMobject) -> Self: """Checks if all passed elements are an instance of VMobject and then add them to submobjects Parameters ---------- vmobjects List of VMobject to add Returns ------- :class:`VGroup` Raises ------ TypeError If one element of the list is not an instance of VMobject Examples -------- .. manim:: AddToVGroup class AddToVGroup(Scene): def construct(self): circle_red = Circle(color=RED) circle_green = Circle(color=GREEN) circle_blue = Circle(color=BLUE) circle_red.shift(LEFT) circle_blue.shift(RIGHT) gr = VGroup(circle_red, circle_green) gr2 = VGroup(circle_blue) # Constructor uses add directly self.add(gr,gr2) self.wait() gr += gr2 # Add group to another gr.animate.shift(DOWN), ) gr -= gr2 # Remove group # Animate groups separately gr.animate.shift(LEFT), gr2.animate.shift(UP), ) #Animate groups without modification (gr+gr2).animate.shift(RIGHT) ) # Animate group without component (gr-circle_red).animate.shift(RIGHT) ) """ if not all(isinstance(m, (VMobject, OpenGLVMobject)) for m in vmobjects): raise TypeError("All submobjects must be of type VMobject") return super().add(*vmobjects)
def __add__(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: return VGroup(*self.submobjects, vmobject) def __iadd__(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: return self.add(vmobject) def __sub__(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: copy = VGroup(*self.submobjects) copy.remove(vmobject) return copy def __isub__(self, vmobject: VMobject) -> Self: return self.remove(vmobject) def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: VMobject | Sequence[VMobject]) -> None: """Override the [] operator for item assignment. Parameters ---------- key The index of the submobject to be assigned value The vmobject value to assign to the key Returns ------- None Tests ----- Check that item assignment does not raise error:: >>> vgroup = VGroup(VMobject()) >>> new_obj = VMobject() >>> vgroup[0] = new_obj """ if not all(isinstance(m, (VMobject, OpenGLVMobject)) for m in value): raise TypeError("All submobjects must be of type VMobject") self.submobjects[key] = value
[docs]class VDict(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A VGroup-like class, also offering submobject access by key, like a python dict Parameters ---------- mapping_or_iterable The parameter specifying the key-value mapping of keys and mobjects. show_keys Whether to also display the key associated with the mobject. This might be useful when debugging, especially when there are a lot of mobjects in the :class:`VDict`. Defaults to False. kwargs Other arguments to be passed to `Mobject`. Attributes ---------- show_keys : :class:`bool` Whether to also display the key associated with the mobject. This might be useful when debugging, especially when there are a lot of mobjects in the :class:`VDict`. When displayed, the key is towards the left of the mobject. Defaults to False. submob_dict : :class:`dict` Is the actual python dictionary that is used to bind the keys to the mobjects. Examples -------- .. manim:: ShapesWithVDict class ShapesWithVDict(Scene): def construct(self): square = Square().set_color(RED) circle = Circle().set_color(YELLOW).next_to(square, UP) # create dict from list of tuples each having key-mobject pair pairs = [("s", square), ("c", circle)] my_dict = VDict(pairs, show_keys=True) # display it just like a VGroup self.wait() text = Tex("Some text").set_color(GREEN).next_to(square, DOWN) # add a key-value pair by wrapping it in a single-element list of tuple # after attrs branch is merged, it will be easier like `.add(t=text)` my_dict.add([("t", text)]) self.wait() rect = Rectangle().next_to(text, DOWN) # can also do key assignment like a python dict my_dict["r"] = rect # access submobjects like a python dict my_dict["t"].set_color(PURPLE)["t"].animate.scale(3)) self.wait() # also supports python dict styled reassignment my_dict["t"] = Tex("Some other text").set_color(BLUE) self.wait() # remove submobject by key my_dict.remove("t") self.wait()["s"])) self.wait()["c"])) self.wait()["r"], shift=DOWN)) self.wait() # you can also make a VDict from an existing dict of mobjects plain_dict = { 1: Integer(1).shift(DOWN), 2: Integer(2).shift(2 * DOWN), 3: Integer(3).shift(3 * DOWN), } vdict_from_plain_dict = VDict(plain_dict) vdict_from_plain_dict.shift(1.5 * (UP + LEFT)) # you can even use zip vdict_using_zip = VDict(zip(["s", "c", "r"], [Square(), Circle(), Rectangle()])) vdict_using_zip.shift(1.5 * RIGHT) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, mapping_or_iterable: ( Mapping[Hashable, VMobject] | Iterable[tuple[Hashable, VMobject]] ) = {}, show_keys: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.show_keys = show_keys self.submob_dict = {} self.add(mapping_or_iterable) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({repr(self.submob_dict)})"
[docs] def add( self, mapping_or_iterable: ( Mapping[Hashable, VMobject] | Iterable[tuple[Hashable, VMobject]] ), ) -> Self: """Adds the key-value pairs to the :class:`VDict` object. Also, it internally adds the value to the `submobjects` :class:`list` of :class:`~.Mobject`, which is responsible for actual on-screen display. Parameters --------- mapping_or_iterable The parameter specifying the key-value mapping of keys and mobjects. Returns ------- :class:`VDict` Returns the :class:`VDict` object on which this method was called. Examples -------- Normal usage:: square_obj = Square() my_dict.add([('s', square_obj)]) """ for key, value in dict(mapping_or_iterable).items(): self.add_key_value_pair(key, value) return self
[docs] def remove(self, key: Hashable) -> Self: """Removes the mobject from the :class:`VDict` object having the key `key` Also, it internally removes the mobject from the `submobjects` :class:`list` of :class:`~.Mobject`, (which is responsible for removing it from the screen) Parameters ---------- key The key of the submoject to be removed. Returns ------- :class:`VDict` Returns the :class:`VDict` object on which this method was called. Examples -------- Normal usage:: my_dict.remove('square') """ if key not in self.submob_dict: raise KeyError("The given key '%s' is not present in the VDict" % str(key)) super().remove(self.submob_dict[key]) del self.submob_dict[key] return self
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable): """Override the [] operator for item retrieval. Parameters ---------- key The key of the submoject to be accessed Returns ------- :class:`VMobject` The submobject corresponding to the key `key` Examples -------- Normal usage::['s'])) """ submob = self.submob_dict[key] return submob def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: VMobject) -> None: """Override the [] operator for item assignment. Parameters ---------- key The key of the submoject to be assigned value The submobject to bind the key to Returns ------- None Examples -------- Normal usage:: square_obj = Square() my_dict['sq'] = square_obj """ if key in self.submob_dict: self.remove(key) self.add([(key, value)]) def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable): """Override the del operator for deleting an item. Parameters ---------- key The key of the submoject to be deleted Returns ------- None Examples -------- :: >>> from manim import * >>> my_dict = VDict({'sq': Square()}) >>> 'sq' in my_dict True >>> del my_dict['sq'] >>> 'sq' in my_dict False Notes ----- Removing an item from a VDict does not remove that item from any Scene that the VDict is part of. """ del self.submob_dict[key] def __contains__(self, key: Hashable): """Override the in operator. Parameters ---------- key The key to check membership of. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Examples -------- :: >>> from manim import * >>> my_dict = VDict({'sq': Square()}) >>> 'sq' in my_dict True """ return key in self.submob_dict
[docs] def get_all_submobjects(self) -> list[list]: """To get all the submobjects associated with a particular :class:`VDict` object Returns ------- :class:`dict_values` All the submobjects associated with the :class:`VDict` object Examples -------- Normal usage:: for submob in my_dict.get_all_submobjects(): """ submobjects = self.submob_dict.values() return submobjects
[docs] def add_key_value_pair(self, key: Hashable, value: VMobject) -> None: """A utility function used by :meth:`add` to add the key-value pair to :attr:`submob_dict`. Not really meant to be used externally. Parameters ---------- key The key of the submobject to be added. value The mobject associated with the key Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError If the value is not an instance of VMobject Examples -------- Normal usage:: square_obj = Square() self.add_key_value_pair('s', square_obj) """ if not isinstance(value, (VMobject, OpenGLVMobject)): raise TypeError("All submobjects must be of type VMobject") mob = value if self.show_keys: # This import is here and not at the top to avoid circular import from manim.mobject.text.tex_mobject import Tex key_text = Tex(str(key)).next_to(value, LEFT) mob.add(key_text) self.submob_dict[key] = mob super().add(value)
[docs]class VectorizedPoint(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): def __init__( self, location: Point3D = ORIGIN, color: ManimColor = BLACK, fill_opacity: float = 0, stroke_width: float = 0, artificial_width: float = 0.01, artificial_height: float = 0.01, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.artificial_width = artificial_width self.artificial_height = artificial_height super().__init__( color=color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, ) self.set_points(np.array([location])) basecls = OpenGLVMobject if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL else VMobject @basecls.width.getter def width(self) -> float: return self.artificial_width @basecls.height.getter def height(self) -> float: return self.artificial_height def get_location(self) -> Point3D: return np.array(self.points[0]) def set_location(self, new_loc: Point3D): self.set_points(np.array([new_loc]))
[docs]class CurvesAsSubmobjects(VGroup): """Convert a curve's elements to submobjects. Examples -------- .. manim:: LineGradientExample :save_last_frame: class LineGradientExample(Scene): def construct(self): curve = ParametricFunction(lambda t: [t, np.sin(t), 0], t_range=[-PI, PI, 0.01], stroke_width=10) new_curve = CurvesAsSubmobjects(curve) new_curve.set_color_by_gradient(BLUE, RED) self.add(new_curve.shift(UP), curve) """ def __init__(self, vmobject: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) tuples = vmobject.get_cubic_bezier_tuples() for tup in tuples: part = VMobject() part.set_points(tup) part.match_style(vmobject) self.add(part)
[docs] def point_from_proportion(self, alpha: float) -> Point3D: """Gets the point at a proportion along the path of the :class:`CurvesAsSubmobjects`. Parameters ---------- alpha The proportion along the the path of the :class:`CurvesAsSubmobjects`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The point on the :class:`CurvesAsSubmobjects`. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If ``alpha`` is not between 0 and 1. :exc:`Exception` If the :class:`CurvesAsSubmobjects` has no submobjects, or no submobject has points. """ if alpha < 0 or alpha > 1: raise ValueError(f"Alpha {alpha} not between 0 and 1.") self._throw_error_if_no_submobjects() submobjs_with_pts = self._get_submobjects_with_points() if alpha == 1: return submobjs_with_pts[-1].points[-1] submobjs_arc_lengths = tuple( part.get_arc_length() for part in submobjs_with_pts ) total_length = sum(submobjs_arc_lengths) target_length = alpha * total_length current_length = 0 for i, part in enumerate(submobjs_with_pts): part_length = submobjs_arc_lengths[i] if current_length + part_length >= target_length: residue = (target_length - current_length) / part_length return part.point_from_proportion(residue) current_length += part_length
def _throw_error_if_no_submobjects(self): if len(self.submobjects) == 0: caller_name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name raise Exception( f"Cannot call CurvesAsSubmobjects.{caller_name} for a CurvesAsSubmobject with no submobjects" ) def _get_submobjects_with_points(self): submobjs_with_pts = tuple( part for part in self.submobjects if len(part.points) > 0 ) if len(submobjs_with_pts) == 0: caller_name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name raise Exception( f"Cannot call CurvesAsSubmobjects.{caller_name} for a CurvesAsSubmobject whose submobjects have no points" ) return submobjs_with_pts
[docs]class DashedVMobject(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A :class:`VMobject` composed of dashes instead of lines. Parameters ---------- vmobject The object that will get dashed num_dashes Number of dashes to add. dashed_ratio Ratio of dash to empty space. dash_offset Shifts the starting point of dashes along the path. Value 1 shifts by one full dash length. equal_lengths If ``True``, dashes will be (approximately) equally long. If ``False``, dashes will be split evenly in the curve's input t variable (legacy behavior). Examples -------- .. manim:: DashedVMobjectExample :save_last_frame: class DashedVMobjectExample(Scene): def construct(self): r = 0.5 top_row = VGroup() # Increasing num_dashes for dashes in range(1, 12): circ = DashedVMobject(Circle(radius=r, color=WHITE), num_dashes=dashes) top_row.add(circ) middle_row = VGroup() # Increasing dashed_ratio for ratio in np.arange(1 / 11, 1, 1 / 11): circ = DashedVMobject( Circle(radius=r, color=WHITE), dashed_ratio=ratio ) middle_row.add(circ) func1 = FunctionGraph(lambda t: t**5,[-1,1],color=WHITE) func_even = DashedVMobject(func1,num_dashes=6,equal_lengths=True) func_stretched = DashedVMobject(func1, num_dashes=6, equal_lengths=False) bottom_row = VGroup(func_even,func_stretched) top_row.arrange(buff=0.3) middle_row.arrange() bottom_row.arrange(buff=1) everything = VGroup(top_row, middle_row, bottom_row).arrange(DOWN, buff=1) self.add(everything) """ def __init__( self, vmobject: VMobject, num_dashes: int = 15, dashed_ratio: float = 0.5, dash_offset: float = 0, color: ManimColor = WHITE, equal_lengths: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.dashed_ratio = dashed_ratio self.num_dashes = num_dashes super().__init__(color=color, **kwargs) r = self.dashed_ratio n = self.num_dashes if n > 0: # Assuming total length is 1 dash_len = r / n if vmobject.is_closed(): void_len = (1 - r) / n else: if n == 1: void_len = 1 - r else: void_len = (1 - r) / (n - 1) period = dash_len + void_len phase_shift = (dash_offset % 1) * period if vmobject.is_closed(): # closed curves have equal amount of dashes and voids pattern_len = 1 else: # open curves start and end with a dash, so the whole dash pattern with the last void is longer pattern_len = 1 + void_len dash_starts = [((i * period + phase_shift) % pattern_len) for i in range(n)] dash_ends = [ ((i * period + dash_len + phase_shift) % pattern_len) for i in range(n) ] # closed shapes can handle overflow at the 0-point # open shapes need special treatment for it if not vmobject.is_closed(): # due to phase shift being [0...1] range, always the last dash element needs attention for overflow # if an entire dash moves out of the shape end: if dash_ends[-1] > 1 and dash_starts[-1] > 1: # remove the last element since it is out-of-bounds dash_ends.pop() dash_starts.pop() elif dash_ends[-1] < dash_len: # if it overflowed if ( dash_starts[-1] < 1 ): # if the beginning of the piece is still in range dash_starts.append(0) dash_ends.append(dash_ends[-1]) dash_ends[-2] = 1 else: dash_starts[-1] = 0 elif dash_starts[-1] > (1 - dash_len): dash_ends[-1] = 1 if equal_lengths: # calculate the entire length by adding up short line-pieces norms = np.array(0) for k in range(vmobject.get_num_curves()): norms = np.append(norms, vmobject.get_nth_curve_length_pieces(k)) # add up length-pieces in array form length_vals = np.cumsum(norms) ref_points = np.linspace(0, 1, length_vals.size) curve_length = length_vals[-1] self.add( *( vmobject.get_subcurve( np.interp( dash_starts[i] * curve_length, length_vals, ref_points, ), np.interp( dash_ends[i] * curve_length, length_vals, ref_points, ), ) for i in range(len(dash_starts)) ) ) else: self.add( *( vmobject.get_subcurve( dash_starts[i], dash_ends[i], ) for i in range(len(dash_starts)) ) ) # Family is already taken care of by get_subcurve # implementation if config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: self.match_style(vmobject, recurse=False) else: self.match_style(vmobject, family=False)