Source code for manim.scene.three_d_scene

"""A scene suitable for rendering three-dimensional objects and animations."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["ThreeDScene", "SpecialThreeDScene"]

import warnings
from typing import Iterable, Sequence

import numpy as np

from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line
from manim.mobject.graphing.coordinate_systems import ThreeDAxes
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_mobject import OpenGLMobject
from manim.mobject.three_d.three_dimensions import Sphere
from manim.mobject.value_tracker import ValueTracker

from .. import config
from ..animation.animation import Animation
from ..animation.transform import Transform
from import ThreeDCamera
from ..constants import DEGREES, RendererType
from ..mobject.mobject import Mobject
from ..mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VectorizedPoint, VGroup
from ..renderer.opengl_renderer import OpenGLCamera
from ..scene.scene import Scene
from ..utils.config_ops import merge_dicts_recursively

[docs]class ThreeDScene(Scene): """ This is a Scene, with special configurations and properties that make it suitable for Three Dimensional Scenes. """ def __init__( self, camera_class=ThreeDCamera, ambient_camera_rotation=None, default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): self.ambient_camera_rotation = ambient_camera_rotation if default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs is None: default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs = { "phi": 70 * DEGREES, "theta": -135 * DEGREES, } self.default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs = ( default_angled_camera_orientation_kwargs ) super().__init__(camera_class=camera_class, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_camera_orientation( self, phi: float | None = None, theta: float | None = None, gamma: float | None = None, zoom: float | None = None, focal_distance: float | None = None, frame_center: Mobject | Sequence[float] | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ This method sets the orientation of the camera in the scene. Parameters ---------- phi The polar angle i.e the angle between Z_AXIS and Camera through ORIGIN in radians. theta The azimuthal angle i.e the angle that spins the camera around the Z_AXIS. focal_distance The focal_distance of the Camera. gamma The rotation of the camera about the vector from the ORIGIN to the Camera. zoom The zoom factor of the scene. frame_center The new center of the camera frame in cartesian coordinates. """ if phi is not None: if theta is not None: if focal_distance is not None: if gamma is not None: if zoom is not None: if frame_center is not None:
[docs] def begin_ambient_camera_rotation(self, rate: float = 0.02, about: str = "theta"): """ This method begins an ambient rotation of the camera about the Z_AXIS, in the anticlockwise direction Parameters ---------- rate The rate at which the camera should rotate about the Z_AXIS. Negative rate means clockwise rotation. about one of 3 options: ["theta", "phi", "gamma"]. defaults to theta. """ # TODO, use a ValueTracker for rate, so that it # can begin and end smoothly about: str = about.lower() try: if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: trackers = { "theta":, "phi":, "gamma":, } x: ValueTracker = trackers[about] x.add_updater(lambda m, dt: x.increment_value(rate * dt)) self.add(x) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: cam: OpenGLCamera = methods = { "theta": cam.increment_theta, "phi": cam.increment_phi, "gamma": cam.increment_gamma, } cam.add_updater(lambda m, dt: methods[about](rate * dt)) self.add( except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid ambient rotation angle.")
[docs] def stop_ambient_camera_rotation(self, about="theta"): """ This method stops all ambient camera rotation. """ about: str = about.lower() try: if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: trackers = { "theta":, "phi":, "gamma":, } x: ValueTracker = trackers[about] x.clear_updaters() self.remove(x) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid ambient rotation angle.")
[docs] def begin_3dillusion_camera_rotation( self, rate: float = 1, origin_phi: float | None = None, origin_theta: float | None = None, ): """ This method creates a 3D camera rotation illusion around the current camera orientation. Parameters ---------- rate The rate at which the camera rotation illusion should operate. origin_phi The polar angle the camera should move around. Defaults to the current phi angle. origin_theta The azimutal angle the camera should move around. Defaults to the current theta angle. """ if origin_theta is None: origin_theta = if origin_phi is None: origin_phi = val_tracker_theta = ValueTracker(0) def update_theta(m, dt): val_tracker_theta.increment_value(dt * rate) val_for_left_right = 0.2 * np.sin(val_tracker_theta.get_value()) return m.set_value(origin_theta + val_for_left_right) self.add( val_tracker_phi = ValueTracker(0) def update_phi(m, dt): val_tracker_phi.increment_value(dt * rate) val_for_up_down = 0.1 * np.cos(val_tracker_phi.get_value()) - 0.1 return m.set_value(origin_phi + val_for_up_down) self.add(
[docs] def stop_3dillusion_camera_rotation(self): """ This method stops all illusion camera rotations. """ self.remove( self.remove(
[docs] def move_camera( self, phi: float | None = None, theta: float | None = None, gamma: float | None = None, zoom: float | None = None, focal_distance: float | None = None, frame_center: Mobject | Sequence[float] | None = None, added_anims: Iterable[Animation] = [], **kwargs, ): """ This method animates the movement of the camera to the given spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- phi The polar angle i.e the angle between Z_AXIS and Camera through ORIGIN in radians. theta The azimuthal angle i.e the angle that spins the camera around the Z_AXIS. focal_distance The radial focal_distance between ORIGIN and Camera. gamma The rotation of the camera about the vector from the ORIGIN to the Camera. zoom The zoom factor of the camera. frame_center The new center of the camera frame in cartesian coordinates. added_anims Any other animations to be played at the same time. """ anims = [] if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: ThreeDCamera value_tracker_pairs = [ (phi,, (theta,, (focal_distance,, (gamma,, (zoom,, ] for value, tracker in value_tracker_pairs: if value is not None: anims.append(tracker.animate.set_value(value)) if frame_center is not None: anims.append( elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: cam: OpenGLCamera = cam2 = cam.copy() methods = { "theta": cam2.set_theta, "phi": cam2.set_phi, "gamma": cam2.set_gamma, "zoom": cam2.scale, "frame_center": cam2.move_to, } if frame_center is not None: if isinstance(frame_center, OpenGLMobject): frame_center = frame_center.get_center() frame_center = list(frame_center) for value, method in [ [theta, "theta"], [phi, "phi"], [gamma, "gamma"], [ config.frame_height / (zoom * cam.height) if zoom is not None else None, "zoom", ], [frame_center, "frame_center"], ]: if value is not None: methods[method](value) if focal_distance is not None: warnings.warn( "focal distance of OpenGLCamera can not be adjusted.", stacklevel=2, ) anims += [Transform(cam, cam2)]*anims + added_anims, **kwargs) # These lines are added to improve performance. If manim thinks that frame_center is moving, # it is required to redraw every object. These lines remove frame_center from the Scene once # its animation is done, ensuring that manim does not think that it is moving. Since the # frame_center is never actually drawn, this shouldn't break anything. if frame_center is not None and config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: self.remove(
[docs] def get_moving_mobjects(self, *animations: Animation): """ This method returns a list of all of the Mobjects in the Scene that are moving, that are also in the animations passed. Parameters ---------- *animations The animations whose mobjects will be checked. """ moving_mobjects = super().get_moving_mobjects(*animations) camera_mobjects = + [, ] if any(cm in moving_mobjects for cm in camera_mobjects): return self.mobjects return moving_mobjects
[docs] def add_fixed_orientation_mobjects(self, *mobjects: Mobject, **kwargs): """ This method is used to prevent the rotation and tilting of mobjects as the camera moves around. The mobject can still move in the x,y,z directions, but will always be at the angle (relative to the camera) that it was at when it was passed through this method.) Parameters ---------- *mobjects The Mobject(s) whose orientation must be fixed. **kwargs Some valid kwargs are use_static_center_func : bool center_func : function """ if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: self.add(*mobjects)*mobjects, **kwargs) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: for mob in mobjects: mob: OpenGLMobject mob.fix_orientation() self.add(mob)
[docs] def add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ This method is used to prevent the rotation and movement of mobjects as the camera moves around. The mobject is essentially overlaid, and is not impacted by the camera's movement in any way. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The Mobjects whose orientation must be fixed. """ if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO: self.add(*mobjects) ThreeDCamera*mobjects) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: for mob in mobjects: mob: OpenGLMobject mob.fix_in_frame() self.add(mob)
[docs] def remove_fixed_orientation_mobjects(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ This method "unfixes" the orientation of the mobjects passed, meaning they will no longer be at the same angle relative to the camera. This only makes sense if the mobject was passed through add_fixed_orientation_mobjects first. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The Mobjects whose orientation must be unfixed. """ if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO:*mobjects) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: for mob in mobjects: mob: OpenGLMobject mob.unfix_orientation() self.remove(mob)
[docs] def remove_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ This method undoes what add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects does. It allows the mobject to be affected by the movement of the camera. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The Mobjects whose position and orientation must be unfixed. """ if config.renderer == RendererType.CAIRO:*mobjects) elif config.renderer == RendererType.OPENGL: for mob in mobjects: mob: OpenGLMobject mob.unfix_from_frame() self.remove(mob)
[docs] def set_to_default_angled_camera_orientation(self, **kwargs): """ This method sets the default_angled_camera_orientation to the keyword arguments passed, and sets the camera to that orientation. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Some recognised kwargs are phi, theta, focal_distance, gamma, which have the same meaning as the parameters in set_camera_orientation. """ config = dict( self.default_camera_orientation_kwargs, ) # Where doe this come from? config.update(kwargs) self.set_camera_orientation(**config)
[docs]class SpecialThreeDScene(ThreeDScene): """An extension of :class:`ThreeDScene` with more settings. It has some extra configuration for axes, spheres, and an override for low quality rendering. Further key differences are: * The camera shades applicable 3DMobjects by default, except if rendering in low quality. * Some default params for Spheres and Axes have been added. """ def __init__( self, cut_axes_at_radius=True, camera_config={"should_apply_shading": True, "exponential_projection": True}, three_d_axes_config={ "num_axis_pieces": 1, "axis_config": { "unit_size": 2, "tick_frequency": 1, "numbers_with_elongated_ticks": [0, 1, 2], "stroke_width": 2, }, }, sphere_config={"radius": 2, "resolution": (24, 48)}, default_angled_camera_position={ "phi": 70 * DEGREES, "theta": -110 * DEGREES, }, # When scene is extracted with -l flag, this # configuration will override the above configuration. low_quality_config={ "camera_config": {"should_apply_shading": False}, "three_d_axes_config": {"num_axis_pieces": 1}, "sphere_config": {"resolution": (12, 24)}, }, **kwargs, ): self.cut_axes_at_radius = cut_axes_at_radius self.camera_config = camera_config self.three_d_axes_config = three_d_axes_config self.sphere_config = sphere_config self.default_angled_camera_position = default_angled_camera_position self.low_quality_config = low_quality_config if self.renderer.camera_config["pixel_width"] == config["pixel_width"]: _config = {} else: _config = self.low_quality_config _config = merge_dicts_recursively(_config, kwargs) super().__init__(**_config)
[docs] def get_axes(self): """Return a set of 3D axes. Returns ------- :class:`.ThreeDAxes` A set of 3D axes. """ axes = ThreeDAxes(**self.three_d_axes_config) for axis in axes: if self.cut_axes_at_radius: p0 = axis.get_start() p1 = axis.number_to_point(-1) p2 = axis.number_to_point(1) p3 = axis.get_end() new_pieces = VGroup(Line(p0, p1), Line(p1, p2), Line(p2, p3)) for piece in new_pieces: piece.shade_in_3d = True new_pieces.match_style(axis.pieces) axis.pieces.submobjects = new_pieces.submobjects for tick in axis.tick_marks: tick.add(VectorizedPoint(1.5 * tick.get_center())) return axes
[docs] def get_sphere(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a sphere with the passed keyword arguments as properties. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Any valid parameter of :class:`~.Sphere` or :class:`~.Surface`. Returns ------- :class:`~.Sphere` The sphere object. """ config = merge_dicts_recursively(self.sphere_config, kwargs) return Sphere(**config)
[docs] def get_default_camera_position(self): """ Returns the default_angled_camera position. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of phi, theta, focal_distance, and gamma. """ return self.default_angled_camera_position
[docs] def set_camera_to_default_position(self): """ Sets the camera to its default position. """ self.set_camera_orientation(**self.default_angled_camera_position)