Source code for manim.animation.animation

"""Animate mobjects."""

from __future__ import annotations

from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_mobject import OpenGLMobject

from .. import config, logger
from ..constants import RendererType
from ..mobject import mobject
from ..mobject.mobject import Mobject
from ..mobject.opengl import opengl_mobject
from ..utils.rate_functions import linear, smooth

__all__ = ["Animation", "Wait", "override_animation"]

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, Sequence

from typing_extensions import Self

    from manim.scene.scene import Scene


[docs] class Animation: """An animation. Animations have a fixed time span. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to be animated. This is not required for all types of animations. lag_ratio Defines the delay after which the animation is applied to submobjects. This lag is relative to the duration of the animation. This does not influence the total runtime of the animation. Instead the runtime of individual animations is adjusted so that the complete animation has the defined run time. run_time The duration of the animation in seconds. rate_func The function defining the animation progress based on the relative runtime (see :mod:`~.rate_functions`) . For example ``rate_func(0.5)`` is the proportion of the animation that is done after half of the animations run time. reverse_rate_function Reverses the rate function of the animation. Setting ``reverse_rate_function`` does not have any effect on ``remover`` or ``introducer``. These need to be set explicitly if an introducer-animation should be turned into a remover one and vice versa. name The name of the animation. This gets displayed while rendering the animation. Defaults to <class-name>(<Mobject-name>). remover Whether the given mobject should be removed from the scene after this animation. suspend_mobject_updating Whether updaters of the mobject should be suspended during the animation. .. NOTE:: In the current implementation of this class, the specified rate function is applied within :meth:`.Animation.interpolate_mobject` call as part of the call to :meth:`.Animation.interpolate_submobject`. For subclasses of :class:`.Animation` that are implemented by overriding :meth:`interpolate_mobject`, the rate function has to be applied manually (e.g., by passing ``self.rate_func(alpha)`` instead of just ``alpha``). Examples -------- .. manim:: LagRatios class LagRatios(Scene): def construct(self): ratios = [0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2] # demonstrated lag_ratios # Create dot groups group = VGroup(*[Dot() for _ in range(4)]).arrange_submobjects() groups = VGroup(*[group.copy() for _ in ratios]).arrange_submobjects(buff=1) self.add(groups) # Label groups self.add(Text("lag_ratio = ", font_size=36).next_to(groups, UP, buff=1.5)) for group, ratio in zip(groups, ratios): self.add(Text(str(ratio), font_size=36).next_to(group, UP)) #Animate groups with different lag_ratios*[ group.animate(lag_ratio=ratio, run_time=1.5).shift(DOWN * 2) for group, ratio in zip(groups, ratios) ])) # lag_ratio also works recursively on nested submobjects:, lag_ratio=0.1).shift(UP * 2)) """ def __new__( cls, mobject=None, *args, use_override=True, **kwargs, ) -> Self: if isinstance(mobject, Mobject) and use_override: func = mobject.animation_override_for(cls) if func is not None: anim = func(mobject, *args, **kwargs) logger.debug( f"The {cls.__name__} animation has been is overridden for " f"{type(mobject).__name__} mobjects. use_override = False can " f" be used as keyword argument to prevent animation overriding.", ) return anim return super().__new__(cls) def __init__( self, mobject: Mobject | None, lag_ratio: float = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LAG_RATIO, run_time: float = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_RUN_TIME, rate_func: Callable[[float], float] = smooth, reverse_rate_function: bool = False, name: str = None, remover: bool = False, # remove a mobject from the screen? suspend_mobject_updating: bool = True, introducer: bool = False, *, _on_finish: Callable[[], None] = lambda _: None, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._typecheck_input(mobject) self.run_time: float = run_time self.rate_func: Callable[[float], float] = rate_func self.reverse_rate_function: bool = reverse_rate_function str | None = name self.remover: bool = remover self.introducer: bool = introducer self.suspend_mobject_updating: bool = suspend_mobject_updating self.lag_ratio: float = lag_ratio self._on_finish: Callable[[Scene], None] = _on_finish if config["renderer"] == RendererType.OPENGL: self.starting_mobject: OpenGLMobject = OpenGLMobject() self.mobject: OpenGLMobject = ( mobject if mobject is not None else OpenGLMobject() ) else: self.starting_mobject: Mobject = Mobject() self.mobject: Mobject = mobject if mobject is not None else Mobject() if kwargs: logger.debug("Animation received extra kwargs: %s", kwargs) if hasattr(self, "CONFIG"): logger.error( ( "CONFIG has been removed from ManimCommunity.", "Please use keyword arguments instead.", ), ) def _typecheck_input(self, mobject: Mobject | None) -> None: if mobject is None: logger.debug("Animation with empty mobject") elif not isinstance(mobject, (Mobject, OpenGLMobject)): raise TypeError("Animation only works on Mobjects") def __str__(self) -> str: if return return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self.mobject)})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def begin(self) -> None: """Begin the animation. This method is called right as an animation is being played. As much initialization as possible, especially any mobject copying, should live in this method. """ if self.run_time <= 0: raise ValueError( f"{self} has a run_time of <= 0 seconds, this cannot be rendered correctly. " "Please set the run_time to be positive" ) self.starting_mobject = self.create_starting_mobject() if self.suspend_mobject_updating: # All calls to self.mobject's internal updaters # during the animation, either from this Animation # or from the surrounding scene, should do nothing. # It is, however, okay and desirable to call # the internal updaters of self.starting_mobject, # or any others among self.get_all_mobjects() self.mobject.suspend_updating() self.interpolate(0)
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: # TODO: begin and finish should require a scene as parameter. # That way Animation.clean_up_from_screen and Scene.add_mobjects_from_animations # could be removed as they fulfill basically the same purpose. """Finish the animation. This method gets called when the animation is over. """ self.interpolate(1) if self.suspend_mobject_updating and self.mobject is not None: self.mobject.resume_updating()
[docs] def clean_up_from_scene(self, scene: Scene) -> None: """Clean up the :class:`~.Scene` after finishing the animation. This includes to :meth:`~.Scene.remove` the Animation's :class:`~.Mobject` if the animation is a remover. Parameters ---------- scene The scene the animation should be cleaned up from. """ self._on_finish(scene) if self.is_remover(): scene.remove(self.mobject)
[docs] def _setup_scene(self, scene: Scene) -> None: """Setup up the :class:`~.Scene` before starting the animation. This includes to :meth:`~.Scene.add` the Animation's :class:`~.Mobject` if the animation is an introducer. Parameters ---------- scene The scene the animation should be cleaned up from. """ if scene is None: return if ( self.is_introducer() and self.mobject not in scene.get_mobject_family_members() ): scene.add(self.mobject)
def create_starting_mobject(self) -> Mobject: # Keep track of where the mobject starts return self.mobject.copy()
[docs] def get_all_mobjects(self) -> Sequence[Mobject]: """Get all mobjects involved in the animation. Ordering must match the ordering of arguments to interpolate_submobject Returns ------- Sequence[Mobject] The sequence of mobjects. """ return self.mobject, self.starting_mobject
def get_all_families_zipped(self) -> Iterable[tuple]: if config["renderer"] == RendererType.OPENGL: return zip(*(mob.get_family() for mob in self.get_all_mobjects())) return zip( *(mob.family_members_with_points() for mob in self.get_all_mobjects()) )
[docs] def update_mobjects(self, dt: float) -> None: """ Updates things like starting_mobject, and (for Transforms) target_mobject. Note, since typically (always?) self.mobject will have its updating suspended during the animation, this will do nothing to self.mobject. """ for mob in self.get_all_mobjects_to_update(): mob.update(dt)
[docs] def get_all_mobjects_to_update(self) -> list[Mobject]: """Get all mobjects to be updated during the animation. Returns ------- List[Mobject] The list of mobjects to be updated during the animation. """ # The surrounding scene typically handles # updating of self.mobject. Besides, in # most cases its updating is suspended anyway return list(filter(lambda m: m is not self.mobject, self.get_all_mobjects()))
[docs] def copy(self) -> Animation: """Create a copy of the animation. Returns ------- Animation A copy of ``self`` """ return deepcopy(self)
# Methods for interpolation, the mean of an Animation # TODO: stop using alpha as parameter name in different meanings.
[docs] def interpolate(self, alpha: float) -> None: """Set the animation progress. This method gets called for every frame during an animation. Parameters ---------- alpha The relative time to set the animation to, 0 meaning the start, 1 meaning the end. """ self.interpolate_mobject(alpha)
[docs] def interpolate_mobject(self, alpha: float) -> None: """Interpolates the mobject of the :class:`Animation` based on alpha value. Parameters ---------- alpha A float between 0 and 1 expressing the ratio to which the animation is completed. For example, alpha-values of 0, 0.5, and 1 correspond to the animation being completed 0%, 50%, and 100%, respectively. """ families = list(self.get_all_families_zipped()) for i, mobs in enumerate(families): sub_alpha = self.get_sub_alpha(alpha, i, len(families)) self.interpolate_submobject(*mobs, sub_alpha)
def interpolate_submobject( self, submobject: Mobject, starting_submobject: Mobject, # target_copy: Mobject, #Todo: fix - signature of interpolate_submobject differs in Transform(). alpha: float, ) -> Animation: # Typically implemented by subclass pass
[docs] def get_sub_alpha(self, alpha: float, index: int, num_submobjects: int) -> float: """Get the animation progress of any submobjects subanimation. Parameters ---------- alpha The overall animation progress index The index of the subanimation. num_submobjects The total count of subanimations. Returns ------- float The progress of the subanimation. """ # TODO, make this more understandable, and/or combine # its functionality with AnimationGroup's method # build_animations_with_timings lag_ratio = self.lag_ratio full_length = (num_submobjects - 1) * lag_ratio + 1 value = alpha * full_length lower = index * lag_ratio if self.reverse_rate_function: return self.rate_func(1 - (value - lower)) else: return self.rate_func(value - lower)
# Getters and setters
[docs] def set_run_time(self, run_time: float) -> Animation: """Set the run time of the animation. Parameters ---------- run_time The new time the animation should take in seconds. .. note:: The run_time of an animation should not be changed while it is already running. Returns ------- Animation ``self`` """ self.run_time = run_time return self
# TODO: is this getter even necessary?
[docs] def get_run_time(self) -> float: """Get the run time of the animation. Returns ------- float The time the animation takes in seconds. """ return self.run_time
[docs] def set_rate_func( self, rate_func: Callable[[float], float], ) -> Animation: """Set the rate function of the animation. Parameters ---------- rate_func The new function defining the animation progress based on the relative runtime (see :mod:`~.rate_functions`). Returns ------- Animation ``self`` """ self.rate_func = rate_func return self
[docs] def get_rate_func( self, ) -> Callable[[float], float]: """Get the rate function of the animation. Returns ------- Callable[[float], float] The rate function of the animation. """ return self.rate_func
[docs] def set_name(self, name: str) -> Animation: """Set the name of the animation. Parameters ---------- name The new name of the animation. Returns ------- Animation ``self`` """ = name return self
[docs] def is_remover(self) -> bool: """Test if the animation is a remover. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the animation is a remover, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.remover
[docs] def is_introducer(self) -> bool: """Test if the animation is an introducer. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the animation is an introducer, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.introducer
[docs] def prepare_animation( anim: Animation | mobject._AnimationBuilder, ) -> Animation: r"""Returns either an unchanged animation, or the animation built from a passed animation factory. Examples -------- :: >>> from manim import Square, FadeIn >>> s = Square() >>> prepare_animation(FadeIn(s)) FadeIn(Square) :: >>> prepare_animation(s.animate.scale(2).rotate(42)) _MethodAnimation(Square) :: >>> prepare_animation(42) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Object 42 cannot be converted to an animation """ if isinstance(anim, mobject._AnimationBuilder): return if isinstance(anim, opengl_mobject._AnimationBuilder): return if isinstance(anim, Animation): return anim raise TypeError(f"Object {anim} cannot be converted to an animation")
[docs] class Wait(Animation): """A "no operation" animation. Parameters ---------- run_time The amount of time that should pass. stop_condition A function without positional arguments that evaluates to a boolean. The function is evaluated after every new frame has been rendered. Playing the animation stops after the return value is truthy, or after the specified ``run_time`` has passed. frozen_frame Controls whether or not the wait animation is static, i.e., corresponds to a frozen frame. If ``False`` is passed, the render loop still progresses through the animation as usual and (among other things) continues to call updater functions. If ``None`` (the default value), the :meth:`` call tries to determine whether the Wait call can be static or not itself via :meth:`.Scene.should_mobjects_update`. kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to the parent class, :class:`.Animation`. """ def __init__( self, run_time: float = 1, stop_condition: Callable[[], bool] | None = None, frozen_frame: bool | None = None, rate_func: Callable[[float], float] = linear, **kwargs, ): if stop_condition and frozen_frame: raise ValueError("A static Wait animation cannot have a stop condition.") self.duration: float = run_time self.stop_condition = stop_condition self.is_static_wait: bool = frozen_frame super().__init__(None, run_time=run_time, rate_func=rate_func, **kwargs) # quick fix to work in opengl setting: self.mobject.shader_wrapper_list = []
[docs] def begin(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def clean_up_from_scene(self, scene: Scene) -> None: pass
[docs] def update_mobjects(self, dt: float) -> None: pass
[docs] def interpolate(self, alpha: float) -> None: pass
[docs] def override_animation( animation_class: type[Animation], ) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]: """Decorator used to mark methods as overrides for specific :class:`~.Animation` types. Should only be used to decorate methods of classes derived from :class:`~.Mobject`. ``Animation`` overrides get inherited to subclasses of the ``Mobject`` who defined them. They don't override subclasses of the ``Animation`` they override. See Also -------- :meth:`~.Mobject.add_animation_override` Parameters ---------- animation_class The animation to be overridden. Returns ------- Callable[[Callable], Callable] The actual decorator. This marks the method as overriding an animation. Examples -------- .. manim:: OverrideAnimationExample class MySquare(Square): @override_animation(FadeIn) def _fade_in_override(self, **kwargs): return Create(self, **kwargs) class OverrideAnimationExample(Scene): def construct(self): """ def decorator(func): func._override_animation = animation_class return func return decorator