Source code for manim.animation.changing

"""Animation of a mobject boundary and tracing of points."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["AnimatedBoundary", "TracedPath"]

from typing import Callable

from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from manim.utils.color import (
from manim.utils.rate_functions import smooth

[docs]class AnimatedBoundary(VGroup): """Boundary of a :class:`.VMobject` with animated color change. Examples -------- .. manim:: AnimatedBoundaryExample class AnimatedBoundaryExample(Scene): def construct(self): text = Text("So shiny!") boundary = AnimatedBoundary(text, colors=[RED, GREEN, BLUE], cycle_rate=3) self.add(text, boundary) self.wait(2) """ def __init__( self, vmobject, colors=[BLUE_D, BLUE_B, BLUE_E, GREY_BROWN], max_stroke_width=3, cycle_rate=0.5, back_and_forth=True, draw_rate_func=smooth, fade_rate_func=smooth, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.colors = colors self.max_stroke_width = max_stroke_width self.cycle_rate = cycle_rate self.back_and_forth = back_and_forth self.draw_rate_func = draw_rate_func self.fade_rate_func = fade_rate_func self.vmobject = vmobject self.boundary_copies = [ vmobject.copy().set_style(stroke_width=0, fill_opacity=0) for x in range(2) ] self.add(*self.boundary_copies) self.total_time = 0 self.add_updater(lambda m, dt: self.update_boundary_copies(dt)) def update_boundary_copies(self, dt): # Not actual time, but something which passes at # an altered rate to make the implementation below # cleaner time = self.total_time * self.cycle_rate growing, fading = self.boundary_copies colors = self.colors msw = self.max_stroke_width vmobject = self.vmobject index = int(time % len(colors)) alpha = time % 1 draw_alpha = self.draw_rate_func(alpha) fade_alpha = self.fade_rate_func(alpha) if self.back_and_forth and int(time) % 2 == 1: bounds = (1 - draw_alpha, 1) else: bounds = (0, draw_alpha) self.full_family_become_partial(growing, vmobject, *bounds) growing.set_stroke(colors[index], width=msw) if time >= 1: self.full_family_become_partial(fading, vmobject, 0, 1) fading.set_stroke(color=colors[index - 1], width=(1 - fade_alpha) * msw) self.total_time += dt def full_family_become_partial(self, mob1, mob2, a, b): family1 = mob1.family_members_with_points() family2 = mob2.family_members_with_points() for sm1, sm2 in zip(family1, family2): sm1.pointwise_become_partial(sm2, a, b) return self
[docs]class TracedPath(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """Traces the path of a point returned by a function call. Parameters ---------- traced_point_func The function to be traced. stroke_width The width of the trace. stroke_color The color of the trace. dissipating_time The time taken for the path to dissipate. Default set to ``None`` which disables dissipation. Examples -------- .. manim:: TracedPathExample class TracedPathExample(Scene): def construct(self): circ = Circle(color=RED).shift(4*LEFT) dot = Dot(color=RED).move_to(circ.get_start()) rolling_circle = VGroup(circ, dot) trace = TracedPath(circ.get_start) rolling_circle.add_updater(lambda m: m.rotate(-0.3)) self.add(trace, rolling_circle)*RIGHT), run_time=4, rate_func=linear) .. manim:: DissipatingPathExample class DissipatingPathExample(Scene): def construct(self): a = Dot(RIGHT * 2) b = TracedPath(a.get_center, dissipating_time=0.5, stroke_opacity=[0, 1]) self.add(a, b) / 4).shift(LEFT * 2)) / 4).shift(LEFT * 2)) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, traced_point_func: Callable, stroke_width: float = 2, stroke_color: ParsableManimColor | None = WHITE, dissipating_time: float | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs) self.traced_point_func = traced_point_func self.dissipating_time = dissipating_time self.time = 1 if self.dissipating_time else None self.add_updater(self.update_path) def update_path(self, mob, dt): new_point = self.traced_point_func() if not self.has_points(): self.start_new_path(new_point) self.add_line_to(new_point) if self.dissipating_time: self.time += dt if self.time - 1 > self.dissipating_time: nppcc = self.n_points_per_curve self.set_points(self.points[nppcc:])