Source code for manim.animation.speedmodifier

"""Utilities for modifying the speed at which animations are played."""

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import types
from typing import Callable

from numpy import piecewise

from ..animation.animation import Animation, Wait, prepare_animation
from ..animation.composition import AnimationGroup
from ..mobject.mobject import Mobject, Updater, _AnimationBuilder
from ..scene.scene import Scene

[docs]class ChangeSpeed(Animation): """Modifies the speed of passed animation. :class:`AnimationGroup` with different ``lag_ratio`` can also be used which combines multiple animations into one. The ``run_time`` of the passed animation is changed to modify the speed. Parameters ---------- anim Animation of which the speed is to be modified. speedinfo Contains nodes (percentage of ``run_time``) and its corresponding speed factor. rate_func Overrides ``rate_func`` of passed animation, applied before changing speed. Examples -------- .. manim:: SpeedModifierExample class SpeedModifierExample(Scene): def construct(self): a = Dot().shift(LEFT * 4) b = Dot().shift(RIGHT * 4) self.add(a, b) ChangeSpeed( AnimationGroup( a.animate(run_time=1).shift(RIGHT * 8), b.animate(run_time=1).shift(LEFT * 8), ), speedinfo={0.3: 1, 0.4: 0.1, 0.6: 0.1, 1: 1}, rate_func=linear, ) ) .. manim:: SpeedModifierUpdaterExample class SpeedModifierUpdaterExample(Scene): def construct(self): a = Dot().shift(LEFT * 4) self.add(a) ChangeSpeed.add_updater(a, lambda x, dt: x.shift(RIGHT * 4 * dt)) ChangeSpeed( Wait(2), speedinfo={0.4: 1, 0.5: 0.2, 0.8: 0.2, 1: 1}, affects_speed_updaters=True, ) ) .. manim:: SpeedModifierUpdaterExample2 class SpeedModifierUpdaterExample2(Scene): def construct(self): a = Dot().shift(LEFT * 4) self.add(a) ChangeSpeed.add_updater(a, lambda x, dt: x.shift(RIGHT * 4 * dt)) self.wait() ChangeSpeed( Wait(), speedinfo={1: 0}, affects_speed_updaters=True, ) ) """ dt = 0 is_changing_dt = False def __init__( self, anim: Animation | _AnimationBuilder, speedinfo: dict[float, float], rate_func: Callable[[float], float] | None = None, affects_speed_updaters: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: if issubclass(type(anim), AnimationGroup): self.anim = type(anim)( *map(self.setup, anim.animations),, run_time=anim.run_time, rate_func=anim.rate_func, lag_ratio=anim.lag_ratio, ) else: self.anim = self.setup(anim) if affects_speed_updaters: assert ( ChangeSpeed.is_changing_dt is False ), "Only one animation at a time can play that changes speed (dt) for ChangeSpeed updaters" ChangeSpeed.is_changing_dt = True self.t = 0 self.affects_speed_updaters = affects_speed_updaters self.rate_func = self.anim.rate_func if rate_func is None else rate_func # A function where, f(0) = 0, f'(0) = initial speed, f'( f-1(1) ) = final speed # Following function obtained when conditions applied to vertical parabola self.speed_modifier = lambda x, init_speed, final_speed: ( (final_speed**2 - init_speed**2) * x**2 / 4 + init_speed * x ) # f-1(1), returns x for which f(x) = 1 in `speed_modifier` function self.f_inv_1 = lambda init_speed, final_speed: 2 / (init_speed + final_speed) # if speed factors for the starting node (0) and the final node (1) are # not set, set them to 1 and the penultimate factor, respectively if 0 not in speedinfo: speedinfo[0] = 1 if 1 not in speedinfo: speedinfo[1] = sorted(speedinfo.items())[-1][1] self.speedinfo = dict(sorted(speedinfo.items())) self.functions = [] self.conditions = [] # Get the time taken by amimation if `run_time` is assumed to be 1 scaled_total_time = self.get_scaled_total_time() prevnode = 0 init_speed = self.speedinfo[0] curr_time = 0 for node, final_speed in list(self.speedinfo.items())[1:]: dur = node - prevnode def condition( t, curr_time=curr_time, init_speed=init_speed, final_speed=final_speed, dur=dur, ): lower_bound = curr_time / scaled_total_time upper_bound = ( curr_time + self.f_inv_1(init_speed, final_speed) * dur ) / scaled_total_time return lower_bound <= t <= upper_bound self.conditions.append(condition) def function( t, curr_time=curr_time, init_speed=init_speed, final_speed=final_speed, dur=dur, prevnode=prevnode, ): return ( self.speed_modifier( (scaled_total_time * t - curr_time) / dur, init_speed, final_speed, ) * dur + prevnode ) self.functions.append(function) curr_time += self.f_inv_1(init_speed, final_speed) * dur prevnode = node init_speed = final_speed def func(t): if t == 1: ChangeSpeed.is_changing_dt = False new_t = piecewise( self.rate_func(t), [condition(self.rate_func(t)) for condition in self.conditions], self.functions, ) if self.affects_speed_updaters: ChangeSpeed.dt = (new_t - self.t) * self.anim.run_time self.t = new_t return new_t self.anim.set_rate_func(func) super().__init__( self.anim.mobject, rate_func=self.rate_func, run_time=scaled_total_time * self.anim.run_time, **kwargs, ) def setup(self, anim): if type(anim) is Wait: anim.interpolate = types.MethodType( lambda self, alpha: self.rate_func(alpha), anim ) return prepare_animation(anim)
[docs] def get_scaled_total_time(self) -> float: """The time taken by the animation under the assumption that the ``run_time`` is 1.""" prevnode = 0 init_speed = self.speedinfo[0] total_time = 0 for node, final_speed in list(self.speedinfo.items())[1:]: dur = node - prevnode total_time += dur * self.f_inv_1(init_speed, final_speed) prevnode = node init_speed = final_speed return total_time
[docs] @classmethod def add_updater( cls, mobject: Mobject, update_function: Updater, index: int | None = None, call_updater: bool = False, ): """This static method can be used to apply speed change to updaters. This updater will follow speed and rate function of any :class:`.ChangeSpeed` animation that is playing with ``affects_speed_updaters=True``. By default, updater functions added via the usual :meth:`.Mobject.add_updater` method do not respect the change of animation speed. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobject to which the updater should be attached. update_function The function that is called whenever a new frame is rendered. index The position in the list of the mobject's updaters at which the function should be inserted. call_updater If ``True``, calls the update function when attaching it to the mobject. See also -------- :class:`.ChangeSpeed` :meth:`.Mobject.add_updater` """ if "dt" in inspect.signature(update_function).parameters: mobject.add_updater( lambda mob, dt: update_function( mob, ChangeSpeed.dt if ChangeSpeed.is_changing_dt else dt ), index=index, call_updater=call_updater, ) else: mobject.add_updater(update_function, index=index, call_updater=call_updater)
[docs] def interpolate(self, alpha: float) -> None: self.anim.interpolate(alpha)
[docs] def update_mobjects(self, dt: float) -> None: self.anim.update_mobjects(dt)
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: ChangeSpeed.is_changing_dt = False self.anim.finish()
[docs] def begin(self) -> None: self.anim.begin()
[docs] def clean_up_from_scene(self, scene: Scene) -> None: self.anim.clean_up_from_scene(scene)
[docs] def _setup_scene(self, scene) -> None: self.anim._setup_scene(scene)