Source code for manim.mobject.geometry.polygram

r"""Mobjects that are simple geometric shapes."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from math import ceil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from manim.constants import *
from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import ArcBetweenPoints
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from manim.utils.color import BLUE, WHITE, ParsableManimColor
from manim.utils.iterables import adjacent_n_tuples, adjacent_pairs
from manim.utils.space_ops import angle_between_vectors, normalize, regular_vertices

    from typing_extensions import Self

    from manim.typing import Point3D, Point3D_Array
    from manim.utils.color import ParsableManimColor

[docs]class Polygram(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A generalized :class:`Polygon`, allowing for disconnected sets of edges. Parameters ---------- vertex_groups The groups of vertices making up the :class:`Polygram`. The first vertex in each group is repeated to close the shape. Each point must be 3-dimensional: ``[x,y,z]`` color The color of the :class:`Polygram`. kwargs Forwarded to the parent constructor. Examples -------- .. manim:: PolygramExample import numpy as np class PolygramExample(Scene): def construct(self): hexagram = Polygram( [[0, 2, 0], [-np.sqrt(3), -1, 0], [np.sqrt(3), -1, 0]], [[-np.sqrt(3), 1, 0], [0, -2, 0], [np.sqrt(3), 1, 0]], ) self.add(hexagram) dot = Dot(), hexagram), run_time=5, rate_func=linear) self.remove(dot) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, *vertex_groups: Point3D, color: ParsableManimColor = BLUE, **kwargs ): super().__init__(color=color, **kwargs) for vertices in vertex_groups: first_vertex, *vertices = vertices first_vertex = np.array(first_vertex) self.start_new_path(first_vertex) self.add_points_as_corners( [*(np.array(vertex) for vertex in vertices), first_vertex], )
[docs] def get_vertices(self) -> Point3D_Array: """Gets the vertices of the :class:`Polygram`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The vertices of the :class:`Polygram`. Examples -------- :: >>> sq = Square() >>> sq.get_vertices() array([[ 1., 1., 0.], [-1., 1., 0.], [-1., -1., 0.], [ 1., -1., 0.]]) """ return self.get_start_anchors()
[docs] def get_vertex_groups(self) -> np.ndarray[Point3D_Array]: """Gets the vertex groups of the :class:`Polygram`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The vertex groups of the :class:`Polygram`. Examples -------- :: >>> poly = Polygram([ORIGIN, RIGHT, UP], [LEFT, LEFT + UP, 2 * LEFT]) >>> poly.get_vertex_groups() array([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[-1., 0., 0.], [-1., 1., 0.], [-2., 0., 0.]]]) """ vertex_groups = [] group = [] for start, end in zip(self.get_start_anchors(), self.get_end_anchors()): group.append(start) if self.consider_points_equals(end, group[0]): vertex_groups.append(group) group = [] return np.array(vertex_groups)
[docs] def round_corners( self, radius: float | list[float] = 0.5, evenly_distribute_anchors: bool = False, components_per_rounded_corner: int = 2, ) -> Self: """Rounds off the corners of the :class:`Polygram`. Parameters ---------- radius The curvature of the corners of the :class:`Polygram`. evenly_distribute_anchors Break long line segments into proportionally-sized segments. components_per_rounded_corner The number of points used to represent the rounded corner curve. .. seealso:: :class:`.~RoundedRectangle` .. note:: If `radius` is supplied as a single value, then the same radius will be applied to all corners. If `radius` is a list, then the individual values will be applied sequentially, with the first corner receiving `radius[0]`, the second corner receiving `radius[1]`, etc. The radius list will be repeated as necessary. The `components_per_rounded_corner` value is provided so that the fidelity of the rounded corner may be fine-tuned as needed. 2 is an appropriate value for most shapes, however a larger value may be need if the rounded corner is particularly large. 2 is the minimum number allowed, representing the start and end of the curve. 3 will result in a start, middle, and end point, meaning 2 curves will be generated. The option to `evenly_distribute_anchors` is provided so that the line segments (the part part of each line remaining after rounding off the corners) can be subdivided to a density similar to that of the average density of the rounded corners. This may be desirable in situations in which an even distribution of curves is desired for use in later transformation animations. Be aware, though, that enabling this option can result in an an object containing significantly more points than the original, especially when the rounded corner curves are small. Examples -------- .. manim:: PolygramRoundCorners :save_last_frame: class PolygramRoundCorners(Scene): def construct(self): star = Star(outer_radius=2) shapes = VGroup(star) shapes.add(star.copy().round_corners(radius=0.1)) shapes.add(star.copy().round_corners(radius=0.25)) shapes.arrange(RIGHT) self.add(shapes) """ if radius == 0: return self new_points = [] for vertices in self.get_vertex_groups(): arcs = [] # Repeat the radius list as necessary in order to provide a radius # for each vertex. if isinstance(radius, (int, float)): radius_list = [radius] * len(vertices) else: radius_list = radius * ceil(len(vertices) / len(radius)) for currentRadius, (v1, v2, v3) in zip( radius_list, adjacent_n_tuples(vertices, 3) ): vect1 = v2 - v1 vect2 = v3 - v2 unit_vect1 = normalize(vect1) unit_vect2 = normalize(vect2) angle = angle_between_vectors(vect1, vect2) # Negative radius gives concave curves angle *= np.sign(currentRadius) # Distance between vertex and start of the arc cut_off_length = currentRadius * np.tan(angle / 2) # Determines counterclockwise vs. clockwise sign = np.sign(np.cross(vect1, vect2)[2]) arc = ArcBetweenPoints( v2 - unit_vect1 * cut_off_length, v2 + unit_vect2 * cut_off_length, angle=sign * angle, num_components=components_per_rounded_corner, ) arcs.append(arc) if evenly_distribute_anchors: # Determine the average length of each curve nonZeroLengthArcs = [arc for arc in arcs if len(arc.points) > 4] if len(nonZeroLengthArcs): totalArcLength = sum( [arc.get_arc_length() for arc in nonZeroLengthArcs] ) totalCurveCount = ( sum([len(arc.points) for arc in nonZeroLengthArcs]) / 4 ) averageLengthPerCurve = totalArcLength / totalCurveCount else: averageLengthPerCurve = 1 # To ensure that we loop through starting with last arcs = [arcs[-1], *arcs[:-1]] from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line for arc1, arc2 in adjacent_pairs(arcs): new_points.extend(arc1.points) line = Line(arc1.get_end(), arc2.get_start()) # Make sure anchors are evenly distributed, if necessary if evenly_distribute_anchors: line.insert_n_curves( ceil(line.get_length() / averageLengthPerCurve) ) new_points.extend(line.points) self.set_points(new_points) return self
[docs]class Polygon(Polygram): """A shape consisting of one closed loop of vertices. Parameters ---------- vertices The vertices of the :class:`Polygon`. kwargs Forwarded to the parent constructor. Examples -------- .. manim:: PolygonExample :save_last_frame: class PolygonExample(Scene): def construct(self): isosceles = Polygon([-5, 1.5, 0], [-2, 1.5, 0], [-3.5, -2, 0]) position_list = [ [4, 1, 0], # middle right [4, -2.5, 0], # bottom right [0, -2.5, 0], # bottom left [0, 3, 0], # top left [2, 1, 0], # middle [4, 3, 0], # top right ] square_and_triangles = Polygon(*position_list, color=PURPLE_B) self.add(isosceles, square_and_triangles) """ def __init__(self, *vertices: Point3D, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(vertices, **kwargs)
[docs]class RegularPolygram(Polygram): """A :class:`Polygram` with regularly spaced vertices. Parameters ---------- num_vertices The number of vertices. density The density of the :class:`RegularPolygram`. Can be thought of as how many vertices to hop to draw a line between them. Every ``density``-th vertex is connected. radius The radius of the circle that the vertices are placed on. start_angle The angle the vertices start at; the rotation of the :class:`RegularPolygram`. kwargs Forwarded to the parent constructor. Examples -------- .. manim:: RegularPolygramExample :save_last_frame: class RegularPolygramExample(Scene): def construct(self): pentagram = RegularPolygram(5, radius=2) self.add(pentagram) """ def __init__( self, num_vertices: int, *, density: int = 2, radius: float = 1, start_angle: float | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Regular polygrams can be expressed by the number of their vertices # and their density. This relation can be expressed as its Schläfli # symbol: {num_vertices/density}. # # For instance, a pentagon can be expressed as {5/1} or just {5}. # A pentagram, however, can be expressed as {5/2}. # A hexagram *would* be expressed as {6/2}, except that 6 and 2 # are not coprime, and it can be simplified to 2{3}, which corresponds # to the fact that a hexagram is actually made up of 2 triangles. # # See # for more information. num_gons = np.gcd(num_vertices, density) num_vertices //= num_gons density //= num_gons # Utility function for generating the individual # polygon vertices. def gen_polygon_vertices(start_angle): reg_vertices, start_angle = regular_vertices( num_vertices, radius=radius, start_angle=start_angle, ) vertices = [] i = 0 while True: vertices.append(reg_vertices[i]) i += density i %= num_vertices if i == 0: break return vertices, start_angle first_group, self.start_angle = gen_polygon_vertices(start_angle) vertex_groups = [first_group] for i in range(1, num_gons): start_angle = self.start_angle + (i / num_gons) * TAU / num_vertices group, _ = gen_polygon_vertices(start_angle) vertex_groups.append(group) super().__init__(*vertex_groups, **kwargs)
[docs]class RegularPolygon(RegularPolygram): """An n-sided regular :class:`Polygon`. Parameters ---------- n The number of sides of the :class:`RegularPolygon`. kwargs Forwarded to the parent constructor. Examples -------- .. manim:: RegularPolygonExample :save_last_frame: class RegularPolygonExample(Scene): def construct(self): poly_1 = RegularPolygon(n=6) poly_2 = RegularPolygon(n=6, start_angle=30*DEGREES, color=GREEN) poly_3 = RegularPolygon(n=10, color=RED) poly_group = Group(poly_1, poly_2, poly_3).scale(1.5).arrange(buff=1) self.add(poly_group) """ def __init__(self, n: int = 6, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(n, density=1, **kwargs)
[docs]class Star(Polygon): """A regular polygram without the intersecting lines. Parameters ---------- n How many points on the :class:`Star`. outer_radius The radius of the circle that the outer vertices are placed on. inner_radius The radius of the circle that the inner vertices are placed on. If unspecified, the inner radius will be calculated such that the edges of the :class:`Star` perfectly follow the edges of its :class:`RegularPolygram` counterpart. density The density of the :class:`Star`. Only used if ``inner_radius`` is unspecified. See :class:`RegularPolygram` for more information. start_angle The angle the vertices start at; the rotation of the :class:`Star`. kwargs Forwardeds to the parent constructor. Raises ------ :exc:`ValueError` If ``inner_radius`` is unspecified and ``density`` is not in the range ``[1, n/2)``. Examples -------- .. manim:: StarExample :save_as_gif: class StarExample(Scene): def construct(self): pentagram = RegularPolygram(5, radius=2) star = Star(outer_radius=2, color=RED) self.add(pentagram), run_time=3), run_time=2) .. manim:: DifferentDensitiesExample :save_last_frame: class DifferentDensitiesExample(Scene): def construct(self): density_2 = Star(7, outer_radius=2, density=2, color=RED) density_3 = Star(7, outer_radius=2, density=3, color=PURPLE) self.add(VGroup(density_2, density_3).arrange(RIGHT)) """ def __init__( self, n: int = 5, *, outer_radius: float = 1, inner_radius: float | None = None, density: int = 2, start_angle: float | None = TAU / 4, **kwargs, ) -> None: inner_angle = TAU / (2 * n) if inner_radius is None: # See for an # overview of how to calculate the inner radius of a # perfect star. if density <= 0 or density >= n / 2: raise ValueError( f"Incompatible density {density} for number of points {n}", ) outer_angle = TAU * density / n inverse_x = 1 - np.tan(inner_angle) * ( (np.cos(outer_angle) - 1) / np.sin(outer_angle) ) inner_radius = outer_radius / (np.cos(inner_angle) * inverse_x) outer_vertices, self.start_angle = regular_vertices( n, radius=outer_radius, start_angle=start_angle, ) inner_vertices, _ = regular_vertices( n, radius=inner_radius, start_angle=self.start_angle + inner_angle, ) vertices = [] for pair in zip(outer_vertices, inner_vertices): vertices.extend(pair) super().__init__(*vertices, **kwargs)
[docs]class Triangle(RegularPolygon): """An equilateral triangle. Parameters ---------- kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to :class:`RegularPolygon` Examples -------- .. manim:: TriangleExample :save_last_frame: class TriangleExample(Scene): def construct(self): triangle_1 = Triangle() triangle_2 = Triangle().scale(2).rotate(60*DEGREES) tri_group = Group(triangle_1, triangle_2).arrange(buff=1) self.add(tri_group) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(n=3, **kwargs)
[docs]class Rectangle(Polygon): """A quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. Parameters ---------- color The color of the rectangle. height The vertical height of the rectangle. width The horizontal width of the rectangle. grid_xstep Space between vertical grid lines. grid_ystep Space between horizontal grid lines. mark_paths_closed No purpose. close_new_points No purpose. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to :class:`Polygon` Examples ---------- .. manim:: RectangleExample :save_last_frame: class RectangleExample(Scene): def construct(self): rect1 = Rectangle(width=4.0, height=2.0, grid_xstep=1.0, grid_ystep=0.5) rect2 = Rectangle(width=1.0, height=4.0) rects = Group(rect1,rect2).arrange(buff=1) self.add(rects) """ def __init__( self, color: ParsableManimColor = WHITE, height: float = 2.0, width: float = 4.0, grid_xstep: float | None = None, grid_ystep: float | None = None, mark_paths_closed: bool = True, close_new_points: bool = True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(UR, UL, DL, DR, color=color, **kwargs) self.stretch_to_fit_width(width) self.stretch_to_fit_height(height) v = self.get_vertices() if grid_xstep is not None: from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line grid_xstep = abs(grid_xstep) count = int(width / grid_xstep) grid = VGroup( *( Line( v[1] + i * grid_xstep * RIGHT, v[1] + i * grid_xstep * RIGHT + height * DOWN, color=color, ) for i in range(1, count) ) ) self.add(grid) if grid_ystep is not None: grid_ystep = abs(grid_ystep) count = int(height / grid_ystep) grid = VGroup( *( Line( v[1] + i * grid_ystep * DOWN, v[1] + i * grid_ystep * DOWN + width * RIGHT, color=color, ) for i in range(1, count) ) ) self.add(grid)
[docs]class Square(Rectangle): """A rectangle with equal side lengths. Parameters ---------- side_length The length of the sides of the square. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to :class:`Rectangle`. Examples -------- .. manim:: SquareExample :save_last_frame: class SquareExample(Scene): def construct(self): square_1 = Square(side_length=2.0).shift(DOWN) square_2 = Square(side_length=1.0).next_to(square_1, direction=UP) square_3 = Square(side_length=0.5).next_to(square_2, direction=UP) self.add(square_1, square_2, square_3) """ def __init__(self, side_length: float = 2.0, **kwargs) -> None: self.side_length = side_length super().__init__(height=side_length, width=side_length, **kwargs)
[docs]class RoundedRectangle(Rectangle): """A rectangle with rounded corners. Parameters ---------- corner_radius The curvature of the corners of the rectangle. kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to :class:`Rectangle` Examples -------- .. manim:: RoundedRectangleExample :save_last_frame: class RoundedRectangleExample(Scene): def construct(self): rect_1 = RoundedRectangle(corner_radius=0.5) rect_2 = RoundedRectangle(corner_radius=1.5, height=4.0, width=4.0) rect_group = Group(rect_1, rect_2).arrange(buff=1) self.add(rect_group) """ def __init__(self, corner_radius: float | list[float] = 0.5, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.corner_radius = corner_radius self.round_corners(self.corner_radius)
[docs]class Cutout(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A shape with smaller cutouts. Parameters ---------- main_shape The primary shape from which cutouts are made. mobjects The smaller shapes which are to be cut out of the ``main_shape``. kwargs Further keyword arguments that are passed to the constructor of :class:`~.VMobject`. .. warning:: Technically, this class behaves similar to a symmetric difference: if parts of the ``mobjects`` are not located within the ``main_shape``, these parts will be added to the resulting :class:`~.VMobject`. Examples -------- .. manim:: CutoutExample class CutoutExample(Scene): def construct(self): s1 = Square().scale(2.5) s2 = Triangle().shift(DOWN + RIGHT).scale(0.5) s3 = Square().shift(UP + RIGHT).scale(0.5) s4 = RegularPolygon(5).shift(DOWN + LEFT).scale(0.5) s5 = RegularPolygon(6).shift(UP + LEFT).scale(0.5) c = Cutout(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, fill_opacity=1, color=BLUE, stroke_color=RED), run_time=4) self.wait() """ def __init__(self, main_shape: VMobject, *mobjects: VMobject, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.append_points(main_shape.points) if main_shape.get_direction() == "CW": sub_direction = "CCW" else: sub_direction = "CW" for mobject in mobjects: self.append_points(mobject.force_direction(sub_direction).points)