Source code for manim.mobject.graph

"""Mobjects used to represent mathematical graphs (think graph theory, not plotting)."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import itertools as it
from copy import copy
from typing import Hashable, Iterable

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from manim.animation.composition import AnimationGroup
from manim.animation.creation import Create, Uncreate
from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import Dot, LabeledDot
from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line
from manim.mobject.mobject import Mobject, override_animate
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_mobject import OpenGLMobject
from manim.mobject.text.tex_mobject import MathTex
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject
from manim.utils.color import BLACK

def _determine_graph_layout(
    nx_graph: nx.classes.graph.Graph | nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph,
    layout: str | dict = "spring",
    layout_scale: float = 2,
    layout_config: dict | None = None,
    partitions: list[list[Hashable]] | None = None,
    root_vertex: Hashable | None = None,
) -> dict:
    automatic_layouts = {
        "circular": nx.layout.circular_layout,
        "kamada_kawai": nx.layout.kamada_kawai_layout,
        "planar": nx.layout.planar_layout,
        "random": nx.layout.random_layout,
        "shell": nx.layout.shell_layout,
        "spectral": nx.layout.spectral_layout,
        "partite": nx.layout.multipartite_layout,
        "tree": _tree_layout,
        "spiral": nx.layout.spiral_layout,
        "spring": nx.layout.spring_layout,

    custom_layouts = ["random", "partite", "tree"]

    if layout_config is None:
        layout_config = {}

    if isinstance(layout, dict):
        return layout
    elif layout in automatic_layouts and layout not in custom_layouts:
        auto_layout = automatic_layouts[layout](
            nx_graph, scale=layout_scale, **layout_config
        # NetworkX returns a dictionary of 3D points if the dimension
        # is specified to be 3. Otherwise, it returns a dictionary of
        # 2D points, so adjusting is required.
        if layout_config.get("dim") == 3:
            return auto_layout
            return {k: np.append(v, [0]) for k, v in auto_layout.items()}
    elif layout == "tree":
        return _tree_layout(
            nx_graph, root_vertex=root_vertex, scale=layout_scale, **layout_config
    elif layout == "partite":
        if partitions is None or len(partitions) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The partite layout requires the 'partitions' parameter to contain the partition of the vertices",
        partition_count = len(partitions)
        for i in range(partition_count):
            for v in partitions[i]:
                if nx_graph.nodes[v] is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The partition must contain arrays of vertices in the graph",
                nx_graph.nodes[v]["subset"] = i
        # Add missing vertices to their own side
        for v in nx_graph.nodes:
            if "subset" not in nx_graph.nodes[v]:
                nx_graph.nodes[v]["subset"] = partition_count

        auto_layout = automatic_layouts["partite"](
            nx_graph, scale=layout_scale, **layout_config
        return {k: np.append(v, [0]) for k, v in auto_layout.items()}
    elif layout == "random":
        # the random layout places coordinates in [0, 1)
        # we need to rescale manually afterwards...
        auto_layout = automatic_layouts["random"](nx_graph, **layout_config)
        for k, v in auto_layout.items():
            auto_layout[k] = 2 * layout_scale * (v - np.array([0.5, 0.5]))
        return {k: np.append(v, [0]) for k, v in auto_layout.items()}
        raise ValueError(
            f"The layout '{layout}' is neither a recognized automatic layout, "
            "nor a vertex placement dictionary.",

def _tree_layout(
    T: nx.classes.graph.Graph | nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph,
    root_vertex: Hashable | None,
    scale: float | tuple | None = 2,
    vertex_spacing: tuple | None = None,
    orientation: str = "down",
    if root_vertex is None:
        raise ValueError("The tree layout requires the root_vertex parameter")
    if not nx.is_tree(T):
        raise ValueError("The tree layout must be used with trees")

    children = {root_vertex: list(T.neighbors(root_vertex))}
    # The following code is SageMath's tree layout implementation, taken from

    # Always make a copy of the children because they get eaten
    stack = [list(children[root_vertex]).copy()]
    stick = [root_vertex]
    parent = {u: root_vertex for u in children[root_vertex]}
    pos = {}
    obstruction = [0.0] * len(T)
    if orientation == "down":
        o = -1
        o = 1

    def slide(v, dx):
        Shift the vertex v and its descendants to the right by dx.
        Precondition: v and its descendents have already had their
        positions computed.
        level = [v]
        while level:
            nextlevel = []
            for u in level:
                x, y = pos[u]
                x += dx
                obstruction[y] = max(x + 1, obstruction[y])
                pos[u] = x, y
                nextlevel += children[u]
            level = nextlevel

    while stack:
        C = stack[-1]
        if not C:
            p = stick.pop()
            cp = children[p]
            y = o * len(stack)
            if not cp:
                x = obstruction[y]
                pos[p] = x, y
                x = sum(pos[c][0] for c in cp) / float(len(cp))
                pos[p] = x, y
                ox = obstruction[y]
                if x < ox:
                    slide(p, ox - x)
                    x = ox
            obstruction[y] = x + 1

        t = C.pop()
        pt = parent[t]

        ct = [u for u in list(T.neighbors(t)) if u != pt]
        for c in ct:
            parent[c] = t
        children[t] = copy(ct)


    # the resulting layout is then rescaled again to fit on Manim's canvas

    x_min = min(pos.values(), key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
    x_max = max(pos.values(), key=lambda t: t[0])[0]
    y_min = min(pos.values(), key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
    y_max = max(pos.values(), key=lambda t: t[1])[1]
    center = np.array([x_min + x_max, y_min + y_max, 0]) / 2
    height = y_max - y_min
    width = x_max - x_min
    if vertex_spacing is None:
        if isinstance(scale, (float, int)) and (width > 0 or height > 0):
            sf = 2 * scale / max(width, height)
        elif isinstance(scale, tuple):
            if scale[0] is not None and width > 0:
                sw = 2 * scale[0] / width
                sw = 1

            if scale[1] is not None and height > 0:
                sh = 2 * scale[1] / height
                sh = 1

            sf = np.array([sw, sh, 0])
            sf = 1
        sx, sy = vertex_spacing
        sf = np.array([sx, sy, 0])
    return {v: (np.array([x, y, 0]) - center) * sf for v, (x, y) in pos.items()}

[docs]class GenericGraph(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """Abstract base class for graphs (that is, a collection of vertices connected with edges). Graphs can be instantiated by passing both a list of (distinct, hashable) vertex names, together with list of edges (as tuples of vertex names). See the examples for concrete implementations of this class for details. .. note:: This implementation uses updaters to make the edges move with the vertices. See also -------- :class:`.Graph` :class:`.DiGraph` Parameters ---------- vertices A list of vertices. Must be hashable elements. edges A list of edges, specified as tuples ``(u, v)`` where both ``u`` and ``v`` are vertices. labels Controls whether or not vertices are labeled. If ``False`` (the default), the vertices are not labeled; if ``True`` they are labeled using their names (as specified in ``vertices``) via :class:`~.MathTex`. Alternatively, custom labels can be specified by passing a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are the corresponding vertex labels (rendered via, e.g., :class:`~.Text` or :class:`~.Tex`). label_fill_color Sets the fill color of the default labels generated when ``labels`` is set to ``True``. Has no effect for other values of ``labels``. layout Either one of ``"spring"`` (the default), ``"circular"``, ``"kamada_kawai"``, ``"planar"``, ``"random"``, ``"shell"``, ``"spectral"``, ``"spiral"``, ``"tree"``, and ``"partite"`` for automatic vertex positioning using ``networkx`` (see `their documentation <>`_ for more details), or a dictionary specifying a coordinate (value) for each vertex (key) for manual positioning. layout_config Only for automatically generated layouts. A dictionary whose entries are passed as keyword arguments to the automatic layout algorithm specified via ``layout`` of``networkx``. The ``tree`` layout also accepts a special parameter ``vertex_spacing`` passed as a keyword argument inside the ``layout_config`` dictionary. Passing a tuple ``(space_x, space_y)`` as this argument overrides the value of ``layout_scale`` and ensures that vertices are arranged in a way such that the centers of siblings in the same layer are at least ``space_x`` units apart horizontally, and neighboring layers are spaced ``space_y`` units vertically. layout_scale The scale of automatically generated layouts: the vertices will be arranged such that the coordinates are located within the interval ``[-scale, scale]``. Some layouts accept a tuple ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` causing the first coordinate to be in the interval ``[-scale_x, scale_x]``, and the second in ``[-scale_y, scale_y]``. Default: 2. vertex_type The mobject class used for displaying vertices in the scene. vertex_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``vertex_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding vertex. vertex_mobjects A dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are mobjects to be used as vertices. Passing vertices here overrides all other configuration options for a vertex. edge_type The mobject class used for displaying edges in the scene. edge_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``edge_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the edges, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding edge. """ def __init__( self, vertices: list[Hashable], edges: list[tuple[Hashable, Hashable]], labels: bool | dict = False, label_fill_color: str = BLACK, layout: str | dict = "spring", layout_scale: float | tuple = 2, layout_config: dict | None = None, vertex_type: type[Mobject] = Dot, vertex_config: dict | None = None, vertex_mobjects: dict | None = None, edge_type: type[Mobject] = Line, partitions: list[list[Hashable]] | None = None, root_vertex: Hashable | None = None, edge_config: dict | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() nx_graph = self._empty_networkx_graph() nx_graph.add_nodes_from(vertices) nx_graph.add_edges_from(edges) self._graph = nx_graph self._layout = _determine_graph_layout( nx_graph, layout=layout, layout_scale=layout_scale, layout_config=layout_config, partitions=partitions, root_vertex=root_vertex, ) if isinstance(labels, dict): self._labels = labels elif isinstance(labels, bool): if labels: self._labels = { v: MathTex(v, fill_color=label_fill_color) for v in vertices } else: self._labels = {} if self._labels and vertex_type is Dot: vertex_type = LabeledDot if vertex_mobjects is None: vertex_mobjects = {} # build vertex_config if vertex_config is None: vertex_config = {} default_vertex_config = {} if vertex_config: default_vertex_config = { k: v for k, v in vertex_config.items() if k not in vertices } self._vertex_config = { v: vertex_config.get(v, copy(default_vertex_config)) for v in vertices } self.default_vertex_config = default_vertex_config for v, label in self._labels.items(): self._vertex_config[v]["label"] = label self.vertices = {v: vertex_type(**self._vertex_config[v]) for v in vertices} self.vertices.update(vertex_mobjects) for v in self.vertices: self[v].move_to(self._layout[v]) # build edge_config if edge_config is None: edge_config = {} default_tip_config = {} default_edge_config = {} if edge_config: default_tip_config = edge_config.pop("tip_config", {}) default_edge_config = { k: v for k, v in edge_config.items() if not isinstance( k, tuple ) # everything that is not an edge is an option } self._edge_config = {} self._tip_config = {} for e in edges: if e in edge_config: self._tip_config[e] = edge_config[e].pop( "tip_config", copy(default_tip_config) ) self._edge_config[e] = edge_config[e] else: self._tip_config[e] = copy(default_tip_config) self._edge_config[e] = copy(default_edge_config) self.default_edge_config = default_edge_config self._populate_edge_dict(edges, edge_type) self.add(*self.vertices.values()) self.add(*self.edges.values()) self.add_updater(self.update_edges)
[docs] @staticmethod def _empty_networkx_graph(): """Return an empty networkx graph for the given graph type.""" raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in concrete subclasses")
[docs] def _populate_edge_dict( self, edges: list[tuple[Hashable, Hashable]], edge_type: type[Mobject] ): """Helper method for populating the edges of the graph.""" raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in concrete subclasses")
def __getitem__(self: Graph, v: Hashable) -> Mobject: return self.vertices[v] def _create_vertex( self, vertex: Hashable, position: np.ndarray | None = None, label: bool = False, label_fill_color: str = BLACK, vertex_type: type[Mobject] = Dot, vertex_config: dict | None = None, vertex_mobject: dict | None = None, ) -> tuple[Hashable, np.ndarray, dict, Mobject]: if position is None: position = self.get_center() if vertex_config is None: vertex_config = {} if vertex in self.vertices: raise ValueError( f"Vertex identifier '{vertex}' is already used for a vertex in this graph.", ) if label is True: label = MathTex(vertex, fill_color=label_fill_color) elif vertex in self._labels: label = self._labels[vertex] elif not isinstance(label, (Mobject, OpenGLMobject)): label = None base_vertex_config = copy(self.default_vertex_config) base_vertex_config.update(vertex_config) vertex_config = base_vertex_config if label is not None: vertex_config["label"] = label if vertex_type is Dot: vertex_type = LabeledDot if vertex_mobject is None: vertex_mobject = vertex_type(**vertex_config) vertex_mobject.move_to(position) return (vertex, position, vertex_config, vertex_mobject) def _add_created_vertex( self, vertex: Hashable, position: np.ndarray, vertex_config: dict, vertex_mobject: Mobject, ) -> Mobject: if vertex in self.vertices: raise ValueError( f"Vertex identifier '{vertex}' is already used for a vertex in this graph.", ) self._graph.add_node(vertex) self._layout[vertex] = position if "label" in vertex_config: self._labels[vertex] = vertex_config["label"] self._vertex_config[vertex] = vertex_config self.vertices[vertex] = vertex_mobject self.vertices[vertex].move_to(position) self.add(self.vertices[vertex]) return self.vertices[vertex]
[docs] def _add_vertex( self, vertex: Hashable, position: np.ndarray | None = None, label: bool = False, label_fill_color: str = BLACK, vertex_type: type[Mobject] = Dot, vertex_config: dict | None = None, vertex_mobject: dict | None = None, ) -> Mobject: """Add a vertex to the graph. Parameters ---------- vertex A hashable vertex identifier. position The coordinates where the new vertex should be added. If ``None``, the center of the graph is used. label Controls whether or not the vertex is labeled. If ``False`` (the default), the vertex is not labeled; if ``True`` it is labeled using its names (as specified in ``vertex``) via :class:`~.MathTex`. Alternatively, any :class:`~.Mobject` can be passed to be used as the label. label_fill_color Sets the fill color of the default labels generated when ``labels`` is set to ``True``. Has no effect for other values of ``label``. vertex_type The mobject class used for displaying vertices in the scene. vertex_config A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``vertex_type``. vertex_mobject The mobject to be used as the vertex. Overrides all other vertex customization options. """ return self._add_created_vertex( *self._create_vertex( vertex=vertex, position=position, label=label, label_fill_color=label_fill_color, vertex_type=vertex_type, vertex_config=vertex_config, vertex_mobject=vertex_mobject, ) )
def _create_vertices( self: Graph, *vertices: Hashable, positions: dict | None = None, labels: bool = False, label_fill_color: str = BLACK, vertex_type: type[Mobject] = Dot, vertex_config: dict | None = None, vertex_mobjects: dict | None = None, ) -> Iterable[tuple[Hashable, np.ndarray, dict, Mobject]]: if positions is None: positions = {} if vertex_mobjects is None: vertex_mobjects = {} graph_center = self.get_center() base_positions = {v: graph_center for v in vertices} base_positions.update(positions) positions = base_positions if isinstance(labels, bool): labels = {v: labels for v in vertices} else: assert isinstance(labels, dict) base_labels = {v: False for v in vertices} base_labels.update(labels) labels = base_labels if vertex_config is None: vertex_config = copy(self.default_vertex_config) assert isinstance(vertex_config, dict) base_vertex_config = copy(self.default_vertex_config) base_vertex_config.update( {key: val for key, val in vertex_config.items() if key not in vertices}, ) vertex_config = { v: (vertex_config[v] if v in vertex_config else copy(base_vertex_config)) for v in vertices } return [ self._create_vertex( v, position=positions[v], label=labels[v], label_fill_color=label_fill_color, vertex_type=vertex_type, vertex_config=vertex_config[v], vertex_mobject=vertex_mobjects[v] if v in vertex_mobjects else None, ) for v in vertices ]
[docs] def add_vertices( self: Graph, *vertices: Hashable, positions: dict | None = None, labels: bool = False, label_fill_color: str = BLACK, vertex_type: type[Mobject] = Dot, vertex_config: dict | None = None, vertex_mobjects: dict | None = None, ): """Add a list of vertices to the graph. Parameters ---------- vertices Hashable vertex identifiers. positions A dictionary specifying the coordinates where the new vertices should be added. If ``None``, all vertices are created at the center of the graph. labels Controls whether or not the vertex is labeled. If ``False`` (the default), the vertex is not labeled; if ``True`` it is labeled using its names (as specified in ``vertex``) via :class:`~.MathTex`. Alternatively, any :class:`~.Mobject` can be passed to be used as the label. label_fill_color Sets the fill color of the default labels generated when ``labels`` is set to ``True``. Has no effect for other values of ``labels``. vertex_type The mobject class used for displaying vertices in the scene. vertex_config A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``vertex_type``. vertex_mobjects A dictionary whose keys are the vertex identifiers, and whose values are mobjects that should be used as vertices. Overrides all other vertex customization options. """ return [ self._add_created_vertex(*v) for v in self._create_vertices( *vertices, positions=positions, labels=labels, label_fill_color=label_fill_color, vertex_type=vertex_type, vertex_config=vertex_config, vertex_mobjects=vertex_mobjects, ) ]
@override_animate(add_vertices) def _add_vertices_animation(self, *args, anim_args=None, **kwargs): if anim_args is None: anim_args = {} animation = anim_args.pop("animation", Create) vertex_mobjects = self._create_vertices(*args, **kwargs) def on_finish(scene: Scene): for v in vertex_mobjects: scene.remove(v[-1]) self._add_created_vertex(*v) return AnimationGroup( *(animation(v[-1], **anim_args) for v in vertex_mobjects), group=self, _on_finish=on_finish, )
[docs] def _remove_vertex(self, vertex): """Remove a vertex (as well as all incident edges) from the graph. Parameters ---------- vertex The identifier of a vertex to be removed. Returns ------- Group A mobject containing all removed objects. """ if vertex not in self.vertices: raise ValueError( f"The graph does not contain a vertex with identifier '{vertex}'", ) self._graph.remove_node(vertex) self._layout.pop(vertex) if vertex in self._labels: self._labels.pop(vertex) self._vertex_config.pop(vertex) edge_tuples = [e for e in self.edges if vertex in e] for e in edge_tuples: self._edge_config.pop(e) to_remove = [self.edges.pop(e) for e in edge_tuples] to_remove.append(self.vertices.pop(vertex)) self.remove(*to_remove) return self.get_group_class()(*to_remove)
[docs] def remove_vertices(self, *vertices): """Remove several vertices from the graph. Parameters ---------- vertices Vertices to be removed from the graph. Examples -------- :: >>> G = Graph([1, 2, 3], [(1, 2), (2, 3)]) >>> removed = G.remove_vertices(2, 3); removed VGroup(Line, Line, Dot, Dot) >>> G Undirected graph on 1 vertices and 0 edges """ mobjects = [] for v in vertices: mobjects.extend(self._remove_vertex(v).submobjects) return self.get_group_class()(*mobjects)
@override_animate(remove_vertices) def _remove_vertices_animation(self, *vertices, anim_args=None): if anim_args is None: anim_args = {} animation = anim_args.pop("animation", Uncreate) mobjects = self.remove_vertices(*vertices) return AnimationGroup( *(animation(mobj, **anim_args) for mobj in mobjects), group=self )
[docs] def _add_edge( self, edge: tuple[Hashable, Hashable], edge_type: type[Mobject] = Line, edge_config: dict | None = None, ): """Add a new edge to the graph. Parameters ---------- edge The edge (as a tuple of vertex identifiers) to be added. If a non-existing vertex is passed, a new vertex with default settings will be created. Create new vertices yourself beforehand to customize them. edge_type The mobject class used for displaying edges in the scene. edge_config A dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``edge_type``. Returns ------- Group A group containing all newly added vertices and edges. """ if edge_config is None: edge_config = self.default_edge_config.copy() added_mobjects = [] for v in edge: if v not in self.vertices: added_mobjects.append(self._add_vertex(v)) u, v = edge self._graph.add_edge(u, v) base_edge_config = self.default_edge_config.copy() base_edge_config.update(edge_config) edge_config = base_edge_config self._edge_config[(u, v)] = edge_config edge_mobject = edge_type( self[u].get_center(), self[v].get_center(), z_index=-1, **edge_config ) self.edges[(u, v)] = edge_mobject self.add(edge_mobject) added_mobjects.append(edge_mobject) return self.get_group_class()(*added_mobjects)
[docs] def add_edges( self, *edges: tuple[Hashable, Hashable], edge_type: type[Mobject] = Line, edge_config: dict | None = None, **kwargs, ): """Add new edges to the graph. Parameters ---------- edges Edges (as tuples of vertex identifiers) to be added. If a non-existing vertex is passed, a new vertex with default settings will be created. Create new vertices yourself beforehand to customize them. edge_type The mobject class used for displaying edges in the scene. edge_config A dictionary either containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``edge_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the edge tuples, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments to be passed for the construction of the corresponding edge. kwargs Any further keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`.add_vertices` which is used to create new vertices in the passed edges. Returns ------- Group A group containing all newly added vertices and edges. """ if edge_config is None: edge_config = {} non_edge_settings = {k: v for (k, v) in edge_config.items() if k not in edges} base_edge_config = self.default_edge_config.copy() base_edge_config.update(non_edge_settings) base_edge_config = {e: base_edge_config.copy() for e in edges} for e in edges: base_edge_config[e].update(edge_config.get(e, {})) edge_config = base_edge_config edge_vertices = set(it.chain(*edges)) new_vertices = [v for v in edge_vertices if v not in self.vertices] added_vertices = self.add_vertices(*new_vertices, **kwargs) added_mobjects = sum( ( self._add_edge( edge, edge_type=edge_type, edge_config=edge_config[edge], ).submobjects for edge in edges ), added_vertices, ) return self.get_group_class()(*added_mobjects)
@override_animate(add_edges) def _add_edges_animation(self, *args, anim_args=None, **kwargs): if anim_args is None: anim_args = {} animation = anim_args.pop("animation", Create) mobjects = self.add_edges(*args, **kwargs) return AnimationGroup( *(animation(mobj, **anim_args) for mobj in mobjects), group=self )
[docs] def _remove_edge(self, edge: tuple[Hashable]): """Remove an edge from the graph. Parameters ---------- edge The edge (i.e., a tuple of vertex identifiers) to be removed from the graph. Returns ------- Mobject The removed edge. """ if edge not in self.edges: raise ValueError(f"The graph does not contain a edge '{edge}'") edge_mobject = self.edges.pop(edge) self._graph.remove_edge(*edge) self._edge_config.pop(edge, None) self.remove(edge_mobject) return edge_mobject
[docs] def remove_edges(self, *edges: tuple[Hashable]): """Remove several edges from the graph. Parameters ---------- edges Edges to be removed from the graph. Returns ------- Group A group containing all removed edges. """ edge_mobjects = [self._remove_edge(edge) for edge in edges] return self.get_group_class()(*edge_mobjects)
@override_animate(remove_edges) def _remove_edges_animation(self, *edges, anim_args=None): if anim_args is None: anim_args = {} animation = anim_args.pop("animation", Uncreate) mobjects = self.remove_edges(*edges) return AnimationGroup(*(animation(mobj, **anim_args) for mobj in mobjects))
[docs] @classmethod def from_networkx( cls, nxgraph: nx.classes.graph.Graph | nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, **kwargs ): """Build a :class:`~.Graph` or :class:`~.DiGraph` from a given ``networkx`` graph. Parameters ---------- nxgraph A ``networkx`` graph or digraph. **kwargs Keywords to be passed to the constructor of :class:`~.Graph`. Examples -------- .. manim:: ImportNetworkxGraph import networkx as nx nxgraph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(14, 0.5) class ImportNetworkxGraph(Scene): def construct(self): G = Graph.from_networkx(nxgraph, layout="spring", layout_scale=3.5)*[G[v].animate.move_to(5*RIGHT*np.cos(ind/7 * PI) + 3*UP*np.sin(ind/7 * PI)) for ind, v in enumerate(G.vertices)]) """ return cls(list(nxgraph.nodes), list(nxgraph.edges), **kwargs)
[docs] def change_layout( self, layout: str | dict = "spring", layout_scale: float = 2, layout_config: dict | None = None, partitions: list[list[Hashable]] | None = None, root_vertex: Hashable | None = None, ) -> Graph: """Change the layout of this graph. See the documentation of :class:`~.Graph` for details about the keyword arguments. Examples -------- .. manim:: ChangeGraphLayout class ChangeGraphLayout(Scene): def construct(self): G = Graph([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)], layout={1: [-2, 0, 0], 2: [-1, 0, 0], 3: [0, 0, 0], 4: [1, 0, 0], 5: [2, 0, 0]} )"circular")) self.wait() """ self._layout = _determine_graph_layout( self._graph, layout=layout, layout_scale=layout_scale, layout_config=layout_config, partitions=partitions, root_vertex=root_vertex, ) for v in self.vertices: self[v].move_to(self._layout[v]) return self
[docs]class Graph(GenericGraph): """An undirected graph (vertices connected with edges). The graph comes with an updater which makes the edges stick to the vertices when moved around. See :class:`.DiGraph` for a version with directed edges. See also -------- :class:`.GenericGraph` Parameters ---------- vertices A list of vertices. Must be hashable elements. edges A list of edges, specified as tuples ``(u, v)`` where both ``u`` and ``v`` are vertices. The vertex order is irrelevant. labels Controls whether or not vertices are labeled. If ``False`` (the default), the vertices are not labeled; if ``True`` they are labeled using their names (as specified in ``vertices``) via :class:`~.MathTex`. Alternatively, custom labels can be specified by passing a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are the corresponding vertex labels (rendered via, e.g., :class:`~.Text` or :class:`~.Tex`). label_fill_color Sets the fill color of the default labels generated when ``labels`` is set to ``True``. Has no effect for other values of ``labels``. layout Either one of ``"spring"`` (the default), ``"circular"``, ``"kamada_kawai"``, ``"planar"``, ``"random"``, ``"shell"``, ``"spectral"``, ``"spiral"``, ``"tree"``, and ``"partite"`` for automatic vertex positioning using ``networkx`` (see `their documentation <>`_ for more details), or a dictionary specifying a coordinate (value) for each vertex (key) for manual positioning. layout_config Only for automatically generated layouts. A dictionary whose entries are passed as keyword arguments to the automatic layout algorithm specified via ``layout`` of ``networkx``. The ``tree`` layout also accepts a special parameter ``vertex_spacing`` passed as a keyword argument inside the ``layout_config`` dictionary. Passing a tuple ``(space_x, space_y)`` as this argument overrides the value of ``layout_scale`` and ensures that vertices are arranged in a way such that the centers of siblings in the same layer are at least ``space_x`` units apart horizontally, and neighboring layers are spaced ``space_y`` units vertically. layout_scale The scale of automatically generated layouts: the vertices will be arranged such that the coordinates are located within the interval ``[-scale, scale]``. Some layouts accept a tuple ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` causing the first coordinate to be in the interval ``[-scale_x, scale_x]``, and the second in ``[-scale_y, scale_y]``. Default: 2. vertex_type The mobject class used for displaying vertices in the scene. vertex_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``vertex_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding vertex. vertex_mobjects A dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are mobjects to be used as vertices. Passing vertices here overrides all other configuration options for a vertex. edge_type The mobject class used for displaying edges in the scene. edge_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``edge_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the edges, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding edge. Examples -------- First, we create a small graph and demonstrate that the edges move together with the vertices. .. manim:: MovingVertices class MovingVertices(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4] edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (1, 3), (1, 4)] g = Graph(vertices, edges) self.wait()[1].animate.move_to([1, 1, 0]), g[2].animate.move_to([-1, 1, 0]), g[3].animate.move_to([1, -1, 0]), g[4].animate.move_to([-1, -1, 0])) self.wait() There are several automatic positioning algorithms to choose from: .. manim:: GraphAutoPosition :save_last_frame: class GraphAutoPosition(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] edges = [(1, 7), (1, 8), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 8), (3, 4), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (7, 2), (7, 4)] autolayouts = ["spring", "circular", "kamada_kawai", "planar", "random", "shell", "spectral", "spiral"] graphs = [Graph(vertices, edges, layout=lt).scale(0.5) for lt in autolayouts] r1 = VGroup(*graphs[:3]).arrange() r2 = VGroup(*graphs[3:6]).arrange() r3 = VGroup(*graphs[6:]).arrange() self.add(VGroup(r1, r2, r3).arrange(direction=DOWN)) Vertices can also be positioned manually: .. manim:: GraphManualPosition :save_last_frame: class GraphManualPosition(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4] edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1)] lt = {1: [0, 0, 0], 2: [1, 1, 0], 3: [1, -1, 0], 4: [-1, 0, 0]} G = Graph(vertices, edges, layout=lt) self.add(G) The vertices in graphs can be labeled, and configurations for vertices and edges can be modified both by default and for specific vertices and edges. .. note:: In ``edge_config``, edges can be passed in both directions: if ``(u, v)`` is an edge in the graph, both ``(u, v)`` as well as ``(v, u)`` can be used as keys in the dictionary. .. manim:: LabeledModifiedGraph :save_last_frame: class LabeledModifiedGraph(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] edges = [(1, 7), (1, 8), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 8), (3, 4), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (7, 2), (7, 4)] g = Graph(vertices, edges, layout="circular", layout_scale=3, labels=True, vertex_config={7: {"fill_color": RED}}, edge_config={(1, 7): {"stroke_color": RED}, (2, 7): {"stroke_color": RED}, (4, 7): {"stroke_color": RED}}) self.add(g) You can also lay out a partite graph on columns by specifying a list of the vertices on each side and choosing the partite layout. .. note:: All vertices in your graph which are not listed in any of the partitions are collected in their own partition and rendered in the rightmost column. .. manim:: PartiteGraph :save_last_frame: import networkx as nx class PartiteGraph(Scene): def construct(self): G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2, 3]) G.add_edges_from([(0, 2), (0,3), (1, 2)]) graph = Graph(list(G.nodes), list(G.edges), layout="partite", partitions=[[0, 1]]) The representation of a linear artificial neural network is facilitated by the use of the partite layout and defining partitions for each layer. .. manim:: LinearNN :save_last_frame: class LinearNN(Scene): def construct(self): edges = [] partitions = [] c = 0 layers = [2, 3, 3, 2] # the number of neurons in each layer for i in layers: partitions.append(list(range(c + 1, c + i + 1))) c += i for i, v in enumerate(layers[1:]): last = sum(layers[:i+1]) for j in range(v): for k in range(last - layers[i], last): edges.append((k + 1, j + last + 1)) vertices = np.arange(1, sum(layers) + 1) graph = Graph( vertices, edges, layout='partite', partitions=partitions, layout_scale=3, vertex_config={'radius': 0.20}, ) self.add(graph) The custom tree layout can be used to show the graph by distance from the root vertex. You must pass the root vertex of the tree. .. manim:: Tree import networkx as nx class Tree(Scene): def construct(self): G = nx.Graph() G.add_node("ROOT") for i in range(5): G.add_node("Child_%i" % i) G.add_node("Grandchild_%i" % i) G.add_node("Greatgrandchild_%i" % i) G.add_edge("ROOT", "Child_%i" % i) G.add_edge("Child_%i" % i, "Grandchild_%i" % i) G.add_edge("Grandchild_%i" % i, "Greatgrandchild_%i" % i) Graph(list(G.nodes), list(G.edges), layout="tree", root_vertex="ROOT"))) The following code sample illustrates the use of the ``vertex_spacing`` layout parameter specific to the ``"tree"`` layout. As mentioned above, setting ``vertex_spacing`` overrides the specified value for ``layout_scale``, and as such it is harder to control the size of the mobject. However, we can adjust the captured frame and zoom out by using a :class:`.MovingCameraScene`:: class LargeTreeGeneration(MovingCameraScene): DEPTH = 4 CHILDREN_PER_VERTEX = 3 LAYOUT_CONFIG = {"vertex_spacing": (0.5, 1)} VERTEX_CONF = {"radius": 0.25, "color": BLUE_B, "fill_opacity": 1} def expand_vertex(self, g, vertex_id: str, depth: int): new_vertices = [f"{vertex_id}/{i}" for i in range(self.CHILDREN_PER_VERTEX)] new_edges = [(vertex_id, child_id) for child_id in new_vertices] g.add_edges( *new_edges, vertex_config=self.VERTEX_CONF, positions={ k: g.vertices[vertex_id].get_center() + 0.1 * DOWN for k in new_vertices }, ) if depth < self.DEPTH: for child_id in new_vertices: self.expand_vertex(g, child_id, depth + 1) return g def construct(self): g = Graph(["ROOT"], [], vertex_config=self.VERTEX_CONF) g = self.expand_vertex(g, "ROOT", 1) self.add(g) g.animate.change_layout( "tree", root_vertex="ROOT", layout_config=self.LAYOUT_CONFIG, ) ), margin=1), run_time=0.5) """
[docs] @staticmethod def _empty_networkx_graph() -> nx.Graph: return nx.Graph()
[docs] def _populate_edge_dict( self, edges: list[tuple[Hashable, Hashable]], edge_type: type[Mobject] ): self.edges = { (u, v): edge_type( self[u].get_center(), self[v].get_center(), z_index=-1, **self._edge_config[(u, v)], ) for (u, v) in edges }
def update_edges(self, graph): for (u, v), edge in graph.edges.items(): # Undirected graph has a Line edge edge.put_start_and_end_on(graph[u].get_center(), graph[v].get_center()) def __repr__(self: Graph) -> str: return f"Undirected graph on {len(self.vertices)} vertices and {len(self.edges)} edges"
[docs]class DiGraph(GenericGraph): """A directed graph. .. note:: In contrast to undirected graphs, the order in which vertices in a given edge are specified is relevant here. See also -------- :class:`.GenericGraph` Parameters ---------- vertices A list of vertices. Must be hashable elements. edges A list of edges, specified as tuples ``(u, v)`` where both ``u`` and ``v`` are vertices. The edge is directed from ``u`` to ``v``. labels Controls whether or not vertices are labeled. If ``False`` (the default), the vertices are not labeled; if ``True`` they are labeled using their names (as specified in ``vertices``) via :class:`~.MathTex`. Alternatively, custom labels can be specified by passing a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are the corresponding vertex labels (rendered via, e.g., :class:`~.Text` or :class:`~.Tex`). label_fill_color Sets the fill color of the default labels generated when ``labels`` is set to ``True``. Has no effect for other values of ``labels``. layout Either one of ``"spring"`` (the default), ``"circular"``, ``"kamada_kawai"``, ``"planar"``, ``"random"``, ``"shell"``, ``"spectral"``, ``"spiral"``, ``"tree"``, and ``"partite"`` for automatic vertex positioning using ``networkx`` (see `their documentation <>`_ for more details), or a dictionary specifying a coordinate (value) for each vertex (key) for manual positioning. layout_config Only for automatically generated layouts. A dictionary whose entries are passed as keyword arguments to the automatic layout algorithm specified via ``layout`` of ``networkx``. The ``tree`` layout also accepts a special parameter ``vertex_spacing`` passed as a keyword argument inside the ``layout_config`` dictionary. Passing a tuple ``(space_x, space_y)`` as this argument overrides the value of ``layout_scale`` and ensures that vertices are arranged in a way such that the centers of siblings in the same layer are at least ``space_x`` units apart horizontally, and neighboring layers are spaced ``space_y`` units vertically. layout_scale The scale of automatically generated layouts: the vertices will be arranged such that the coordinates are located within the interval ``[-scale, scale]``. Some layouts accept a tuple ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` causing the first coordinate to be in the interval ``[-scale_x, scale_x]``, and the second in ``[-scale_y, scale_y]``. Default: 2. vertex_type The mobject class used for displaying vertices in the scene. vertex_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``vertex_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding vertex. vertex_mobjects A dictionary whose keys are the vertices, and whose values are mobjects to be used as vertices. Passing vertices here overrides all other configuration options for a vertex. edge_type The mobject class used for displaying edges in the scene. edge_config Either a dictionary containing keyword arguments to be passed to the class specified via ``edge_type``, or a dictionary whose keys are the edges, and whose values are dictionaries containing keyword arguments for the mobject related to the corresponding edge. You can further customize the tip by adding a ``tip_config`` dictionary for global styling, or by adding the dict to a specific ``edge_config``. Examples -------- .. manim:: MovingDiGraph class MovingDiGraph(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [1, 2, 3, 4] edges = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (1, 3), (1, 4)] g = DiGraph(vertices, edges) self.add(g) g[1].animate.move_to([1, 1, 1]), g[2].animate.move_to([-1, 1, 2]), g[3].animate.move_to([1, -1, -1]), g[4].animate.move_to([-1, -1, 0]), ) self.wait() You can customize the edges and arrow tips globally or locally. .. manim:: CustomDiGraph class CustomDiGraph(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [i for i in range(5)] edges = [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 4), ] edge_config = { "stroke_width": 2, "tip_config": { "tip_shape": ArrowSquareTip, "tip_length": 0.15, }, (3, 4): { "color": RED, "tip_config": {"tip_length": 0.25, "tip_width": 0.25} }, } g = DiGraph( vertices, edges, labels=True, layout="circular", edge_config=edge_config, ).scale(1.4) self.wait() Since this implementation respects the labels boundary you can also use it for an undirected moving graph with labels. .. manim:: UndirectedMovingDiGraph class UndirectedMovingDiGraph(Scene): def construct(self): vertices = [i for i in range(5)] edges = [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 4), ] edge_config = { "stroke_width": 2, "tip_config": {"tip_length": 0, "tip_width": 0}, (3, 4): {"color": RED}, } g = DiGraph( vertices, edges, labels=True, layout="circular", edge_config=edge_config, ).scale(1.4) self.wait() g[1].animate.move_to([1, 1, 1]), g[2].animate.move_to([-1, 1, 2]), g[3].animate.move_to([-1.5, -1.5, -1]), g[4].animate.move_to([1, -2, -1]), ) self.wait() """
[docs] @staticmethod def _empty_networkx_graph() -> nx.DiGraph: return nx.DiGraph()
[docs] def _populate_edge_dict( self, edges: list[tuple[Hashable, Hashable]], edge_type: type[Mobject] ): self.edges = { (u, v): edge_type( self[u], self[v], z_index=-1, **self._edge_config[(u, v)], ) for (u, v) in edges } for (u, v), edge in self.edges.items(): edge.add_tip(**self._tip_config[(u, v)])
[docs] def update_edges(self, graph): """Updates the edges to stick at their corresponding vertices. Arrow tips need to be repositioned since otherwise they can be deformed. """ for (u, v), edge in graph.edges.items(): edge_type = type(edge) tip = edge.pop_tips()[0] new_edge = edge_type(self[u], self[v], **self._edge_config[(u, v)]) edge.become(new_edge) edge.add_tip(tip)
def __repr__(self: DiGraph) -> str: return f"Directed graph on {len(self.vertices)} vertices and {len(self.edges)} edges"