Source code for manim.mobject.graphing.number_line

"""Mobject representing a number line."""

from __future__ import annotations

from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_vectorized_mobject import OpenGLVMobject

__all__ = ["NumberLine", "UnitInterval"]

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, Sequence

    from import ArrowTip

import numpy as np

from manim import config
from manim.constants import *
from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Line
from manim.mobject.graphing.scale import LinearBase, _ScaleBase
from manim.mobject.text.numbers import DecimalNumber
from manim.mobject.text.tex_mobject import MathTex, Tex
from manim.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from manim.utils.bezier import interpolate
from manim.utils.config_ops import merge_dicts_recursively
from manim.utils.space_ops import normalize

[docs]class NumberLine(Line): """Creates a number line with tick marks. Parameters ---------- x_range The ``[x_min, x_max, x_step]`` values to create the line. length The length of the number line. unit_size The distance between each tick of the line. Overwritten by :attr:`length`, if specified. include_ticks Whether to include ticks on the number line. tick_size The length of each tick mark. numbers_with_elongated_ticks An iterable of specific values with elongated ticks. longer_tick_multiple Influences how many times larger elongated ticks are than regular ticks (2 = 2x). rotation The angle (in radians) at which the line is rotated. stroke_width The thickness of the line. include_tip Whether to add a tip to the end of the line. tip_width The width of the tip. tip_height The height of the tip. tip_shape The mobject class used to construct the tip, or ``None`` (the default) for the default arrow tip. Passed classes have to inherit from :class:`.ArrowTip`. include_numbers Whether to add numbers to the tick marks. The number of decimal places is determined by the step size, this default can be overridden by ``decimal_number_config``. scaling The way the ``x_range`` is value is scaled, i.e. :class:`~.LogBase` for a logarithmic numberline. Defaults to :class:`~.LinearBase`. font_size The size of the label mobjects. Defaults to 36. label_direction The specific position to which label mobjects are added on the line. label_constructor Determines the mobject class that will be used to construct the labels of the number line. line_to_number_buff The distance between the line and the label mobject. decimal_number_config Arguments that can be passed to :class:`~.numbers.DecimalNumber` to influence number mobjects. numbers_to_exclude An explicit iterable of numbers to not be added to the number line. numbers_to_include An explicit iterable of numbers to add to the number line kwargs Additional arguments to be passed to :class:`~.Line`. .. note:: Number ranges that include both negative and positive values will be generated from the 0 point, and may not include a tick at the min / max values as the tick locations are dependent on the step size. Examples -------- .. manim:: NumberLineExample :save_last_frame: class NumberLineExample(Scene): def construct(self): l0 = NumberLine( x_range=[-10, 10, 2], length=10, color=BLUE, include_numbers=True, label_direction=UP, ) l1 = NumberLine( x_range=[-10, 10, 2], unit_size=0.5, numbers_with_elongated_ticks=[-2, 4], include_numbers=True, font_size=24, ) num6 = l1.numbers[8] num6.set_color(RED) l2 = NumberLine( x_range=[-2.5, 2.5 + 0.5, 0.5], length=12, decimal_number_config={"num_decimal_places": 2}, include_numbers=True, ) l3 = NumberLine( x_range=[-5, 5 + 1, 1], length=6, include_tip=True, include_numbers=True, rotation=10 * DEGREES, ) line_group = VGroup(l0, l1, l2, l3).arrange(DOWN, buff=1) self.add(line_group) """ def __init__( self, x_range: Sequence[float] | None = None, # must be first length: float | None = None, unit_size: float = 1, # ticks include_ticks: bool = True, tick_size: float = 0.1, numbers_with_elongated_ticks: Iterable[float] | None = None, longer_tick_multiple: int = 2, exclude_origin_tick: bool = False, # visuals rotation: float = 0, stroke_width: float = 2.0, # tip include_tip: bool = False, tip_width: float = DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_LENGTH, tip_height: float = DEFAULT_ARROW_TIP_LENGTH, tip_shape: type[ArrowTip] | None = None, # numbers/labels include_numbers: bool = False, font_size: float = 36, label_direction: Sequence[float] = DOWN, label_constructor: VMobject = MathTex, scaling: _ScaleBase = LinearBase(), line_to_number_buff: float = MED_SMALL_BUFF, decimal_number_config: dict | None = None, numbers_to_exclude: Iterable[float] | None = None, numbers_to_include: Iterable[float] | None = None, **kwargs, ): # avoid mutable arguments in defaults if numbers_to_exclude is None: numbers_to_exclude = [] if numbers_with_elongated_ticks is None: numbers_with_elongated_ticks = [] if x_range is None: x_range = [ round(-config["frame_x_radius"]), round(config["frame_x_radius"]), 1, ] elif len(x_range) == 2: # adds x_step if not specified. not sure how to feel about this. a user can't know default without peeking at source code x_range = [*x_range, 1] if decimal_number_config is None: decimal_number_config = { "num_decimal_places": self._decimal_places_from_step(x_range[2]), } # turn into a NumPy array to scale by just applying the function self.x_range = np.array(x_range, dtype=float) self.x_min, self.x_max, self.x_step = scaling.function(self.x_range) self.length = length self.unit_size = unit_size # ticks self.include_ticks = include_ticks self.tick_size = tick_size self.numbers_with_elongated_ticks = numbers_with_elongated_ticks self.longer_tick_multiple = longer_tick_multiple self.exclude_origin_tick = exclude_origin_tick # visuals self.rotation = rotation # tip self.include_tip = include_tip self.tip_width = tip_width self.tip_height = tip_height # numbers self.font_size = font_size self.include_numbers = include_numbers self.label_direction = label_direction self.label_constructor = label_constructor self.line_to_number_buff = line_to_number_buff self.decimal_number_config = decimal_number_config self.numbers_to_exclude = numbers_to_exclude self.numbers_to_include = numbers_to_include self.scaling = scaling super().__init__( self.x_range[0] * RIGHT, self.x_range[1] * RIGHT, stroke_width=stroke_width, **kwargs, ) if self.length: self.set_length(self.length) self.unit_size = self.get_unit_size() else: self.scale(self.unit_size) if self.include_tip: self.add_tip( tip_length=self.tip_height, tip_width=self.tip_width, tip_shape=tip_shape, ) self.tip.set_stroke(self.stroke_color, self.stroke_width) if self.include_ticks: self.add_ticks() self.rotate(self.rotation) if self.include_numbers or self.numbers_to_include is not None: if self.scaling.custom_labels: tick_range = self.get_tick_range() self.add_labels( dict( zip( tick_range, self.scaling.get_custom_labels( tick_range, unit_decimal_places=decimal_number_config[ "num_decimal_places" ], ), ) ), ) else: self.add_numbers( x_values=self.numbers_to_include, excluding=self.numbers_to_exclude, font_size=self.font_size, ) def rotate_about_zero(self, angle: float, axis: Sequence[float] = OUT, **kwargs): return self.rotate_about_number(0, angle, axis, **kwargs) def rotate_about_number( self, number: float, angle: float, axis: Sequence[float] = OUT, **kwargs ): return self.rotate(angle, axis, about_point=self.n2p(number), **kwargs)
[docs] def add_ticks(self): """Adds ticks to the number line. Ticks can be accessed after creation via ``self.ticks``.""" ticks = VGroup() elongated_tick_size = self.tick_size * self.longer_tick_multiple elongated_tick_offsets = self.numbers_with_elongated_ticks - self.x_min for x in self.get_tick_range(): size = self.tick_size if np.any(np.isclose(x - self.x_min, elongated_tick_offsets)): size = elongated_tick_size ticks.add(self.get_tick(x, size)) self.add(ticks) self.ticks = ticks
[docs] def get_tick(self, x: float, size: float | None = None) -> Line: """Generates a tick and positions it along the number line. Parameters ---------- x The position of the tick. size The factor by which the tick is scaled. Returns ------- :class:`~.Line` A positioned tick. """ if size is None: size = self.tick_size result = Line(size * DOWN, size * UP) result.rotate(self.get_angle()) result.move_to(self.number_to_point(x)) result.match_style(self) return result
def get_tick_marks(self) -> VGroup: return self.ticks
[docs] def get_tick_range(self) -> np.ndarray: """Generates the range of values on which labels are plotted based on the ``x_range`` attribute of the number line. Returns ------- np.ndarray A numpy array of floats represnting values along the number line. """ x_min, x_max, x_step = self.x_range if not self.include_tip: x_max += 1e-6 # Handle cases where min and max are both positive or both negative if x_min < x_max < 0 or x_max > x_min > 0: tick_range = np.arange(x_min, x_max, x_step) else: start_point = 0 if self.exclude_origin_tick: start_point += x_step x_min_segment = np.arange(start_point, np.abs(x_min) + 1e-6, x_step) * -1 x_max_segment = np.arange(start_point, x_max, x_step) tick_range = np.unique(np.concatenate((x_min_segment, x_max_segment))) return self.scaling.function(tick_range)
[docs] def number_to_point(self, number: float | np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Accepts a value along the number line and returns a point with respect to the scene. Parameters ---------- number The value to be transformed into a coordinate. Or a list of values. Returns ------- np.ndarray A point with respect to the scene's coordinate system. Or a list of points. Examples -------- >>> from manim import NumberLine >>> number_line = NumberLine() >>> number_line.number_to_point(0) array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> number_line.number_to_point(1) array([1., 0., 0.]) >>> number_line.number_to_point([1,2,3]) array([[1., 0., 0.], [2., 0., 0.], [3., 0., 0.]]) """ number = np.asarray(number) scalar = number.ndim == 0 number = self.scaling.inverse_function(number) alphas = (number - self.x_range[0]) / (self.x_range[1] - self.x_range[0]) alphas = float(alphas) if scalar else np.vstack(alphas) val = interpolate(self.get_start(), self.get_end(), alphas) return val
[docs] def point_to_number(self, point: Sequence[float]) -> float: """Accepts a point with respect to the scene and returns a float along the number line. Parameters ---------- point A sequence of values consisting of ``(x_coord, y_coord, z_coord)``. Returns ------- float A float representing a value along the number line. Examples -------- >>> from manim import NumberLine >>> number_line = NumberLine() >>> number_line.point_to_number((0,0,0)) 0.0 >>> number_line.point_to_number((1,0,0)) 1.0 >>> number_line.point_to_number([[0.5,0,0],[1,0,0],[1.5,0,0]]) array([0.5, 1. , 1.5]) """ point = np.asarray(point) start, end = self.get_start_and_end() unit_vect = normalize(end - start) proportion = - start, unit_vect) / - start, unit_vect) return interpolate(self.x_min, self.x_max, proportion)
[docs] def n2p(self, number: float | np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Abbreviation for :meth:`~.NumberLine.number_to_point`.""" return self.number_to_point(number)
[docs] def p2n(self, point: Sequence[float]) -> float: """Abbreviation for :meth:`~.NumberLine.point_to_number`.""" return self.point_to_number(point)
def get_unit_size(self) -> float: return self.get_length() / (self.x_range[1] - self.x_range[0]) def get_unit_vector(self) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_unit_vector() * self.unit_size
[docs] def get_number_mobject( self, x: float, direction: Sequence[float] | None = None, buff: float | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, label_constructor: VMobject | None = None, **number_config, ) -> VMobject: """Generates a positioned :class:`~.DecimalNumber` mobject generated according to ``label_constructor``. Parameters ---------- x The x-value at which the mobject should be positioned. direction Determines the direction at which the label is positioned next to the line. buff The distance of the label from the line. font_size The font size of the label mobject. label_constructor The :class:`~.VMobject` class that will be used to construct the label. Defaults to the ``label_constructor`` attribute of the number line if not specified. Returns ------- :class:`~.DecimalNumber` The positioned mobject. """ number_config = merge_dicts_recursively( self.decimal_number_config, number_config, ) if direction is None: direction = self.label_direction if buff is None: buff = self.line_to_number_buff if font_size is None: font_size = self.font_size if label_constructor is None: label_constructor = self.label_constructor num_mob = DecimalNumber( x, font_size=font_size, mob_class=label_constructor, **number_config ) num_mob.next_to(self.number_to_point(x), direction=direction, buff=buff) if x < 0 and self.label_direction[0] == 0: # Align without the minus sign num_mob.shift(num_mob[0].get_width() * LEFT / 2) return num_mob
def get_number_mobjects(self, *numbers, **kwargs) -> VGroup: if len(numbers) == 0: numbers = self.default_numbers_to_display() return VGroup([self.get_number_mobject(number, **kwargs) for number in numbers]) def get_labels(self) -> VGroup: return self.get_number_mobjects()
[docs] def add_numbers( self, x_values: Iterable[float] | None = None, excluding: Iterable[float] | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, label_constructor: VMobject | None = None, **kwargs, ): """Adds :class:`~.DecimalNumber` mobjects representing their position at each tick of the number line. The numbers can be accessed after creation via ``self.numbers``. Parameters ---------- x_values An iterable of the values used to position and create the labels. Defaults to the output produced by :meth:`~.NumberLine.get_tick_range` excluding A list of values to exclude from :attr:`x_values`. font_size The font size of the labels. Defaults to the ``font_size`` attribute of the number line. label_constructor The :class:`~.VMobject` class that will be used to construct the label. Defaults to the ``label_constructor`` attribute of the number line if not specified. """ if x_values is None: x_values = self.get_tick_range() if excluding is None: excluding = self.numbers_to_exclude if font_size is None: font_size = self.font_size if label_constructor is None: label_constructor = self.label_constructor numbers = VGroup() for x in x_values: if x in excluding: continue numbers.add( self.get_number_mobject( x, font_size=font_size, label_constructor=label_constructor, **kwargs, ) ) self.add(numbers) self.numbers = numbers return self
[docs] def add_labels( self, dict_values: dict[float, str | float | VMobject], direction: Sequence[float] = None, buff: float | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, label_constructor: VMobject | None = None, ): """Adds specifically positioned labels to the :class:`~.NumberLine` using a ``dict``. The labels can be accessed after creation via ``self.labels``. Parameters ---------- dict_values A dictionary consisting of the position along the number line and the mobject to be added: ``{1: Tex("Monday"), 3: Tex("Tuesday")}``. :attr:`label_constructor` will be used to construct the labels if the value is not a mobject (``str`` or ``float``). direction Determines the direction at which the label is positioned next to the line. buff The distance of the label from the line. font_size The font size of the mobject to be positioned. label_constructor The :class:`~.VMobject` class that will be used to construct the label. Defaults to the ``label_constructor`` attribute of the number line if not specified. Raises ------ AttributeError If the label does not have a ``font_size`` attribute, an ``AttributeError`` is raised. """ direction = self.label_direction if direction is None else direction buff = self.line_to_number_buff if buff is None else buff font_size = self.font_size if font_size is None else font_size if label_constructor is None: label_constructor = self.label_constructor labels = VGroup() for x, label in dict_values.items(): # TODO: remove this check and ability to call # this method via CoordinateSystem.add_coordinates() # must be explicitly called if isinstance(label, str) and label_constructor is MathTex: label = Tex(label) else: label = self._create_label_tex(label, label_constructor) if hasattr(label, "font_size"): label.font_size = font_size else: raise AttributeError(f"{label} is not compatible with add_labels.") label.next_to(self.number_to_point(x), direction=direction, buff=buff) labels.add(label) self.labels = labels self.add(labels) return self
[docs] def _create_label_tex( self, label_tex: str | float | VMobject, label_constructor: Callable | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> VMobject: """Checks if the label is a :class:`~.VMobject`, otherwise, creates a label by passing ``label_tex`` to ``label_constructor``. Parameters ---------- label_tex The label for which a mobject should be created. If the label already is a mobject, no new mobject is created. label_constructor Optional. A class or function returning a mobject when passing ``label_tex`` as an argument. If ``None`` is passed (the default), the label constructor from the :attr:`.label_constructor` attribute is used. Returns ------- :class:`~.VMobject` The label. """ if label_constructor is None: label_constructor = self.label_constructor if isinstance(label_tex, (VMobject, OpenGLVMobject)): return label_tex else: return label_constructor(label_tex, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _decimal_places_from_step(step) -> int: step = str(step) if "." not in step: return 0 return len(step.split(".")[-1])
[docs]class UnitInterval(NumberLine): def __init__( self, unit_size=10, numbers_with_elongated_ticks=None, decimal_number_config=None, **kwargs, ): numbers_with_elongated_ticks = ( [0, 1] if numbers_with_elongated_ticks is None else numbers_with_elongated_ticks ) decimal_number_config = ( { "num_decimal_places": 1, } if decimal_number_config is None else decimal_number_config ) super().__init__( x_range=(0, 1, 0.1), unit_size=unit_size, numbers_with_elongated_ticks=numbers_with_elongated_ticks, decimal_number_config=decimal_number_config, **kwargs, )