Source code for manim.mobject.svg.svg_mobject

"""Mobjects generated from an SVG file."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from pathlib import Path
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np
import svgelements as se

from manim import config, logger

from ...constants import RIGHT
from ...utils.bezier import get_quadratic_approximation_of_cubic
from ...utils.images import get_full_vector_image_path
from ...utils.iterables import hash_obj
from ..geometry.arc import Circle
from ..geometry.line import Line
from ..geometry.polygram import Polygon, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle
from ..opengl.opengl_compatibility import ConvertToOpenGL
from ..types.vectorized_mobject import VMobject

__all__ = ["SVGMobject", "VMobjectFromSVGPath"]

SVG_HASH_TO_MOB_MAP: dict[int, VMobject] = {}

def _convert_point_to_3d(x: float, y: float) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.array([x, y, 0.0])

[docs]class SVGMobject(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A vectorized mobject created from importing an SVG file. Parameters ---------- file_name The path to the SVG file. should_center Whether or not the mobject should be centered after being imported. height The target height of the mobject, set to 2 Manim units by default. If the height and width are both set to ``None``, the mobject is imported without being scaled. width The target width of the mobject, set to ``None`` by default. If the height and the width are both set to ``None``, the mobject is imported without being scaled. color The color (both fill and stroke color) of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the colors set in the SVG file are used. opacity The opacity (both fill and stroke opacity) of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the opacity set in the SVG file is used. fill_color The fill color of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the fill colors set in the SVG file are used. fill_opacity The fill opacity of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the fill opacities set in the SVG file are used. stroke_color The stroke color of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the stroke colors set in the SVG file are used. stroke_opacity The stroke opacity of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the stroke opacities set in the SVG file are used. stroke_width The stroke width of the mobject. If ``None`` (the default), the stroke width values set in the SVG file are used. svg_default A dictionary in which fallback values for unspecified properties of elements in the SVG file are defined. If ``None`` (the default), ``color``, ``opacity``, ``fill_color`` ``fill_opacity``, ``stroke_color``, and ``stroke_opacity`` are set to ``None``, and ``stroke_width`` is set to 0. path_string_config A dictionary with keyword arguments passed to :class:`.VMobjectFromSVGPath` used for importing path elements. If ``None`` (the default), no additional arguments are passed. use_svg_cache If True (default), the svg inputs (e.g. file_name, settings) will be used as a key and a copy of the created mobject will be saved using that key to be quickly retrieved if the same inputs need be processed later. For large SVGs which are used only once, this can be omitted to improve performance. kwargs Further arguments passed to the parent class. """ def __init__( self, file_name: str | os.PathLike | None = None, should_center: bool = True, height: float | None = 2, width: float | None = None, color: str | None = None, opacity: float | None = None, fill_color: str | None = None, fill_opacity: float | None = None, stroke_color: str | None = None, stroke_opacity: float | None = None, stroke_width: float | None = None, svg_default: dict | None = None, path_string_config: dict | None = None, use_svg_cache: bool = True, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(color=None, stroke_color=None, fill_color=None, **kwargs) # process keyword arguments self.file_name = Path(file_name) if file_name is not None else None self.should_center = should_center self.svg_height = height self.svg_width = width self.color = color self.opacity = opacity self.fill_color = fill_color self.fill_opacity = fill_opacity self.stroke_color = stroke_color self.stroke_opacity = stroke_opacity self.stroke_width = stroke_width if svg_default is None: svg_default = { "color": None, "opacity": None, "fill_color": None, "fill_opacity": None, "stroke_width": 0, "stroke_color": None, "stroke_opacity": None, } self.svg_default = svg_default if path_string_config is None: path_string_config = {} self.path_string_config = path_string_config self.init_svg_mobject(use_svg_cache=use_svg_cache) self.set_style( fill_color=fill_color, fill_opacity=fill_opacity, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_opacity=stroke_opacity, stroke_width=stroke_width, ) self.move_into_position()
[docs] def init_svg_mobject(self, use_svg_cache: bool) -> None: """Checks whether the SVG has already been imported and generates it if not. See also -------- :meth:`.SVGMobject.generate_mobject` """ if use_svg_cache: hash_val = hash_obj(self.hash_seed) if hash_val in SVG_HASH_TO_MOB_MAP: mob = SVG_HASH_TO_MOB_MAP[hash_val].copy() self.add(*mob) return self.generate_mobject() if use_svg_cache: SVG_HASH_TO_MOB_MAP[hash_val] = self.copy()
@property def hash_seed(self) -> tuple: """A unique hash representing the result of the generated mobject points. Used as keys in the ``SVG_HASH_TO_MOB_MAP`` caching dictionary. """ return ( self.__class__.__name__, self.svg_default, self.path_string_config, self.file_name, config.renderer, )
[docs] def generate_mobject(self) -> None: """Parse the SVG and translate its elements to submobjects.""" file_path = self.get_file_path() element_tree = ET.parse(file_path) new_tree = self.modify_xml_tree(element_tree) # Create a temporary svg file to dump modified svg to be parsed modified_file_path = file_path.with_name(f"{file_path.stem}_{file_path.suffix}") new_tree.write(modified_file_path) svg = se.SVG.parse(modified_file_path) modified_file_path.unlink() mobjects = self.get_mobjects_from(svg) self.add(*mobjects) self.flip(RIGHT) # Flip y
[docs] def get_file_path(self) -> Path: """Search for an existing file based on the specified file name.""" if self.file_name is None: raise ValueError("Must specify file for SVGMobject") return get_full_vector_image_path(self.file_name)
[docs] def modify_xml_tree(self, element_tree: ET.ElementTree) -> ET.ElementTree: """Modifies the SVG element tree to include default style information. Parameters ---------- element_tree The parsed element tree from the SVG file. """ config_style_dict = self.generate_config_style_dict() style_keys = ( "fill", "fill-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", ) root = element_tree.getroot() root_style_dict = {k: v for k, v in root.attrib.items() if k in style_keys} new_root = ET.Element("svg", {}) config_style_node = ET.SubElement(new_root, "g", config_style_dict) root_style_node = ET.SubElement(config_style_node, "g", root_style_dict) root_style_node.extend(root) return ET.ElementTree(new_root)
[docs] def generate_config_style_dict(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Generate a dictionary holding the default style information.""" keys_converting_dict = { "fill": ("color", "fill_color"), "fill-opacity": ("opacity", "fill_opacity"), "stroke": ("color", "stroke_color"), "stroke-opacity": ("opacity", "stroke_opacity"), "stroke-width": ("stroke_width",), } svg_default_dict = self.svg_default result = {} for svg_key, style_keys in keys_converting_dict.items(): for style_key in style_keys: if svg_default_dict[style_key] is None: continue result[svg_key] = str(svg_default_dict[style_key]) return result
[docs] def get_mobjects_from(self, svg: se.SVG) -> list[VMobject]: """Convert the elements of the SVG to a list of mobjects. Parameters ---------- svg The parsed SVG file. """ result = [] for shape in svg.elements(): if isinstance(shape, se.Group): continue elif isinstance(shape, se.Path): mob = self.path_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.SimpleLine): mob = self.line_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.Rect): mob = self.rect_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, (se.Circle, se.Ellipse)): mob = self.ellipse_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.Polygon): mob = self.polygon_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.Polyline): mob = self.polyline_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.Text): mob = self.text_to_mobject(shape) elif isinstance(shape, se.Use) or type(shape) is se.SVGElement: continue else: logger.warning(f"Unsupported element type: {type(shape)}") continue if mob is None or not mob.has_points(): continue self.apply_style_to_mobject(mob, shape) if isinstance(shape, se.Transformable) and shape.apply: self.handle_transform(mob, shape.transform) result.append(mob) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_transform(mob: VMobject, matrix: se.Matrix) -> VMobject: """Apply SVG transformations to the converted mobject. Parameters ---------- mob The converted mobject. matrix The transformation matrix determined from the SVG transformation. """ mat = np.array([[matrix.a, matrix.c], [matrix.b, matrix.d]]) vec = np.array([matrix.e, matrix.f, 0.0]) mob.apply_matrix(mat) mob.shift(vec) return mob
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_style_to_mobject(mob: VMobject, shape: se.GraphicObject) -> VMobject: """Apply SVG style information to the converted mobject. Parameters ---------- mob The converted mobject. shape The parsed SVG element. """ mob.set_style( stroke_width=shape.stroke_width, stroke_color=shape.stroke.hexrgb, stroke_opacity=shape.stroke.opacity, fill_color=shape.fill.hexrgb, fill_opacity=shape.fill.opacity, ) return mob
[docs] def path_to_mobject(self, path: se.Path) -> VMobjectFromSVGPath: """Convert a path element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- path The parsed SVG path. """ return VMobjectFromSVGPath(path, **self.path_string_config)
[docs] @staticmethod def line_to_mobject(line: se.Line) -> Line: """Convert a line element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- line The parsed SVG line. """ return Line( start=_convert_point_to_3d(line.x1, line.y1), end=_convert_point_to_3d(line.x2, line.y2), )
[docs] @staticmethod def rect_to_mobject(rect: se.Rect) -> Rectangle: """Convert a rectangle element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- rect The parsed SVG rectangle. """ if rect.rx == 0 or rect.ry == 0: mob = Rectangle( width=rect.width, height=rect.height, ) else: mob = RoundedRectangle( width=rect.width, height=rect.height * rect.rx / rect.ry, corner_radius=rect.rx, ) mob.stretch_to_fit_height(rect.height) mob.shift( _convert_point_to_3d(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2) ) return mob
[docs] @staticmethod def ellipse_to_mobject(ellipse: se.Ellipse | se.Circle) -> Circle: """Convert an ellipse or circle element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- ellipse The parsed SVG ellipse or circle. """ mob = Circle(radius=ellipse.rx) if ellipse.rx != ellipse.ry: mob.stretch_to_fit_height(2 * ellipse.ry) mob.shift(_convert_point_to_3d(, return mob
[docs] @staticmethod def polygon_to_mobject(polygon: se.Polygon) -> Polygon: """Convert a polygon element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- polygon The parsed SVG polygon. """ points = [_convert_point_to_3d(*point) for point in polygon] return Polygon(*points)
[docs] def polyline_to_mobject(self, polyline: se.Polyline) -> VMobject: """Convert a polyline element to a vectorized mobject. Parameters ---------- polyline The parsed SVG polyline. """ points = [_convert_point_to_3d(*point) for point in polyline] vmobject_class = self.get_mobject_type_class() return vmobject_class().set_points_as_corners(points)
[docs] @staticmethod def text_to_mobject(text: se.Text): """Convert a text element to a vectorized mobject. .. warning:: Not yet implemented. Parameters ---------- text The parsed SVG text. """ logger.warning(f"Unsupported element type: {type(text)}") return
[docs] def move_into_position(self) -> None: """Scale and move the generated mobject into position.""" if self.should_center: if self.svg_height is not None: self.set_height(self.svg_height) if self.svg_width is not None: self.set_width(self.svg_width)
[docs]class VMobjectFromSVGPath(VMobject, metaclass=ConvertToOpenGL): """A vectorized mobject representing an SVG path. .. note:: The ``long_lines``, ``should_subdivide_sharp_curves``, and ``should_remove_null_curves`` keyword arguments are only respected with the OpenGL renderer. Parameters ---------- path_obj A parsed SVG path object. long_lines Whether or not straight lines in the vectorized mobject are drawn in one or two segments. should_subdivide_sharp_curves Whether or not to subdivide subcurves further in case two segments meet at an angle that is sharper than a given threshold. should_remove_null_curves Whether or not to remove subcurves of length 0. kwargs Further keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. """ def __init__( self, path_obj: se.Path, long_lines: bool = False, should_subdivide_sharp_curves: bool = False, should_remove_null_curves: bool = False, **kwargs, ): # Get rid of arcs path_obj.approximate_arcs_with_quads() self.path_obj = path_obj self.long_lines = long_lines self.should_subdivide_sharp_curves = should_subdivide_sharp_curves self.should_remove_null_curves = should_remove_null_curves super().__init__(**kwargs) def init_points(self) -> None: # TODO: cache mobject in a re-importable way self.handle_commands() if config.renderer == "opengl": if self.should_subdivide_sharp_curves: # For a healthy triangulation later self.subdivide_sharp_curves() if self.should_remove_null_curves: # Get rid of any null curves self.set_points(self.get_points_without_null_curves()) generate_points = init_points def handle_commands(self) -> None: all_points: list[np.ndarray] = [] last_move = None curve_start = None last_true_move = None def move_pen(pt, *, true_move: bool = False): nonlocal last_move, curve_start, last_true_move last_move = pt if curve_start is None: curve_start = last_move if true_move: last_true_move = last_move if self.n_points_per_curve == 4: def add_cubic(start, cp1, cp2, end): nonlocal all_points assert len(all_points) % 4 == 0, len(all_points) all_points += [start, cp1, cp2, end] move_pen(end) def add_quad(start, cp, end): add_cubic(start, (start + cp + cp) / 3, (cp + cp + end) / 3, end) move_pen(end) def add_line(start, end): add_cubic( start, (start + start + end) / 3, (start + end + end) / 3, end ) move_pen(end) else: def add_cubic(start, cp1, cp2, end): nonlocal all_points assert len(all_points) % 3 == 0, len(all_points) two_quads = get_quadratic_approximation_of_cubic( start, cp1, cp2, end, ) all_points += two_quads[:3].tolist() all_points += two_quads[3:].tolist() move_pen(end) def add_quad(start, cp, end): nonlocal all_points assert len(all_points) % 3 == 0, len(all_points) all_points += [start, cp, end] move_pen(end) def add_line(start, end): add_quad(start, (start + end) / 2, end) move_pen(end) for segment in self.path_obj: segment_class = segment.__class__ if segment_class == se.Move: move_pen(_convert_point_to_3d(*segment.end), true_move=True) elif segment_class == se.Line: add_line(last_move, _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.end)) elif segment_class == se.QuadraticBezier: add_quad( last_move, _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.control), _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.end), ) elif segment_class == se.CubicBezier: add_cubic( last_move, _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.control1), _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.control2), _convert_point_to_3d(*segment.end), ) elif segment_class == se.Close: # If the SVG path naturally ends at the beginning of the curve, # we do *not* need to draw a closing line. To account for floating # point precision, we use a small value to compare the two points. if abs(np.linalg.norm(last_move - last_true_move)) > 0.0001: add_line(last_move, last_true_move) curve_start = None else: raise AssertionError(f"Not implemented: {segment_class}") self.points = np.array(all_points, ndmin=2, dtype="float64") # If we have no points, make sure the array is shaped properly # (0 rows tall by 3 columns wide) so future operations can # add or remove points correctly. if len(all_points) == 0: self.points = np.reshape(self.points, (0, 3))