Source code for manim.scene.vector_space_scene

"""A scene suitable for vector spaces."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["VectorScene", "LinearTransformationScene"]

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

from manim.mobject.geometry.arc import Dot
from manim.mobject.geometry.line import Arrow, Line, Vector
from manim.mobject.geometry.polygram import Rectangle
from manim.mobject.graphing.coordinate_systems import Axes, NumberPlane
from manim.mobject.opengl.opengl_mobject import OpenGLMobject
from manim.mobject.text.tex_mobject import MathTex, Tex
from manim.utils.config_ops import update_dict_recursively

from .. import config
from ..animation.animation import Animation
from ..animation.creation import Create, Write
from ..animation.fading import FadeOut
from ..animation.growing import GrowArrow
from ..animation.transform import ApplyFunction, ApplyPointwiseFunction, Transform
from ..constants import *
from ..mobject.matrix import Matrix
from ..mobject.mobject import Mobject
from ..mobject.types.vectorized_mobject import VGroup, VMobject
from ..scene.scene import Scene
from ..utils.color import (
from ..utils.rate_functions import rush_from, rush_into
from ..utils.space_ops import angle_of_vector


# TODO: Much of this scene type seems dependent on the coordinate system chosen.
# That is, being centered at the origin with grid units corresponding to the
# arbitrary space units.  Change it!
# Also, methods I would have thought of as getters, like coords_to_vector, are
# actually doing a lot of animating.
[docs] class VectorScene(Scene): def __init__(self, basis_vector_stroke_width=6, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.basis_vector_stroke_width = basis_vector_stroke_width
[docs] def add_plane(self, animate: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Adds a NumberPlane object to the background. Parameters ---------- animate Whether or not to animate the addition of the plane via Create. **kwargs Any valid keyword arguments accepted by NumberPlane. Returns ------- NumberPlane The NumberPlane object. """ plane = NumberPlane(**kwargs) if animate:, lag_ratio=0.5)) self.add(plane) return plane
[docs] def add_axes(self, animate: bool = False, color: bool = WHITE, **kwargs): """ Adds a pair of Axes to the Scene. Parameters ---------- animate Whether or not to animate the addition of the axes through Create. color The color of the axes. Defaults to WHITE. """ axes = Axes(color=color, axis_config={"unit_size": 1}) if animate: self.add(axes) return axes
[docs] def lock_in_faded_grid(self, dimness: float = 0.7, axes_dimness: float = 0.5): """ This method freezes the NumberPlane and Axes that were already in the background, and adds new, manipulatable ones to the foreground. Parameters ---------- dimness The required dimness of the NumberPlane axes_dimness The required dimness of the Axes. """ plane = self.add_plane() axes = plane.get_axes() plane.fade(dimness) axes.set_color(WHITE) axes.fade(axes_dimness) self.add(axes) self.renderer.update_frame() = Camera(self.renderer.get_frame()) self.clear()
[docs] def get_vector(self, numerical_vector: np.ndarray | list | tuple, **kwargs): """ Returns an arrow on the Plane given an input numerical vector. Parameters ---------- numerical_vector The Vector to plot. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of Arrow. Returns ------- Arrow The Arrow representing the Vector. """ return Arrow( self.plane.coords_to_point(0, 0), self.plane.coords_to_point(*numerical_vector[:2]), buff=0, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_vector( self, vector: Arrow | list | tuple | np.ndarray, color: str = YELLOW, animate: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Returns the Vector after adding it to the Plane. Parameters ---------- vector It can be a pre-made graphical vector, or the coordinates of one. color The string of the hex color of the vector. This is only taken into consideration if 'vector' is not an Arrow. Defaults to YELLOW. animate Whether or not to animate the addition of the vector by using GrowArrow **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of Arrow. These are only considered if vector is not an Arrow. Returns ------- Arrow The arrow representing the vector. """ if not isinstance(vector, Arrow): vector = Vector(vector, color=color, **kwargs) if animate: self.add(vector) return vector
[docs] def write_vector_coordinates(self, vector: Arrow, **kwargs): """ Returns a column matrix indicating the vector coordinates, after writing them to the screen. Parameters ---------- vector The arrow representing the vector. **kwargs Any valid keyword arguments of :meth:`~.Vector.coordinate_label`: Returns ------- :class:`.Matrix` The column matrix representing the vector. """ coords = vector.coordinate_label(**kwargs) return coords
[docs] def get_basis_vectors(self, i_hat_color: str = X_COLOR, j_hat_color: str = Y_COLOR): """ Returns a VGroup of the Basis Vectors (1,0) and (0,1) Parameters ---------- i_hat_color The hex colour to use for the basis vector in the x direction j_hat_color The hex colour to use for the basis vector in the y direction Returns ------- VGroup VGroup of the Vector Mobjects representing the basis vectors. """ return VGroup( *( Vector(vect, color=color, stroke_width=self.basis_vector_stroke_width) for vect, color in [([1, 0], i_hat_color), ([0, 1], j_hat_color)] ) )
[docs] def get_basis_vector_labels(self, **kwargs): """ Returns naming labels for the basis vectors. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Any valid keyword arguments of get_vector_label: vector, label (str,MathTex) at_tip (bool=False), direction (str="left"), rotate (bool), color (str), label_scale_factor=VECTOR_LABEL_SCALE_FACTOR (int, float), """ i_hat, j_hat = self.get_basis_vectors() return VGroup( *( self.get_vector_label( vect, label, color=color, label_scale_factor=1, **kwargs ) for vect, label, color in [ (i_hat, "\\hat{\\imath}", X_COLOR), (j_hat, "\\hat{\\jmath}", Y_COLOR), ] ) )
[docs] def get_vector_label( self, vector: Vector, label, at_tip: bool = False, direction: str = "left", rotate: bool = False, color: str | None = None, label_scale_factor: float = LARGE_BUFF - 0.2, ): """ Returns naming labels for the passed vector. Parameters ---------- vector Vector Object for which to get the label. at_tip Whether or not to place the label at the tip of the vector. direction If the label should be on the "left" or right of the vector. rotate Whether or not to rotate it to align it with the vector. color The color to give the label. label_scale_factor How much to scale the label by. Returns ------- MathTex The MathTex of the label. """ if not isinstance(label, MathTex): if len(label) == 1: label = "\\vec{\\textbf{%s}}" % label label = MathTex(label) if color is None: color = vector.get_color() label.set_color(color) label.scale(label_scale_factor) label.add_background_rectangle() if at_tip: vect = vector.get_vector() vect /= np.linalg.norm(vect) label.next_to(vector.get_end(), vect, buff=SMALL_BUFF) else: angle = vector.get_angle() if not rotate: label.rotate(-angle, about_point=ORIGIN) if direction == "left": label.shift(-label.get_bottom() + 0.1 * UP) else: label.shift(-label.get_top() + 0.1 * DOWN) label.rotate(angle, about_point=ORIGIN) label.shift((vector.get_end() - vector.get_start()) / 2) return label
[docs] def label_vector( self, vector: Vector, label: MathTex | str, animate: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Shortcut method for creating, and animating the addition of a label for the vector. Parameters ---------- vector The vector for which the label must be added. label The MathTex/string of the label. animate Whether or not to animate the labelling w/ Write **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of get_vector_label Returns ------- :class:`~.MathTex` The MathTex of the label. """ label = self.get_vector_label(vector, label, **kwargs) if animate:, run_time=1)) self.add(label) return label
def position_x_coordinate( self, x_coord, x_line, vector, ): # TODO Write DocStrings for this. x_coord.next_to(x_line, -np.sign(vector[1]) * UP) x_coord.set_color(X_COLOR) return x_coord def position_y_coordinate( self, y_coord, y_line, vector, ): # TODO Write DocStrings for this. y_coord.next_to(y_line, np.sign(vector[0]) * RIGHT) y_coord.set_color(Y_COLOR) return y_coord
[docs] def coords_to_vector( self, vector: np.ndarray | list | tuple, coords_start: np.ndarray | list | tuple = 2 * RIGHT + 2 * UP, clean_up: bool = True, ): """ This method writes the vector as a column matrix (henceforth called the label), takes the values in it one by one, and form the corresponding lines that make up the x and y components of the vector. Then, an Vector() based vector is created between the lines on the Screen. Parameters ---------- vector The vector to show. coords_start The starting point of the location of the label of the vector that shows it numerically. Defaults to 2 * RIGHT + 2 * UP or (2,2) clean_up Whether or not to remove whatever this method did after it's done. """ starting_mobjects = list(self.mobjects) array = Matrix(vector) array.shift(coords_start) arrow = Vector(vector) x_line = Line(ORIGIN, vector[0] * RIGHT) y_line = Line(x_line.get_end(), arrow.get_end()) x_line.set_color(X_COLOR) y_line.set_color(Y_COLOR) x_coord, y_coord = array.get_mob_matrix().flatten(), run_time=1)) self.wait() ApplyFunction( lambda x: self.position_x_coordinate(x, x_line, vector), x_coord, ), ) animations = [ ApplyFunction( lambda y: self.position_y_coordinate(y, y_line, vector), y_coord, ), FadeOut(array.get_brackets()), ]*animations) y_coord, _ = (anim.mobject for anim in animations) self.wait() if clean_up: self.clear() self.add(*starting_mobjects)
[docs] def vector_to_coords( self, vector: np.ndarray | list | tuple, integer_labels: bool = True, clean_up: bool = True, ): """ This method displays vector as a Vector() based vector, and then shows the corresponding lines that make up the x and y components of the vector. Then, a column matrix (henceforth called the label) is created near the head of the Vector. Parameters ---------- vector The vector to show. integer_labels Whether or not to round the value displayed. in the vector's label to the nearest integer clean_up Whether or not to remove whatever this method did after it's done. """ starting_mobjects = list(self.mobjects) show_creation = False if isinstance(vector, Arrow): arrow = vector vector = arrow.get_end()[:2] else: arrow = Vector(vector) show_creation = True array = arrow.coordinate_label(integer_labels=integer_labels) x_line = Line(ORIGIN, vector[0] * RIGHT) y_line = Line(x_line.get_end(), arrow.get_end()) x_line.set_color(X_COLOR) y_line.set_color(Y_COLOR) x_coord, y_coord = array.get_entries() x_coord_start = self.position_x_coordinate(x_coord.copy(), x_line, vector) y_coord_start = self.position_y_coordinate(y_coord.copy(), y_line, vector) brackets = array.get_brackets() if show_creation:, Write(x_coord_start), run_time=1), Write(y_coord_start), run_time=1) self.wait() Transform(x_coord_start, x_coord, lag_ratio=0), Transform(y_coord_start, y_coord, lag_ratio=0), Write(brackets, run_time=1), ) self.wait() self.remove(x_coord_start, y_coord_start, brackets) self.add(array) if clean_up: self.clear() self.add(*starting_mobjects) return array, x_line, y_line
[docs] def show_ghost_movement(self, vector: Arrow | list | tuple | np.ndarray): """ This method plays an animation that partially shows the entire plane moving in the direction of a particular vector. This is useful when you wish to convey the idea of mentally moving the entire plane in a direction, without actually moving the plane. Parameters ---------- vector The vector which indicates the direction of movement. """ if isinstance(vector, Arrow): vector = vector.get_end() - vector.get_start() elif len(vector) == 2: vector = np.append(np.array(vector), 0.0) x_max = int(config["frame_x_radius"] + abs(vector[0])) y_max = int(config["frame_y_radius"] + abs(vector[1])) dots = VMobject( *( Dot(x * RIGHT + y * UP) for x in range(-x_max, x_max) for y in range(-y_max, y_max) ) ) dots.set_fill(BLACK, opacity=0) dots_halfway = dots.copy().shift(vector / 2).set_fill(WHITE, 1) dots_end = dots.copy().shift(vector), dots_halfway, rate_func=rush_into)), dots_end, rate_func=rush_from)) self.remove(dots)
[docs] class LinearTransformationScene(VectorScene): """ This scene contains special methods that make it especially suitable for showing linear transformations. Parameters ---------- include_background_plane Whether or not to include the background plane in the scene. include_foreground_plane Whether or not to include the foreground plane in the scene. background_plane_kwargs Parameters to be passed to :class:`NumberPlane` to adjust the background plane. foreground_plane_kwargs Parameters to be passed to :class:`NumberPlane` to adjust the foreground plane. show_coordinates Whether or not to include the coordinates for the background plane. show_basis_vectors Whether to show the basis x_axis -> ``i_hat`` and y_axis -> ``j_hat`` vectors. basis_vector_stroke_width The ``stroke_width`` of the basis vectors. i_hat_color The color of the ``i_hat`` vector. j_hat_color The color of the ``j_hat`` vector. leave_ghost_vectors Indicates the previous position of the basis vectors following a transformation. Examples ------- .. manim:: LinearTransformationSceneExample class LinearTransformationSceneExample(LinearTransformationScene): def __init__(self, **kwargs): LinearTransformationScene.__init__( self, show_coordinates=True, leave_ghost_vectors=True, **kwargs ) def construct(self): matrix = [[1, 1], [0, 1]] self.apply_matrix(matrix) self.wait() """ def __init__( self, include_background_plane: bool = True, include_foreground_plane: bool = True, background_plane_kwargs: dict | None = None, foreground_plane_kwargs: dict | None = None, show_coordinates: bool = False, show_basis_vectors: bool = True, basis_vector_stroke_width: float = 6, i_hat_color: ParsableManimColor = X_COLOR, j_hat_color: ParsableManimColor = Y_COLOR, leave_ghost_vectors: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.include_background_plane = include_background_plane self.include_foreground_plane = include_foreground_plane self.show_coordinates = show_coordinates self.show_basis_vectors = show_basis_vectors self.basis_vector_stroke_width = basis_vector_stroke_width self.i_hat_color = ManimColor(i_hat_color) self.j_hat_color = ManimColor(j_hat_color) self.leave_ghost_vectors = leave_ghost_vectors self.background_plane_kwargs = { "color": GREY, "axis_config": { "color": GREY, }, "background_line_style": { "stroke_color": GREY, "stroke_width": 1, }, } self.ghost_vectors = VGroup() self.foreground_plane_kwargs = { "x_range": np.array([-config["frame_width"], config["frame_width"], 1.0]), "y_range": np.array([-config["frame_width"], config["frame_width"], 1.0]), "faded_line_ratio": 1, } self.update_default_configs( (self.foreground_plane_kwargs, self.background_plane_kwargs), (foreground_plane_kwargs, background_plane_kwargs), ) @staticmethod def update_default_configs(default_configs, passed_configs): for default_config, passed_config in zip(default_configs, passed_configs): if passed_config is not None: update_dict_recursively(default_config, passed_config)
[docs] def setup(self): # The has_already_setup attr is to not break all the old Scenes if hasattr(self, "has_already_setup"): return self.has_already_setup = True self.background_mobjects = [] self.foreground_mobjects = [] self.transformable_mobjects = [] self.moving_vectors = [] self.transformable_labels = [] self.moving_mobjects = [] self.background_plane = NumberPlane(**self.background_plane_kwargs) if self.show_coordinates: self.background_plane.add_coordinates() if self.include_background_plane: self.add_background_mobject(self.background_plane) if self.include_foreground_plane: self.plane = NumberPlane(**self.foreground_plane_kwargs) self.add_transformable_mobject(self.plane) if self.show_basis_vectors: self.basis_vectors = self.get_basis_vectors( i_hat_color=self.i_hat_color, j_hat_color=self.j_hat_color, ) self.moving_vectors += list(self.basis_vectors) self.i_hat, self.j_hat = self.basis_vectors self.add(self.basis_vectors)
[docs] def add_special_mobjects(self, mob_list: list, *mobs_to_add: Mobject): """ Adds mobjects to a separate list that can be tracked, if these mobjects have some extra importance. Parameters ---------- mob_list The special list to which you want to add these mobjects. *mobs_to_add The mobjects to add. """ for mobject in mobs_to_add: if mobject not in mob_list: mob_list.append(mobject) self.add(mobject)
[docs] def add_background_mobject(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ Adds the mobjects to the special list self.background_mobjects. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The mobjects to add to the list. """ self.add_special_mobjects(self.background_mobjects, *mobjects)
# TODO, this conflicts with Scene.add_fore
[docs] def add_foreground_mobject(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ Adds the mobjects to the special list self.foreground_mobjects. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The mobjects to add to the list """ self.add_special_mobjects(self.foreground_mobjects, *mobjects)
[docs] def add_transformable_mobject(self, *mobjects: Mobject): """ Adds the mobjects to the special list self.transformable_mobjects. Parameters ---------- *mobjects The mobjects to add to the list. """ self.add_special_mobjects(self.transformable_mobjects, *mobjects)
[docs] def add_moving_mobject( self, mobject: Mobject, target_mobject: Mobject | None = None ): """ Adds the mobject to the special list self.moving_mobject, and adds a property to the mobject called, which keeps track of what the mobject will move to or become etc. Parameters ---------- mobject The mobjects to add to the list target_mobject What the moving_mobject goes to, etc. """ = target_mobject self.add_special_mobjects(self.moving_mobjects, mobject)
[docs] def get_ghost_vectors(self) -> VGroup: """ Returns all ghost vectors ever added to ``self``. Each element is a ``VGroup`` of two ghost vectors. """ return self.ghost_vectors
[docs] def get_unit_square( self, color: str = YELLOW, opacity: float = 0.3, stroke_width: float = 3 ): """ Returns a unit square for the current NumberPlane. Parameters ---------- color The string of the hex color code of the color wanted. opacity The opacity of the square stroke_width The stroke_width in pixels of the border of the square Returns ------- Square """ square = self.square = Rectangle( color=color, width=self.plane.get_x_unit_size(), height=self.plane.get_y_unit_size(), stroke_color=color, stroke_width=stroke_width, fill_color=color, fill_opacity=opacity, ) square.move_to(self.plane.coords_to_point(0, 0), DL) return square
[docs] def add_unit_square(self, animate: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Adds a unit square to the scene via self.get_unit_square. Parameters ---------- animate Whether or not to animate the addition with DrawBorderThenFill. **kwargs Any valid keyword arguments of self.get_unit_square() Returns ------- Square The unit square. """ square = self.get_unit_square(**kwargs) if animate: DrawBorderThenFill(square), Animation(Group(*self.moving_vectors)), ) self.add_transformable_mobject(square) self.bring_to_front(*self.moving_vectors) self.square = square return self
[docs] def add_vector( self, vector: Arrow | list | tuple | np.ndarray, color: str = YELLOW, **kwargs ): """ Adds a vector to the scene, and puts it in the special list self.moving_vectors. Parameters ---------- vector It can be a pre-made graphical vector, or the coordinates of one. color The string of the hex color of the vector. This is only taken into consideration if 'vector' is not an Arrow. Defaults to YELLOW. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of VectorScene.add_vector. Returns ------- Arrow The arrow representing the vector. """ vector = super().add_vector(vector, color=color, **kwargs) self.moving_vectors.append(vector) return vector
[docs] def write_vector_coordinates(self, vector: Arrow, **kwargs): """ Returns a column matrix indicating the vector coordinates, after writing them to the screen, and adding them to the special list self.foreground_mobjects Parameters ---------- vector The arrow representing the vector. **kwargs Any valid keyword arguments of VectorScene.write_vector_coordinates Returns ------- Matrix The column matrix representing the vector. """ coords = super().write_vector_coordinates(vector, **kwargs) self.add_foreground_mobject(coords) return coords
[docs] def add_transformable_label( self, vector: Vector, label: MathTex | str, transformation_name: str | MathTex = "L", new_label: str | MathTex | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Method for creating, and animating the addition of a transformable label for the vector. Parameters ---------- vector The vector for which the label must be added. label The MathTex/string of the label. transformation_name The name to give the transformation as a label. new_label What the label should display after a Linear Transformation **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of get_vector_label Returns ------- :class:`~.MathTex` The MathTex of the label. """ label_mob = self.label_vector(vector, label, **kwargs) if new_label: label_mob.target_text = new_label else: label_mob.target_text = "{}({})".format( transformation_name, label_mob.get_tex_string(), ) label_mob.vector = vector label_mob.kwargs = kwargs if "animate" in label_mob.kwargs: label_mob.kwargs.pop("animate") self.transformable_labels.append(label_mob) return label_mob
[docs] def add_title( self, title: str | MathTex | Tex, scale_factor: float = 1.5, animate: bool = False, ): """ Adds a title, after scaling it, adding a background rectangle, moving it to the top and adding it to foreground_mobjects adding it as a local variable of self. Returns the Scene. Parameters ---------- title What the title should be. scale_factor How much the title should be scaled by. animate Whether or not to animate the addition. Returns ------- LinearTransformationScene The scene with the title added to it. """ if not isinstance(title, (Mobject, OpenGLMobject)): title = Tex(title).scale(scale_factor) title.to_edge(UP) title.add_background_rectangle() if animate: self.add_foreground_mobject(title) self.title = title return self
[docs] def get_matrix_transformation(self, matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple): """ Returns a function corresponding to the linear transformation represented by the matrix passed. Parameters ---------- matrix The matrix. """ return self.get_transposed_matrix_transformation(np.array(matrix).T)
[docs] def get_transposed_matrix_transformation( self, transposed_matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple ): """ Returns a function corresponding to the linear transformation represented by the transposed matrix passed. Parameters ---------- transposed_matrix The matrix. """ transposed_matrix = np.array(transposed_matrix) if transposed_matrix.shape == (2, 2): new_matrix = np.identity(3) new_matrix[:2, :2] = transposed_matrix transposed_matrix = new_matrix elif transposed_matrix.shape != (3, 3): raise ValueError("Matrix has bad dimensions") return lambda point:, transposed_matrix)
[docs] def get_piece_movement(self, pieces: list | tuple | np.ndarray): """ This method returns an animation that moves an arbitrary mobject in "pieces" to its corresponding .target value. If self.leave_ghost_vectors is True, ghosts of the original positions/mobjects are left on screen Parameters ---------- pieces The pieces for which the movement must be shown. Returns ------- Animation The animation of the movement. """ v_pieces = [piece for piece in pieces if isinstance(piece, VMobject)] start = VGroup(*v_pieces) target = VGroup(*( for mob in v_pieces)) # don't add empty VGroups if self.leave_ghost_vectors and start.submobjects: # start.copy() gives a VGroup of Vectors self.ghost_vectors.add(start.copy().fade(0.7)) self.add(self.ghost_vectors[-1]) return Transform(start, target, lag_ratio=0)
[docs] def get_moving_mobject_movement(self, func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): """ This method returns an animation that moves a mobject in "self.moving_mobjects" to its corresponding .target value. func is a function that determines where the .target goes. Parameters ---------- func The function that determines where the .target of the moving mobject goes. Returns ------- Animation The animation of the movement. """ for m in self.moving_mobjects: if is None: = m.copy() target_point = func(m.get_center()) return self.get_piece_movement(self.moving_mobjects)
[docs] def get_vector_movement(self, func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]): """ This method returns an animation that moves a mobject in "self.moving_vectors" to its corresponding .target value. func is a function that determines where the .target goes. Parameters ---------- func The function that determines where the .target of the moving mobject goes. Returns ------- Animation The animation of the movement. """ for v in self.moving_vectors: = Vector(func(v.get_end()), color=v.get_color()) norm = np.linalg.norm( if norm < 0.1: return self.get_piece_movement(self.moving_vectors)
[docs] def get_transformable_label_movement(self): """ This method returns an animation that moves all labels in "self.transformable_labels" to its corresponding .target . Returns ------- Animation The animation of the movement. """ for label in self.transformable_labels: = self.get_vector_label(, label.target_text, **label.kwargs ) return self.get_piece_movement(self.transformable_labels)
[docs] def apply_matrix(self, matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple, **kwargs): """ Applies the transformation represented by the given matrix to the number plane, and each vector/similar mobject on it. Parameters ---------- matrix The matrix. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of self.apply_transposed_matrix() """ self.apply_transposed_matrix(np.array(matrix).T, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_inverse(self, matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple, **kwargs): """ This method applies the linear transformation represented by the inverse of the passed matrix to the number plane, and each vector/similar mobject on it. Parameters ---------- matrix The matrix whose inverse is to be applied. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of self.apply_matrix() """ self.apply_matrix(np.linalg.inv(matrix), **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_transposed_matrix( self, transposed_matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple, **kwargs ): """ Applies the transformation represented by the given transposed matrix to the number plane, and each vector/similar mobject on it. Parameters ---------- transposed_matrix The matrix. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of self.apply_function() """ func = self.get_transposed_matrix_transformation(transposed_matrix) if "path_arc" not in kwargs: net_rotation = np.mean( [angle_of_vector(func(RIGHT)), angle_of_vector(func(UP)) - np.pi / 2], ) kwargs["path_arc"] = net_rotation self.apply_function(func, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_inverse_transpose(self, t_matrix: np.ndarray | list | tuple, **kwargs): """ Applies the inverse of the transformation represented by the given transposed matrix to the number plane and each vector/similar mobject on it. Parameters ---------- t_matrix The matrix. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of self.apply_transposed_matrix() """ t_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.array(t_matrix).T).T self.apply_transposed_matrix(t_inv, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_nonlinear_transformation( self, function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], **kwargs ): """ Applies the non-linear transformation represented by the given function to the number plane and each vector/similar mobject on it. Parameters ---------- function The function. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of self.apply_function() """ self.plane.prepare_for_nonlinear_transform() self.apply_function(function, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_function( self, function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], added_anims: list = [], **kwargs, ): """ Applies the given function to each of the mobjects in self.transformable_mobjects, and plays the animation showing this. Parameters ---------- function The function that affects each point of each mobject in self.transformable_mobjects. added_anims Any other animations that need to be played simultaneously with this. **kwargs Any valid keyword argument of a call. """ if "run_time" not in kwargs: kwargs["run_time"] = 3 anims = ( [ ApplyPointwiseFunction(function, t_mob) for t_mob in self.transformable_mobjects ] + [ self.get_vector_movement(function), self.get_transformable_label_movement(), self.get_moving_mobject_movement(function), ] + [Animation(f_mob) for f_mob in self.foreground_mobjects] + added_anims )*anims, **kwargs)