Source code for manim.utils.tex_templates

"""A library of LaTeX templates."""
from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

from .tex import *

# This file makes TexTemplateLibrary and TexFontTemplates available for use in manim Tex and MathTex objects.

def _new_ams_template():
    """Returns a simple Tex Template with only basic AMS packages"""
    preamble = r"""
    return TexTemplate(preamble=preamble)

""" Tex Template preamble used by original upstream 3b1b """
_3b1b_preamble = r"""
\DisableLigatures{encoding = *, family = * }

# TexTemplateLibrary
[docs]class TexTemplateLibrary: """ A collection of basic TeX template objects Examples -------- Normal usage as a value for the keyword argument tex_template of Tex() and MathTex() mobjects:: ``Tex("My TeX code", tex_template=TexTemplateLibrary.ctex)`` """ default = TexTemplate(preamble=_3b1b_preamble) """An instance of the default TeX template in manim""" threeb1b = TexTemplate(preamble=_3b1b_preamble) """ An instance of the default TeX template used by 3b1b """ ctex = TexTemplate( tex_compiler="xelatex", output_format=".xdv", preamble=_3b1b_preamble.replace( r"\DisableLigatures{encoding = *, family = * }", r"\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex}", ), ) """An instance of the TeX template used by 3b1b when using the use_ctex flag""" simple = _new_ams_template() """An instance of a simple TeX template with only basic AMS packages loaded"""
# TexFontTemplates # # TexFontTemplates takes a font_id and returns the appropriate TexTemplate() # Usage: # my_tex_template = TexFontTemplates.font_id # # Note: not all of these will work out-of-the-box. # They may require specific fonts to be installed on the local system. # For example TexFontTemplates.comic_sans will only work if the Microsoft font 'Comic Sans' # is installed on the local system. # # More information on these templates, along with example output can be found at #" # # # Choices for font_id are: # # american_typewriter : "American Typewriter" # antykwa : "Antykwa Półtawskiego (TX Fonts for Greek and math symbols)" # apple_chancery : "Apple Chancery" # auriocus_kalligraphicus : "Auriocus Kalligraphicus (Symbol Greek)" # baskervald_adf_fourier : "Baskervald ADF with Fourier" # baskerville_it : "Baskerville (Italic)" # biolinum : "Biolinum" # brushscriptx : "BrushScriptX-Italic (PX math and Greek)" # chalkboard_se : "Chalkboard SE" # chalkduster : "Chalkduster" # comfortaa : "Comfortaa" # comic_sans : "Comic Sans MS" # droid_sans : "Droid Sans" # droid_sans_it : "Droid Sans (Italic)" # droid_serif : "Droid Serif" # droid_serif_px_it : "Droid Serif (PX math symbols) (Italic)" # ecf_augie : "ECF Augie (Euler Greek)" # ecf_jd : "ECF JD (with TX fonts)" # ecf_skeetch : "ECF Skeetch (CM Greek)" # ecf_tall_paul : "ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font)" # ecf_webster : "ECF Webster (with TX fonts)" # electrum_adf : "Electrum ADF (CM Greek)" # epigrafica : Epigrafica # fourier_utopia : "Fourier Utopia (Fourier upright Greek)" # french_cursive : "French Cursive (Euler Greek)" # gfs_bodoni : "GFS Bodoni" # gfs_didot : "GFS Didot (Italic)" # gfs_neoHellenic : "GFS NeoHellenic" # gnu_freesans_tx : "GNU FreeSerif (and TX fonts symbols)" # gnu_freeserif_freesans : "GNU FreeSerif and FreeSans" # helvetica_fourier_it : "Helvetica with Fourier (Italic)" # latin_modern_tw_it : "Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional (CM Greek) (Italic)" # latin_modern_tw : "Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional" # libertine : "Libertine" # libris_adf_fourier : "Libris ADF with Fourier" # minion_pro_myriad_pro : "Minion Pro and Myriad Pro (and TX fonts symbols)" # minion_pro_tx : "Minion Pro (and TX fonts symbols)" # new_century_schoolbook : "New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek)" # new_century_schoolbook_px : "New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek, PX math symbols)" # noteworthy_light : "Noteworthy Light" # palatino : "Palatino (Symbol Greek)" # papyrus : "Papyrus" # romande_adf_fourier_it : "Romande ADF with Fourier (Italic)" # slitex : "SliTeX (Euler Greek)" # times_fourier_it : "Times with Fourier (Italic)" # urw_avant_garde : "URW Avant Garde (Symbol Greek)" # urw_zapf_chancery : "URW Zapf Chancery (CM Greek)" # venturis_adf_fourier_it : "Venturis ADF with Fourier (Italic)" # verdana_it : "Verdana (Italic)" # vollkorn_fourier_it : "Vollkorn with Fourier (Italic)" # vollkorn : "Vollkorn (TX fonts for Greek and math symbols)" # zapf_chancery : "Zapf Chancery" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # # # # # # # # # Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional lmtp = _new_ams_template() lmtp.description = "Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional" lmtp.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[variablett]{lmodern} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{\ttdefault} \usepackage[LGRgreek]{mathastext} \MTgreekfont{lmtt} % no lgr lmvtt, so use lgr lmtt \Mathastext \let\varepsilon\epsilon % only \varsigma in LGR """, ) # Fourier Utopia (Fourier upright Greek) fufug = _new_ams_template() fufug.description = "Fourier Utopia (Fourier upright Greek)" fufug.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[upright]{fourier} \usepackage{mathastext} """, ) # Droid Serif droidserif = _new_ams_template() droidserif.description = "Droid Serif" droidserif.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[default]{droidserif} \usepackage[LGRgreek]{mathastext} \let\varepsilon\epsilon """, ) # Droid Sans droidsans = _new_ams_template() droidsans.description = "Droid Sans" droidsans.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[default]{droidsans} \usepackage[LGRgreek]{mathastext} \let\varepsilon\epsilon """, ) # New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek) ncssg = _new_ams_template() ncssg.description = "New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek)" ncssg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{newcent} \usepackage[symbolgreek]{mathastext} \linespread{1.1} """, ) # French Cursive (Euler Greek) fceg = _new_ams_template() fceg.description = "French Cursive (Euler Greek)" fceg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[default]{frcursive} \usepackage[eulergreek,noplusnominus,noequal,nohbar,% nolessnomore,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) # Auriocus Kalligraphicus (Symbol Greek) aksg = _new_ams_template() aksg.description = "Auriocus Kalligraphicus (Symbol Greek)" aksg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{aurical} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{AuriocusKalligraphicus} \usepackage[symbolgreek]{mathastext} """, ) # Palatino (Symbol Greek) palatinosg = _new_ams_template() palatinosg.description = "Palatino (Symbol Greek)" palatinosg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{palatino} \usepackage[symbolmax,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # Comfortaa comfortaa = _new_ams_template() comfortaa.description = "Comfortaa" comfortaa.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[default]{comfortaa} \usepackage[LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi \linespread{1.06} """, ) # ECF Augie (Euler Greek) ecfaugieeg = _new_ams_template() ecfaugieeg.description = "ECF Augie (Euler Greek)" ecfaugieeg.add_to_preamble( r""" \renewcommand\familydefault{fau} % emerald package \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,eulergreek]{mathastext} """, ) # Electrum ADF (CM Greek) electrumadfcm = _new_ams_template() electrumadfcm.description = "Electrum ADF (CM Greek)" electrumadfcm.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[LGRgreek,basic,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \usepackage[lf]{electrum} \Mathastext \let\varphi\phi """, ) # American Typewriter americantypewriter = _new_ams_template() americantypewriter.description = "American Typewriter" americantypewriter.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{American Typewriter} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) americantypewriter.tex_compiler = "xelatex" americantypewriter.output_format = ".xdv" # Minion Pro and Myriad Pro (and TX fonts symbols) mpmptx = _new_ams_template() mpmptx.description = "Minion Pro and Myriad Pro (and TX fonts symbols)" mpmptx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[upright]{txgreeks} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro} \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text,Scale=MatchUppercase]{Myriad Pro} \renewcommand\familydefault\sfdefault \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \renewcommand\familydefault\rmdefault """, ) mpmptx.tex_compiler = "xelatex" mpmptx.output_format = ".xdv" # New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek, PX math symbols) ncssgpxm = _new_ams_template() ncssgpxm.description = "New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek, PX math symbols)" ncssgpxm.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pxfonts} \usepackage{newcent} \usepackage[symbolgreek,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \linespread{1.06} """, ) # Vollkorn (TX fonts for Greek and math symbols) vollkorntx = _new_ams_template() vollkorntx.description = "Vollkorn (TX fonts for Greek and math symbols)" vollkorntx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[upright]{txgreeks} \usepackage{vollkorn} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # Libertine libertine = _new_ams_template() libertine.description = "Libertine" libertine.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage[greek=n]{libgreek} \usepackage[noasterisk,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # SliTeX (Euler Greek) slitexeg = _new_ams_template() slitexeg.description = "SliTeX (Euler Greek)" slitexeg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{tpslifonts} \usepackage[eulergreek,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \MTEulerScale{1.06} \linespread{1.2} """, ) # ECF Webster (with TX fonts) ecfwebstertx = _new_ams_template() ecfwebstertx.description = "ECF Webster (with TX fonts)" ecfwebstertx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[upright]{txgreeks} \renewcommand\familydefault{fwb} % emerald package \usepackage{mathastext} \renewcommand{\int}{\intop\limits} \linespread{1.5} """, ) ecfwebstertx.add_to_document( r""" \mathversion{bold} """, ) # Romande ADF with Fourier (Italic) italicromandeadff = _new_ams_template() italicromandeadff.description = "Romande ADF with Fourier (Italic)" italicromandeadff.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{fourier} \usepackage{romande} \usepackage[italic,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} \renewcommand{\itshape}{\swashstyle} """, ) # Apple Chancery applechancery = _new_ams_template() applechancery.description = "Apple Chancery" applechancery.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Apple Chancery} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) applechancery.tex_compiler = "xelatex" applechancery.output_format = ".xdv" # Zapf Chancery zapfchancery = _new_ams_template() zapfchancery.description = "Zapf Chancery" zapfchancery.add_to_preamble( r""" \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{pzc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{it}{<->s*[1.2] pzcmi8t}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{} \usepackage{chancery} % = \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pzc} \renewcommand\shapedefault\itdefault \renewcommand\bfdefault\mddefault \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \linespread{1.05} """, ) # Verdana (Italic) italicverdana = _new_ams_template() italicverdana.description = "Verdana (Italic)" italicverdana.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Verdana} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,italic]{mathastext} """, ) italicverdana.tex_compiler = "xelatex" italicverdana.output_format = ".xdv" # URW Zapf Chancery (CM Greek) urwzccmg = _new_ams_template() urwzccmg.description = "URW Zapf Chancery (CM Greek)" urwzccmg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{pzc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{it}{<->s*[1.2] pzcmi8t}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{mb}{sl}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pzc}{m}{n}{<->ssub * pzc/mb/it}{} \usepackage{chancery} \usepackage{mathastext} \linespread{1.05}""", ) urwzccmg.add_to_document( r""" \boldmath """, ) # Comic Sans MS comicsansms = _new_ams_template() comicsansms.description = "Comic Sans MS" comicsansms.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Comic Sans MS} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) comicsansms.tex_compiler = "xelatex" comicsansms.output_format = ".xdv" # GFS Didot (Italic) italicgfsdidot = _new_ams_template() italicgfsdidot.description = "GFS Didot (Italic)" italicgfsdidot.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \renewcommand\rmdefault{udidot} \usepackage[LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes,italic]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi """, ) # Chalkduster chalkduster = _new_ams_template() chalkduster.description = "Chalkduster" chalkduster.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Chalkduster} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) chalkduster.tex_compiler = "lualatex" chalkduster.output_format = ".pdf" # Minion Pro (and TX fonts symbols) mptx = _new_ams_template() mptx.description = "Minion Pro (and TX fonts symbols)" mptx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Minion Pro} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) mptx.tex_compiler = "xelatex" mptx.output_format = ".xdv" # GNU FreeSerif and FreeSans gnufsfs = _new_ams_template() gnufsfs.description = "GNU FreeSerif and FreeSans" gnufsfs.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text, BoldFont=FreeSerifBold, ItalicFont=FreeSerifItalic, BoldItalicFont=FreeSerifBoldItalic]{FreeSerif} \setsansfont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text, BoldFont=FreeSansBold, ItalicFont=FreeSansOblique, BoldItalicFont=FreeSansBoldOblique, Scale=MatchLowercase]{FreeSans} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{lmss} \usepackage[LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \Mathastext \let\varphi\phi % no `var' phi in LGR encoding \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault} """, ) gnufsfs.tex_compiler = "xelatex" gnufsfs.output_format = ".xdv" # GFS NeoHellenic gfsneohellenic = _new_ams_template() gfsneohellenic.description = "GFS NeoHellenic" gfsneohellenic.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{neohellenic} \usepackage[LGRgreek]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi \linespread{1.06} """, ) # ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font) ecftallpaul = _new_ams_template() ecftallpaul.description = "ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font)" ecftallpaul.add_to_preamble( r""" \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ftp}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ftp}{m}{n}{ <->s*[1.4] ftpmw8t }{} % increase size by factor 1.4 \renewcommand\familydefault{ftp} % emerald package \usepackage[symbol]{mathastext} \let\infty\inftypsy """, ) # Droid Sans (Italic) italicdroidsans = _new_ams_template() italicdroidsans.description = "Droid Sans (Italic)" italicdroidsans.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[default]{droidsans} \usepackage[LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes,italic]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi """, ) # Baskerville (Italic) italicbaskerville = _new_ams_template() italicbaskerville.description = "Baskerville (Italic)" italicbaskerville.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Baskerville} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,italic]{mathastext} """, ) italicbaskerville.tex_compiler = "xelatex" italicbaskerville.output_format = ".xdv" # ECF JD (with TX fonts) ecfjdtx = _new_ams_template() ecfjdtx.description = "ECF JD (with TX fonts)" ecfjdtx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[upright]{txgreeks} \renewcommand\familydefault{fjd} % emerald package \usepackage{mathastext} """, ) ecfjdtx.add_to_document( r"""\mathversion{bold} """, ) # Antykwa Półtawskiego (TX Fonts for Greek and math symbols) aptxgm = _new_ams_template() aptxgm.description = "Antykwa Półtawskiego (TX Fonts for Greek and math symbols)" aptxgm.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[OT4,OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage{txfonts} \usepackage[upright]{txgreeks} \usepackage{antpolt} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,nolessnomore]{mathastext} """, ) # Papyrus papyrus = _new_ams_template() papyrus.description = "Papyrus" papyrus.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Papyrus} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) papyrus.tex_compiler = "xelatex" papyrus.output_format = ".xdv" # GNU FreeSerif (and TX fonts symbols) gnufstx = _new_ams_template() gnufstx.description = "GNU FreeSerif (and TX fonts symbols)" gnufstx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \usepackage{txfonts} %\let\mathbb=\varmathbb \setmainfont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text, BoldFont=FreeSerifBold, ItalicFont=FreeSerifItalic, BoldItalicFont=FreeSerifBoldItalic]{FreeSerif} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) gnufstx.tex_compiler = "xelatex" gnufstx.output_format = ".pdf" # ECF Skeetch (CM Greek) ecfscmg = _new_ams_template() ecfscmg.description = "ECF Skeetch (CM Greek)" ecfscmg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{fsk}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{fsk}{m}{n}{<->s*[1.315] fskmw8t}{} \renewcommand\rmdefault{fsk} \usepackage[noendash,defaultmathsizes,nohbar,defaultimath]{mathastext} """, ) # Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional (CM Greek) (Italic) italiclmtpcm = _new_ams_template() italiclmtpcm.description = "Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional (CM Greek) (Italic)" italiclmtpcm.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[variablett,nomath]{lmodern} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\ttdefault} \usepackage[frenchmath]{mathastext} \linespread{1.08} """, ) # Baskervald ADF with Fourier baskervaldadff = _new_ams_template() baskervaldadff.description = "Baskervald ADF with Fourier" baskervaldadff.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[upright]{fourier} \usepackage{baskervald} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) # Droid Serif (PX math symbols) (Italic) italicdroidserifpx = _new_ams_template() italicdroidserifpx.description = "Droid Serif (PX math symbols) (Italic)" italicdroidserifpx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pxfonts} \usepackage[default]{droidserif} \usepackage[LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes,italic,basic]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi """, ) # Biolinum biolinum = _new_ams_template() biolinum.description = "Biolinum" biolinum.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{libertine} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \usepackage[greek=n,biolinum]{libgreek} \usepackage[noasterisk,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # Vollkorn with Fourier (Italic) italicvollkornf = _new_ams_template() italicvollkornf.description = "Vollkorn with Fourier (Italic)" italicvollkornf.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{fourier} \usepackage{vollkorn} \usepackage[italic,nohbar]{mathastext} """, ) # Chalkboard SE chalkboardse = _new_ams_template() chalkboardse.description = "Chalkboard SE" chalkboardse.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Chalkboard SE} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) chalkboardse.tex_compiler = "xelatex" chalkboardse.output_format = ".xdv" # Noteworthy Light noteworthylight = _new_ams_template() noteworthylight.description = "Noteworthy Light" noteworthylight.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Noteworthy Light} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # Epigrafica epigrafica = _new_ams_template() epigrafica.description = "Epigrafica" epigrafica.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[LGR,OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage{epigrafica} \usepackage[basic,LGRgreek,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi \linespread{1.2} """, ) # Libris ADF with Fourier librisadff = _new_ams_template() librisadff.description = "Libris ADF with Fourier" librisadff.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[upright]{fourier} \usepackage{libris} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \usepackage[noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) # Venturis ADF with Fourier (Italic) italicvanturisadff = _new_ams_template() italicvanturisadff.description = "Venturis ADF with Fourier (Italic)" italicvanturisadff.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{fourier} \usepackage[lf]{venturis} \usepackage[italic,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) # GFS Bodoni gfsbodoni = _new_ams_template() gfsbodoni.description = "GFS Bodoni" gfsbodoni.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{bodoni} \usepackage[LGRgreek]{mathastext} \let\varphi\phi \linespread{1.06} """, ) # BrushScriptX-Italic (PX math and Greek) brushscriptxpx = _new_ams_template() brushscriptxpx.description = "BrushScriptX-Italic (PX math and Greek)" brushscriptxpx.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{pxfonts} %\usepackage{pbsi} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pbsi} \renewcommand{\mddefault}{xl} \renewcommand{\bfdefault}{xl} \usepackage[defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) brushscriptxpx.add_to_document( r"""\boldmath """, ) brushscriptxpx.tex_compiler = "xelatex" brushscriptxpx.output_format = ".xdv" # URW Avant Garde (Symbol Greek) urwagsg = _new_ams_template() urwagsg.description = "URW Avant Garde (Symbol Greek)" urwagsg.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{avant} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \usepackage[symbolgreek,defaultmathsizes]{mathastext} """, ) # Times with Fourier (Italic) italictimesf = _new_ams_template() italictimesf.description = "Times with Fourier (Italic)" italictimesf.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage{fourier} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} \usepackage[italic,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, ) # Helvetica with Fourier (Italic) italichelveticaf = _new_ams_template() italichelveticaf.description = "Helvetica with Fourier (Italic)" italichelveticaf.add_to_preamble( r""" \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{fourier} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{phv} \usepackage[italic,defaultmathsizes,noasterisk]{mathastext} """, )
[docs]class TexFontTemplates: """ A collection of TeX templates for the fonts described at These templates are specifically designed to allow you to typeset formulae and mathematics using different fonts. They are based on the mathastext LaTeX package. Examples --------- Normal usage as a value for the keyword argument tex_template of Tex() and MathTex() mobjects:: ``Tex("My TeX code", tex_template=TexFontTemplates.comic_sans)`` Notes ------ Many of these templates require that specific fonts are installed on your local machine. For example, choosing the template TexFontTemplates.comic_sans will not compile if the Comic Sans Microsoft font is not installed. To experiment, try to render the TexFontTemplateLibrary example scene: ``manim path/to/manim/example_scenes/ TexFontTemplateLibrary -p -ql`` """ american_typewriter = americantypewriter """American Typewriter""" antykwa = aptxgm """Antykwa Półtawskiego (TX Fonts for Greek and math symbols)""" apple_chancery = applechancery """Apple Chancery""" auriocus_kalligraphicus = aksg """Auriocus Kalligraphicus (Symbol Greek)""" baskervald_adf_fourier = baskervaldadff """Baskervald ADF with Fourier""" baskerville_it = italicbaskerville """Baskerville (Italic)""" biolinum = biolinum """Biolinum""" brushscriptx = brushscriptxpx """BrushScriptX-Italic (PX math and Greek)""" chalkboard_se = chalkboardse """Chalkboard SE""" chalkduster = chalkduster """Chalkduster""" comfortaa = comfortaa """Comfortaa""" comic_sans = comicsansms """Comic Sans MS""" droid_sans = droidsans """Droid Sans""" droid_sans_it = italicdroidsans """Droid Sans (Italic)""" droid_serif = droidserif """Droid Serif""" droid_serif_px_it = italicdroidserifpx """Droid Serif (PX math symbols) (Italic)""" ecf_augie = ecfaugieeg """ECF Augie (Euler Greek)""" ecf_jd = ecfjdtx """ECF JD (with TX fonts)""" ecf_skeetch = ecfscmg """ECF Skeetch (CM Greek)""" ecf_tall_paul = ecftallpaul """ECF Tall Paul (with Symbol font)""" ecf_webster = ecfwebstertx """ECF Webster (with TX fonts)""" electrum_adf = electrumadfcm """Electrum ADF (CM Greek)""" epigrafica = epigrafica """ Epigrafica """ fourier_utopia = fufug """Fourier Utopia (Fourier upright Greek)""" french_cursive = fceg """French Cursive (Euler Greek)""" gfs_bodoni = gfsbodoni """GFS Bodoni""" gfs_didot = italicgfsdidot """GFS Didot (Italic)""" gfs_neoHellenic = gfsneohellenic """GFS NeoHellenic""" gnu_freesans_tx = gnufstx """GNU FreeSerif (and TX fonts symbols)""" gnu_freeserif_freesans = gnufsfs """GNU FreeSerif and FreeSans""" helvetica_fourier_it = italichelveticaf """Helvetica with Fourier (Italic)""" latin_modern_tw_it = italiclmtpcm """Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional (CM Greek) (Italic)""" latin_modern_tw = lmtp """Latin Modern Typewriter Proportional""" libertine = libertine """Libertine""" libris_adf_fourier = librisadff """Libris ADF with Fourier""" minion_pro_myriad_pro = mpmptx """Minion Pro and Myriad Pro (and TX fonts symbols)""" minion_pro_tx = mptx """Minion Pro (and TX fonts symbols)""" new_century_schoolbook = ncssg """New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek)""" new_century_schoolbook_px = ncssgpxm """New Century Schoolbook (Symbol Greek, PX math symbols)""" noteworthy_light = noteworthylight """Noteworthy Light""" palatino = palatinosg """Palatino (Symbol Greek)""" papyrus = papyrus """Papyrus""" romande_adf_fourier_it = italicromandeadff """Romande ADF with Fourier (Italic)""" slitex = slitexeg """SliTeX (Euler Greek)""" times_fourier_it = italictimesf """Times with Fourier (Italic)""" urw_avant_garde = urwagsg """URW Avant Garde (Symbol Greek)""" urw_zapf_chancery = urwzccmg """URW Zapf Chancery (CM Greek)""" venturis_adf_fourier_it = italicvanturisadff """Venturis ADF with Fourier (Italic)""" verdana_it = italicverdana """Verdana (Italic)""" vollkorn_fourier_it = italicvollkornf """Vollkorn with Fourier (Italic)""" vollkorn = vollkorntx """Vollkorn (TX fonts for Greek and math symbols)""" zapf_chancery = zapfchancery """Zapf Chancery"""